When Li Si led the army back to Xianyang City, the Quicksand Organization led Gongshu Qiu to pursue the anti-Qin elements, and they would surely be able to find out the location of the Mohist organ city as they wished.
By working together, efficiency can be maximized.
“A few days ago, news and intelligence came from the empire.”
“The Mohist family and the remnants of the remnant party of the Chu State appeared in the area around Sanchuan County. If there is no accident, they will definitely not return to the Mohist institution city within a certain period of time.”
“Mr. Wei Zhuang, the leader of Gongshu, you can start from here and go after these anti-Qin elements.”
“After you have thoroughly figured out the mechanism city of the Mohist family, General Meng Tian must have led his army to leave Xianyang City.”
“At that time, General Meng Tian will cooperate with you. Therefore, after breaking through the Mohist organ city in one fell swoop, we will launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the anti-Qin elements.”
“What do you two think about this?”
Li Si slowly revealed all his plans for dealing with the anti-Qin elements.
Now even if Li Si and the others led the army to follow the Quicksand Organization and pursue the Mohist and other anti-Qin elements together, they might not be able to find out the exact location of the Mohist Trap City within a short period of time.
If it is impossible to find out the location of the Mohist organ city, then no matter how many anti-Qin elements are wiped out, it will be meaningless.
As long as there is an organ city, these anti-Qin elements can be given time to recuperate.
Only by completely destroying the organ city of the Mohists can these anti-Qin elements be prevented from growing.
This is the way to do it once and for all.
It was precisely because of this that Li Si did not choose to lead his army to follow the Quicksand Organization and others, all the way to pursue the anti-Qin elements such as the Mohists. Instead, he chose to return to Xianyang City and report to the First Emperor Yingzheng.
Before the Mohist organ city was identified, all the action plans against the Mohist and other anti-Qin elements were just small troubles.
The organ city must be completely destroyed in order to destroy the place where these anti-Qin elements recuperate.
Only in this way can these anti-Qin elements be completely eradicated and recharge their batteries.
simply put.
The organ city is not destroyed for a day, no matter how many anti-Qin factions are destroyedChildren are useless.
The most dangerous thing to the empire is the Mohist Trick City, a fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.
If the fortress of the organ city cannot be breached, these anti-Qin elements will have sufficient time and place to recharge their energy and reserve more troops to plan a rebellion.
If you want to completely destroy the alliance and rebellion of the anti-Qin elements, the most important thing is to destroy the Mohist institution city!
Of course, Li Si knew this well.
He believes.
Wei Zhuang and Gong Shuchou must be able to understand.
“Master Xiangguo is right.”
Gong Shuchou nodded.
After thinking for a moment, he already understood the key points of Li Si’s plan.
“Then, according to what Lord Xiangguo said, I will pursue the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements together with the head of Gongshu, and force them to return to the Mohist organ city.”
“Then, when they return to the Mohist Trick City.”
“In this way, let’s find out the detailed location of the Mohist organ city!”
Wei Zhuang thought for a moment, then spoke slowly.
Naturally, he would not veto Li Si’s plan.
It is really not appropriate to go to war without finding out the exact location of the organ city.
Only when you find the hidden location of the Mohist organ city is the real moment of action.
“I will congratulate the two of you in advance for a successful start.”
Li Si cupped his fists.
“Master Xiangguo is too serious.”
Gong Shuchou quickly returned the gift.
“Let’s leave the rest to Quicksand.”
Wei Zhuang maintained a cold face as always.
that’s it.
The plans that the three parties were about to implement were sorted out by Li Si from beginning to end.
First of all, it is necessary to find out the location of the Mohist organ city.
This is the top priority!
Before the location of the Mohist organ city is found out, no matter how many Mohist disciples are wiped out, it will not be able to stop these anti-Qin elements from recharging their energy.
While the Quicksand organization was chasing down the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements, and finding out where the Mohist institutions were located.
the other side.
Li Si led the army back to Xianyang, and reported all the actions of the trip to Yingzheng, the first emperor. Then, he proposed to dispatch General Meng Tian to personally lead the Golden Fire Cavalry for reinforcements.
The three forces all started to encircle and suppress the Mohist organ city!
This will ensure that nothing goes wrong.
In the case of a public loser, the head of the public loses his hatred, it can ensure that the Mohist mechanism city is broken, so that the empire’s cavalry can smoothly break into the mechanism city and kill all directions.
According to the information that Li Si received a few days ago.
A few days ago, there were traces and whereabouts of Mohist disciples in Sanchuan County.
As long as you grab the tail of this group of Mohist disciples, and then chase them along the way, you will be able to find the exact location of the Mohist Trick City smoothly.
This is Li Si’s plan!
How to find the location of the Mohist organ city in the vast sea of ​​people?
This is as difficult as heaven!
We can only investigate from these Mohist disciples.
As long as these Mohist disciples are forced hard enough, they will naturally think of returning to the Mohist Trick City to try to avoid the pursuit.  …
But they don’t know.
Their return to the Mohist Trick City was exactly what they wanted, and it was also the core of Li Si’s plan.
Using Mohist disciples…
Come to find the location of the Mohist organ city!
Come and wait for the rabbit!
This plan, presumably the Mohist disciples will not be able to detect it.
Even if they were really aware of it, under the strong threat of life and death pursuit, they could only hold their noses to recognize it, and lead the way for the empire to find the exact location of the Mohist organ city.
And take advantage of the quicksand organization and Gongshuchou and others to go after the Mohist elements and investigate the location of the Mohist organization in their free time.
Li Si could then lead his army back to Xianyang City in his spare time.
Before finding out the location of the Mohism mechanism, there is almost no difference between him and his absence.
the rest…
It is possible to let General Meng Tian lead the Golden Fire Cavalry, and then organize them to find out the location of the organ city according to the quicksand, and then go to the Mohist institution city to start an encirclement and suppression operation.
“Everyone, let’s part for the time being.”
“I hope that Mr. Wei Zhuang and the master Gongshu can bring some good news to the empire.”
“I will keep it intact and report everyone’s contributions to His Majesty the First Emperor.”
In the end, Li Si left only these words.
In less than a moment.
Li Si announced his departure.
The purpose of this trip to leave Xianyang City has been half completed.
The quicksand organization was successfully invited, and the contemporary head of the public loser, Gong Shuqiu, was also invited.
Both parties have agreed to cooperate with the empire to wipe out the anti-Qin elements!
And this is the core goal of Li Si’s plan in the early stage!
Now that half of the plan is completed, it is time to return to Xianyang City to return to life.
As for the rest of the encirclement and suppression of anti-Qin elements?
The probability that Li Si can participate and interfere is not too great.
His original goal was to invite these two rivers and lakes forces to target the anti-Qin elements.
To rush into the battle to encircle and suppress the anti-Qin elements, one still needs to know Meng Tian, ​​the great general of the empire.
That is.
For the rest of these tedious matters, Li Si will not participate too much.
He can already announce his retirement.
“My lord, let’s leave now.”
“The next thing will be fully entrusted to the Quicksand Organization and the leader of Gongshu.”
“I believe that they will be able to complete it perfectly.”
Li Si looked at Ying Changge with a very respectful tone and posture.
Ying Changge nodded calmly.

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