This is Bai Feng’s strongest ultimate move.
Relying on his peak speed, he transformed into six clones.
Because the speed is too fast, this move has almost perfect defensive ability!
The afterimages of the six clones of Baifeng floated continuously, entangled around Baifeng’s body, making his figure look very strange and hazy, and the innate qi he exuded was particularly terrifying.
The appearance of six clones made Bai Feng’s self-confidence swell to the extreme.
He is confident.
With this move, it can definitely threaten Ying Changge in front of him.
“Boy, this is my strongest move!”
“If you can still hold back…”
“Then I admit defeat!”
“Conversely, if you can’t stop it, you may die.”
Bai Feng’s tone was cold, and his eyes were full of sharp eyes fixed on Ying Changge.
This is his strongest move, if you don’t succeed, you will succeed!
Whether it can be done or not depends on this move!
“The strongest move?”
“That’s it?”
Ying Changge smiled.
Phoenix Dance Six Illusions?
Phantom six clones?
such a pity……
It’s just a visual illusion after all.
And I have no so-called vision at all!
Of course I won’t fall for this trick!
What I have is more terrifying insight than naked eye vision!
The perfect level of knowledgeable domineering!
“Perhaps for others, your trick is really difficult and tricky.”
“Have you ever thought about it?”
“I don’t have vision at all. The visual illusion you created will never affect my thinking and judgment.”
“In my opinion, your move is full of loopholes!”
Ying Changge’s smile looked a little weird.
Bai Feng’s pupils shrank.
He forced himself to remain calm, staring at Ying Changge more and more cautiously.
He almost forgot.
Ying Changge in front of him is actually a blind man who is blind.
Feng Wu Liu Huan is powerful, it can transform into six clones.
If the other party blocked his inner vision, he would naturally not be able to fall for Feng Wu Liu Huan’s trick!
“Damn it!”
“The Phoenix Dance and Six Illusions can’t beat me!”
“This terrible monster!”
For a while, Bai Feng thought a lot.
His face became increasingly ugly.
Phoenix Dance and Six Illusions, it is very likely that it will completely fail when facing Ying Changge in front of you!
With a heavy heart, Baifeng chose to put all his eggs in one basket.
It’s just his strongest move, he can only useEverything is bet on this move.
If not, he will also lose if he continues to fight for a long time!
Might as well…
Simply fight to the death!
In this case, there may be a slight chance of winning!
Feeling the heavy burden suppressed by his body, Bai Feng’s face became more and more heavy and ugly, his fists were clenched tightly, his eyes were full of vigilance and solemnity.
An unprecedented sense of oppression enveloped Bai Feng’s heart.
Bai Feng thinks.
This is definitely the most difficult battle he has ever experienced in his life.
Even in the face of Wei Zhuang, he has never been so powerless.
The deep sense of powerlessness brought unprecedented despair to Bai Feng.
Facing Ying Changge, Bai Feng felt boundless powerlessness and despair.
The other party is terrible!
It’s so powerful!
Bai Feng always felt it.
The fight against Ying Changge was even more stressful than the fight against the two Wei Zhuangs!
This discovery stunned Bai Feng.
Exhaling heavily, Bai Feng eased the stressful mood.
He broke out to attack without hesitation.
The six clones of Feng Wu Liu’s phantasmagoria launched an attack on Ying Changge without any dead ends at the same time.
Launch a swift attack on Ying Changge from all angles!
And Baifeng’s every move is impossible to hide under Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering insight.
“‘ 〃Choose a fight to the death?”
“Courage is commendable and commendable.”
“Still meaningless!”
Ying Changge shook his head.
The six white phoenixes of Feng Wu Liu Huan launched a siege to Ying Changge from all places such as front, rear, left, right, and above the head, with almost no loopholes.
Actually, it’s just an illusion.
And the real Baifeng…
However, he has always been under the insight of Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering.
When the clones attacked one by one, Ying Changge ignored them, but directly aimed at Bai Feng’s real body, and a terrifying force of gravity erupted.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
An extremely surging gravity turned into gravitational force, erupting from between the palms of Ying Changge’s right hand, forming a huge attraction to Bai Feng’s real body.
The incomparable absorption force completely envelops Bai Feng’s body, so that the action he originally wanted to make a sudden stop abruptly and was forcibly suspended.
When he felt the terrifying gravitational force sweeping his body, his face changed drastically, and he stared at Ying Changge in horror: “What kind of trick is this?!”
What is the method?
Can it affect your own body?
Suck on your body?
This trick is simply unheard of!
Before Bai Feng could react, his body suddenly rose into the air.
This shocked Bai Feng.
what’s the situation? !
The body soars into the air uncontrollably?
real or fake?
This is not an illusion, is it?
What kind of trick did this monster use?
He was able to absorb his body to where he was!
At this moment, Bai Feng’s mind became particularly chaotic.

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