She dared not try to do it again.
she worried.
If she continues to provoke the other party, her own end will be very miserable!
In view of how terrifying the other party was, she subconsciously didn’t want Wei Zhuang to have too much contact with him.
Although she was deeply confident in Wei Zhuang’s strength, Ying Changge in front of her brought her an unfathomable and strong sense of crisis.
If possible, she didn’t want Ying Changge and Wei Zhuang to meet, for fear that the two would fight.
In this way, she was even more worried that Wei Zhuang would lose!
“I must be crazy!”
“I can’t believe it in my dreams. One day, I actually think that Master Wei Zhuang will lose to others?”
“Master Wei Zhuang is obviously an invincible existence!”
Chi Lian quickly forcibly suppressed the worries in his heart.
She gritted her teeth and kept letting herself get rid of these distracting thoughts in her head.
Chi Lian regained some calm thinking, took a deep look at Ying Changge, and then said to Li Si: “Master Xiangguo, please forgive me for offending you just now.”
“Next, I will lead you to meet Lord Wei Zhuang.”
When facing Ying Changge, subconsciously, she still felt faint and panicked.
“Then His Highness Lao Chilian will guide us.”
Li Si nodded.
Seeing the change in Chi Lian’s attitude, he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.
Of course, he is well aware of all these changes, all because of his son’s terrifying strength!
If it weren’t for the strength of his own son, he would have been deeply impressed by this group of quicksand killers.
I’m afraid.
He, Li Si, wanted to go so smoothly, so he followed Chi Lian and went all the way to meet Wei Zhuang, the head of the Quicksand organization…
This is almost impossible.
After all.
Or because the seventh son is too strong!
It has become so strong that the group of rebellious people from the Quicksand Organization are shivering and terrified by the terrifying strength of their own son.
This is the main reason why the killers of these quicksand organizations behaved so obediently.
“Young master, let’s go.”
Li Si reminded Ying Changge with a look of awe and admiration.
He can imagine.
If it wasn’t for Ying Changge, he would never have been received so solemnly by the Quicksand Organization.
Even if his status is as high as the prime minister of the court, or even if he is under one person and over ten thousand people, he will never be treated so solemnly by the Quicksand Organization.
Ying Changge nodded.
Under the leadership of Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others.
Ying Changge and Li Si walked side by side, on both sides of Ying Changge’s back, Mengying followed on the left, and Shao Siming followed on the right.
A group of less than ten people walked all the way to the core area of ​​the mountain forest ahead.
on the way.
The three people in the quicksand organization who were leading the way, met each other’s eyes, as if using their eyes to convey some unknown news.
“Now, you should be clear.”
“Why did I stop you just now, are you going to test the behavior of that monster?”
“There are some existences that you and I cannot provoke.”
“It’s also fortunate that you didn’t go too far. Otherwise, if the person behind is serious, your life will definitely be taken away in an instant!”
Bai Feng’s face was serious, and he didn’t mean to be joking at all.
Recalling the scene when he himself was killed in seconds.
He firmly believes.
With Chi Lian’s strength, in the hands of that monster, he might be instantly killed if he couldn’t make one move!
“I understand.”
“did not expect……”
“Among the people sent by the empire, there is such a terrifying existence hidden!”
“This is what I neglected.”
“The most frightening thing is that we didn’t have any information about him before.”
“‘ 〃Even now, we can only know that he is a noble and noble son, that’s all.”
“As for the others, why is his strength so terrifying, why are his martial arts moves so weird…”
“We, the Quicksand Organization, know nothing about all this.”
“This man is like a mystery!”
“Simply unfathomable!”
Chi Lian said with lingering fear.
“Are you afraid too? This is really rare.”
“With your personality, you are actually so afraid and fearful of a person?”
Bai Feng’s eyes were strange.
“Aren’t you afraid? If you weren’t afraid, you wouldn’t be shivering just now.”
“You and I feel sorry for each other, everyone is mutual.”
“Speaking of which, it’s also the first time I’ve seen it.”
“Bai Fenghuang, who has always been arrogant, unexpectedly has times of fear and timidity.”
“Today, it can be said to have opened my eyes.”
Chi Lian rolled his eyes, and glanced at Bai Feng with a mocking expression.
Hearing this, Bai Feng was speechless.
Can’t refute!
He is indeed scared!
Facing Ying Changge, how could heCan you keep calm?
It can be said.
The fight with Ying Changge was the most painful defeat that Bai Feng had ever experienced in his life!
Even losing to Wei Zhuang would not give Bai Feng such a sense of powerlessness and despair.
This kind of powerlessness and despair was the first time in Bai Feng’s life that he experienced it from someone else.
And this person is Ying Changge!
For a terrifying existence that can easily ignite the powerlessness and despair in his heart, it is certainly impossible for Bai Feng to maintain a normal mind.
His fear of Ying Changge has gradually been carved into his bones!
It must be unforgettable in this life.
This can be described as…
Bai Feng has already been psychologically shadowed by Ying Changge!
In conclusion.
The defeat in this battle was so miserable, Bai Feng didn’t think it was the reason why he was too weak.
In fact, he is more inclined to…
The enemy is too scary!
Enemies are too monsters!
This is the main reason for his fiasco.
“Facing this kind of monster, isn’t it normal for me to lose?”
“There is one thing to say, I am afraid that Lord Wei Zhuang will go out in person, and it is very likely that he will be defeated!”
“This monster, relying on the mid-innate stage, was able to severely injure and defeat the Sword Saint Gai Nie. Now he has grown to the cultivation level of the late-stage innate…”
“If Master Wei Zhuang meets, the probability of defeat is extremely high!”
Bai Feng thought to himself.
Not only Bai Feng thought so, but the Canglang King also had the same thoughts and opinions.

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