Mengying is a little tightZhang put his feet back and looked at the snakes scattered in all directions with a vigilant expression.
Seeing this large area of ​​colorful poisonous snakes, even Meng Ying felt his scalp tingling.
The quantity is simply too much!
There may be eight hundred poisonous snakes here, if not one thousand.
Each poisonous snake has a different color. It can be seen that these are a group of extremely poisonous snakes. Once bitten, they may die on the spot.
“His Royal Highness Chi Lian, what are you?”
Li Si frowned, and looked at Chi Lian quietly.
He can be sure.
All of this was definitely caused by Chi Lian in front of him.
Even though he was surrounded by snakes, Li Si still maintained a calm mind, and even questioned Chi Lian directly, without any anxiety or nervousness at all.
Shao Siming, who was beside Ying Changge, was also indifferent.
It was as if all the happenings in the world could not attract her calm mind.
She glanced at the snakes on the ground with her beautiful eyes. The beautiful face hidden under the veil did not show any emotion, let alone the slightest fear.
Like Shao Siming’s expression, Ying Changge also maintained a plain and natural expression from the beginning to the end.
“Could it be that……”
“Is this the quicksand way of hospitality?”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, and he spoke meaningfully.
Get off your horse?
People from the Quicksand organization, still want to give themselves and others a blow?
That’s really not a long memory!
There was the Canglang King in the front, and the White Phoenix in the back…
Isn’t the fate of the two obvious enough?
The people in the quicksand organization seem to be a group of rebellious one-liners, who don’t know how to advance or retreat at all!
That being the case…
Well then, make a deep impression on the Quicksand Organization!
Ying Changge had a playful expression.
in particular……
The one in front of him is trying to test his Chi Lian!
Be sure to leave an incomparably deep and indelible impression on the other party!
Sensing the swarm of snakes gathering from all directions, Bai Feng and Canglang King panicked.
They hurriedly ran to Chi Lian’s side, their eyes full of horror, they hurriedly lowered their voices to dissuade him.
“Stop your crazy 4.9 moves!”
“Do you know what you are doing at this very moment?”
“You’re trying to provoke a monster!”
“You actually tried to anger an extremely terrifying existence!”
“You are looking for your own death!”
“Immediately, immediately stop your temptation.”
“That monster is not something we can try to provoke. Only Master Wei Zhuang has the qualifications to test the opponent. And you, including us, do not have such qualifications.”
Bai Feng and Canglang King were terrified.
Their tone was full of seriousness, panic, and heart palpitations, and they kept trying to stop Chi Lian’s crazy actions.
In their eyes.
Chi Lian’s behavior now is simply playing with fire and setting himself on fire!
Taking the initiative to provoke such a terrifying monster?
Is this too long?
Bai Feng and Canglang King knew Ying Changge’s horror well.
When they noticed Chi Lian’s temptation, the two of them were almost scared out of their wits, and immediately turned pale to stop Chi Lian’s next crazy move.
Chi Lian’s current behavior really scared them a lot.
It almost stopped the hearts of both of them.
Especially Bai Feng.
He couldn’t figure it out at all.
Where did Chi Lian have the courage and guts to test the terrifying existence that even he would never dare to provoke?
This stupid woman…
Now it is simply a crazy temptation on the way to death!
after all.
Even Gai Nie, the world’s number one sword saint, was brutally defeated by a powerful monster! .
Chapter 133 Gravity Shocks Everywhere! Scared people silly on the spot! 【2/7 for customization】
“Don’t be nervous, it’s just a small temptation.”
“It’ll be fine.”
“I said you two, must you be scared out of your wits?”
“That kid, is he really as scary as you describe? Even Lord Wei Zhuang can’t do anything about him? Are you kidding me?”
“How strong Master Wei Zhuang is, I believe you guys know better than me!”
“But this kid is only a young man, and also suffers from blindness. Under such circumstances, how could he threaten Lord Wei Zhuang?”
Chi Lian did not take it seriously for Bai Feng and Canglang King’s nervousness and apprehension.
She looked at Ying Changge solemnly, with curiosity and anticipation in her eyes.
Although she will not fully believe what Bai Feng and others said.
But she felt the same way.
The young blind man in front of him is by no means an ordinary person!
But how scary exactly?
Then we have to try it out to find out.
This is how Chi Lian summoned the group of snakes to test him now.
She would love to see it.
This unfathomable young son, what is the background and depth of the other party.
Faced with Chi Lian’s disapproval, Bai Feng and Canglang King were completely panicked.
They didn’t expect it.
They all warned Chi Lian so solemnly, but the other party still dismissed them, did not take their warnings seriously, and even felt that they were exaggerating.
this moment.
Bai Feng and Canglang King looked at each other, both showing deep helplessness.
no solution anymore.
I can’t persuade you!
Can’t stop!
But think about it.
The two of them couldn’t help but think back.
It came from the fear dominated by Ying Changge!
Thinking of this, the two of them shuddered.
“This is your courting death, don’t blame us for not reminding you.”
“Your behavior will kill everyone, and everyone in the quicksand organization will pay a heavy price for your behavior!”
The Canglang King was in a heavy heart.
Who is that Seventh Young Master?
Only relying on the innate mid-term cultivation realm, he can forcefully hit theThe terrifying existence of the defeated sword saint Gai Nie!
The opponent has also crossed from the mid-innate stage to the late-innate stage.
One can imagine.

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