With Ying Changge’s body as the center, an invisible wall with a radius of half a meter seemed to form, and the invisible wall forcibly blocked the shark’s teeth.
Terrible gravitational energy wrapped Ying Changge’s body in all directions to protect it.
Beyond half a meter, no object can try to approach, all will be repelled and bounced away!
Including the shark teeth that contain the power of the hundred-step flying sword, it will not be an exception!
The shark teeth kept trying to defeat Ying Changge’s gravitational repulsion, but they couldn’t do it all the time. The friction between the blade and this gravitational repulsion flashed dazzling fire.
The black hair wrapped around the shark’s tooth blade gradually seemed to have weakened a lot, and its size also became very small, no longer as intimidating as before.
“Hold the hundred-step flying sword from the air?”
“I think……”
“In the whole world, I am the only one who dares to do this.”
“Only I can do it!”
Ying Changge smiled.
Before even touching the blade of the shark’s teeth, he was pushed by the terrifying gravity to repel it from the air, intercepting and blocking it from the front!
Who can emulate such an astonishing feat?
No one can do it!
This is the only case in the world!
With a thought, Ying Changge’s body exploded again with even more terrifying gravitational repulsion.
In a moment…
Gravity is even more terrifying.
next second.
The shocking sword energy and sharp edge contained in the shark teeth were all dissolved and wiped out by the gravity released by Ying Changge’s body.
The black thread wrapped around the blade was even more cracked inch by inch on the spot…
The power of the Hundred Step Flying Sword was completely canceled out…
It came from a hundred-step flying sword released by a martial arts master with all its strength, and its power was completely wiped out.
Without the support of this force, Shark Tooth has become an ordinary demon sword, which no longer has any destructive power, and is about to fall from a high altitude.
Just before the shark teeth fell to the ground.
The terrifying gravitational repulsion from Ying Changge’s body forcefully knocked the shark’s teeth away dozens of meters away.
A shock wave set off by the overwhelming gravity completely covered the blade of the shark tooth.
Just for a split second.
Accompanied by a loud bang.
The shark tooth was knocked tens of meters away on the spot and flew upside down in the airIt was tumbling and spinning crazily.
The shark teeth were thrown nearly a hundred meters away by the shock wave, and the sharp blade pierced directly into the cracks in the ground.
Under the influence of the terrifying shock wave, when the shark teeth pierced into the ground, the blade was still under the interference of the terrifying shock force, and it was buzzing and trembling wildly.
so far.
The hundred-step flying sword was successfully blocked and intercepted.
Ying Changge wiped out all his power from the air without any effort.
Half a meter apart…
With just one thought on 4.9, Ying Changge blocked Wei Zhuang’s full-strength hundred-step flying sword with his bare hands!
No damage at all!
Do not!
More precisely.
During the whole process, the shark’s teeth failed to touch Ying Changge’s clothes.
Even the sharp sword energy contained in the shark’s teeth could not touch a single hair of Ying Changge.
Such an astonishing move can be described as unprecedented!
Ying Changge calmed down the terrifying gravity wrapped around his body at will.
In the blink of an eye, he returned to his original calm appearance.
The terrifying gravity completely retracts the body…
And from the beginning to the end, he never left the place where he was standing.
Facing Wei Zhuang’s full-strength Hundred-Step Flying Sword, Ying Changge didn’t even move an inch.
The difference from just now is…
The complete ground that Ying Changge was standing on just now, has been repulsed and bombarded by gravity and collapsed into a deep pit with a radius of nearly ten meters.
At this time, Ying Changge was quietly standing in the most sunken core area of ​​the deep pit.
The area with a radius of more than ten meters was completely sunken and collapsed.
The extremely dilapidated environment and landforms made Ying Changge’s figure very eye-catching and prominent!
The breeze came gently.
The dust that was originally blown up gradually began to fall slowly from the high altitude after losing the scrolling of the shock wave.
Ying Changge, who was under the deep pit, was completely unscathed.
He was dressed in white clothes fluttering in the wind, with long flowing hair hanging down the shawl, and a perfect handsome face, which set off his unique temperament to be extraordinarily detached, showing his peerless demeanor.
this moment.
The audience was dead silent!
All directions fell into an atmosphere of extreme silence!
There was no sound! .
Chapter 138 Shocking the audience! The Juggernaut is also my defeat! 【7/7 for customization】
The atmosphere is particularly weird!
Pairs of eyes full of shock, horror, and disbelief gathered on Ying Changge at this moment.
quite a while.
The Canglang King’s throat rolled, and he couldn’t help swallowing.
He was stunned.
Just now……
what did he see
It’s not a dream, is it?
The Canglang King couldn’t even dream of imagining the scene that just happened before his eyes!
All of this simply subverts cognition!
The Canglang King looked at Ying Changge, and then at Ying Changge again. The broken ground where the latter was located felt creepy.
In the end what happened?
The whole land seems to be completely destroyed!
so horrible!
The Canglang King couldn’t believe it for the rest of his life.
One day, he would actually witness such unimaginable horrors with his own eyes.
The area with a radius of more than ten meters was completely collapsed by the forcible impact of the terrifying force just now. The whole land seemed to be flattened in an instant, riddled with holes.
“This this……”
“what’s going on?!”
The Canglang King’s throat was dry, and he couldn’t help opening his mouth, a burst of horror and speechlessness.
His voice broke the eerie and silent atmosphere of the scene.

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