He is more inclined to…
No matter what, you must not take the initiative to provoke the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge!
He understood it clearly in his heart.
Scary monsters like the Seventh Young Master were far from being able to be provoked by people of his level.
And to provoke the Seventh Young Master for the sake of two medicine men?
Xu Fu thinks.
This is absolutely insane behavior! .
Chapter 186 Martial Dao Grandmaster? It’s him? Shocked Shi Lan! 【Please customize】
“Give up!”
“I will never say any clues and information about our Shushan Wu clan.”
“Since you have caught him now, he will die.”
“Kill us…”
Yu Ziqi was pinned down on the ground and couldn’t move, but he still looked very rebellious, his face was full of determination without hesitation.
His eyes were full of despair, his face was ashen, and he had no hope at all.
Being captured alive by the empire’s cavalry army made him hardly think that he would be able to escape from the empire’s well-trained 100,000 cavalry army.
Death is so close!
His little life is only in the time of the other party’s thought~.
He doesn’t expect much.
The general in front of him, Meng Tianhui, let them go.
This is obviously not realistic.
“Even if we die, we will never reveal any news about Shushan.”
“I advise you to give up.”
Yu Ziqi snorted coldly, with a strong will to die between his brows.
Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, without saying a word.
Feeling the two sharp bronze swords around her neck, she couldn’t make any moves at all.
Like Yu Ziqi, she also felt an unprecedented threat of death.
This time, I’m afraid it is really doomed!
Surrounded and captured by hundreds of thousands of cavalry troops, how can they escape smoothly?
is it possible?
Of course it is impossible!
After all, the two of them are just first-rate fighters, not the top powerhouses in the innate realm.
Even if it is the top powerhouse in the innate realm, facing the siege of hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry, it is absolutely impossible to escape from it.
As for them?
Then there is no such possibility.
If both of them are fully prepared, they may be able to use the strange witchcraft of Shushan to find the way to escape.Opportunity.
They lurked into the 100,000 cavalry army this time, and they were not too fully prepared, but it was purely a temporary intention.
If they are not prepared, many magical witchcrafts will naturally be unable to perform.
Unable to perform some witchcraft to escape from the Jedi, just relying on the strength and realm of their first-class warriors, it is basically considered a complete stop.
“I don’t know if you will die or not.”
“Similarly, I have no right to ask about your life and death.”
“The only one who can decide your life and death is the Seventh Young Master!”
“And I’m not qualified enough.”
“So, don’t say those words to me, because it doesn’t make sense.”
“I have no right to interfere with your life or death.”
Meng Tian glanced at Yu Ziqi indifferently, without any emotion in his tone.
Yu Ziqi’s pupils shrank slightly.
Obviously, he couldn’t predict that Meng Tian would say such words.
This also shows.
Among the 100,000 cavalry on this trip, there is an existence with a higher status than Meng Tian, ​​the great general of the empire!
who is it? !
first timing.
Yu Ziqi thought of it.
The target that the two brothers and sisters were going to deal with before!
The man of great status and status in the carriage!
Is it him?
It should be that he can’t make a mistake!
That person’s identity is so high?
How could even Meng Tian, ​​the famous general of the empire, be ashamed of himself?
Where is it sacred?
Who is the big man sitting in the carriage?
“No matter how much you think about it, it won’t help.”
“If we can successfully hold that big man in the carriage hostage, our Shushan will usher in a huge turning point.”
“But there is only one chance of life, just relying on our two brothers and sisters, it is really powerless!”
Yu Ziqi sighed helplessly.
As soon as the subject changed, he suddenly looked at Meng Tian, ​​gritted his teeth and asked, “I really want to know, how did you notice us? Logically speaking, we obviously didn’t do anything unusual.”
This huge question and confusion is deeply entwined in Yu Ziqi’s heart.
It made him puzzled.
I can’t think of a reason when I think about it.
Immediately, Shi Lan’s beautiful eyes also stared at Meng Tian, ​​with deep doubts appearing on her immature and pretty face.
“Want to know?”
“Your lurking is indeed perfect, even I haven’t noticed any abnormalities.”
“The only pity is…”
“You have encountered a terrifying existence!”
“It can only be said that you are too unlucky.”
Meng Tian let out a sigh.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s reminder, he would also not have noticed that two lurkers had sneaked into the team.
Mentioning this matter, Meng Tian’s admiration for Ying Changge became stronger and stronger.
Seeing the puzzled eyes of Yu Ziqi’s two brothers and sisters, Meng Tian sneered and pointed to the carriage: “Did you see that carriage? Was your initial target the one in the carriage?”
Hearing this, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan fell silent.
Meng Tian’s words really touched their hearts.
Their initial target was the big man in the carriage!
Although I don’t know who the other party is.
But being able to be protected by a hundred thousand elite cavalry is enough to show how prominent the other party’s identity is.
“I’m not afraid to tell you.”
“The one who noticed that you were mixed into the 100,000 cavalry army was the one sitting in the carriage.”
“You probably understand now.”
“The target you are trying to coerce, what a terrifying existence is the other party?”
“You want to target the person in the carriage? I have to say that you guys are too bold!”
“Even I didn’t expect…”
“Where did you get the guts? You just ate the guts of a bear!”
“The one sitting in the carriage is the most well-deserved strongest among our 100,000 cavalry army!”
“How dare you try to do something to that one? It’s really ignorant and fearless.”

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