Even the swordsmanship he uses will appear extraordinarily domineering!
“Won’t you cooperate with the weak?”
“The empire doesn’t need the cooperation of the weak!”
“Mr. Wei Zhuang, don’t disappoint me.”
“Let me see, what is the difference between Mr. Wei Zhuang, the two descendants of Guigu’s lineage, and Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
Ying Changge said with a smile.
“I will definitely not let you down!”
Wei Zhuang snorted coldly.
His eyes became more and more fierce, and the coldness emanating from his whole body was biting biting.
The internal force wrapped around his body turned into crimson sword energy and wrapped around the blade of the shark’s teeth, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to plummet a little.
for a while.
The sword is on the verge of breaking out!
A murderous spirit arose spontaneously.
The atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.
Dead silence!
Pairs of nervous, apprehensive, and worried eyes fixed on Wei Zhuang and Ying Changge.
On the side of the Quicksand Organization, Bai Feng, Chi Lian, and Cang Lang Wang expressed concern about Wei Zhuang, because they knew the terror of the Seventh Young Master on the opposite side.
On the other hand, on the side of the empire, Li Si and Meng Ying were also worried about Ying Changge. They couldn’t guarantee whether their young master could win Wei Zhuang steadily.
Only Shao Siming was very calm, his beautiful face hidden under the veil hardly showed any emotional ups and downs, and his beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge full of trust.
she believes.
In this duel right now, Ying Changge’s odds of winning will obviously be higher!
after all.
As early as the mid-innate realm, the Seventh Young Master had already forcibly injured the left guardian star soul of the Yin Yang family!
Now the Seventh Young Master who has broken into the late Xiantian…
The strength will never be inferior to any martial arts master!
Even Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, is no exception!
“Late stage?”
“It seems that this Seventh Young Master is indeed an incredible genius!”
“I, will lose to a mere congenital late stage?”
“Are you kidding me!”
The proud Wei Zhuang felt deeply disapproving.
How could he lose to a congenital late stage master?
With the idea of ​​being undefeated, Wei Zhuang brewed up the determination to win, the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more violent, and the aura exuding from his body became more and more terrifying and surging.
The battle broke out!
Holding the shark teeth in Wei Zhuang’s hand, he mobilized the terrifying and pure internal force in his whole body, turning it into sharp sword energy and entwining the blade.
In an instant, he threw out the shark’s teeth that were wrapped in monstrous sword energy in his hand.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Shark teeth filled with shocking blood, entwined with sharp sword qi, directly escaped from Wei Zhuang’s palm, and then turned into an off-string arrow piercing the sky.
Aim at Ying Changge!
The sharp shark teeth seemed to cut through the space, and there was a piercing sound of piercing the air.
Tear the air!
Cut through the void!
This sword completely got rid of Wei Zhuang’s hand.
A flying sword aimed at Ying Changge’s direction from the air and attacked.
“Hundred Step Flying Sword!”
Wei Zhuang was expressionless, watching Fei quietly.The scene of the sword rushing forward.
As soon as he makes a move, it is a hundred-step flying sword with the best vertical swordsmanship!
Wei Zhuang also knows the hundred-step flying sword. Although his attainments are far inferior to Gai Nie’s, it is definitely not something that can be compared with ordinary Jianghu stunts.
The shark’s teeth turned into flying swords, and the exploding air squeezed the space, twisting and trembling continuously.
The space seems to be unable to bear this force, and it may collapse at any time.
Incomparable terrifying power erupted from the blade of the shark tooth.
Wherever I go…
The sword energy is about to cut off everything in the world!
The shocking sword energy soared to the sky!
The sharp air pierces all directions!
hold head high!
There was a beep.
The black body was suddenly condensed from sword energy, wrapped around the blade of the shark’s teeth, and carried an overwhelming sense of violent oppression.
Heilong, born of sword energy and internal force, is the main body of the core offensive force of the Hundred Step Flying Sword.
“This sword…”
“Seventh Young Master, can you stop it?”
Wei Zhuang sneered.
Will he lose to a mere congenital late stage?
Then let everyone keep their eyes open and watch!
To deal with mere congenital late stages, you can instantly kill the opponent with a single sword strike!
Wei Zhuang is confident.
Although his hundred-step flying sword was inferior to his senior brother Gai Nie, this sword was definitely enough to instantly kill the blind Seventh Young Master in front of him on the spot.
.. . . 0
One sword is enough to instantly kill a mere innate late stage!
All over the world…
There are only a handful of people who can block this sword!
But Wei Zhuang didn’t think so.
Only Ying Changge, who was born in the late stage of cultivation, can stop him, a master of martial arts, from bursting out with all his strength, and unleashes the supreme swordsmanship hundred-step flying sword!
This is absolutely impossible!
When he saw that Wei Zhuang made a move, he decisively used the hundred-step flying sword, the highest vertical sword technique. Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others were deeply astonished, and they couldn’t help but fix their eyes on Ying Changge.
“Can you stop it?”
“This is Master Wei Zhuang’s full-strength hundred-step flying sword!”
“Although the power may be far inferior to that of Sword Saint Gaine, it is by no means something that can be blocked so easily.”
Chi Lian thought to himself.
“This sword can instantly kill me!”
“Seventh Young Master, in what way will you intercept it?”
Bai Feng took a deep breath, staring closely at the changes on the battlefield.
the other side.
Li Si and Meng Ying’s palms were also sweating, feeling uneasy.
“Hundred Step Flying Sword?!”
“One of the two great skills of Guigu? The sword that kills the enemy’s head from a hundred steps away?”
“Wei Zhuang’s shot is lore?”

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