A person with blind eyes can avoid his own attack so accurately, which makes Bai Feng wonder what the reason is!
Gritting his teeth, Bai Feng continued to attack decisively.
The feather blade in his hand was very sharp, a bit sharper than ordinary bronze swords, and it added to Baifeng’s surging innate qi, making it even more terrifying and infinitely powerful.
Feather blade pierced the sky, attacking and killing Ying Changge one after another.
The sharp feathered blade shone with a halo, carrying bursts of icy cold light.
Bai Feng realized it in horror.
No matter how he attacks…
No matter how sophisticated and meticulous the attack method is planned, the final result is still the same.
All the attacks are helpless against Ying Changge in front of him!
They were all dodged!
Without exception!
Every move was avoided very cleverly.
That is.
From the beginning to the end, he failed to touch the corner of Ying Changge’s clothes at all.
This made Bai Feng unacceptable.
He has always been proud of his own speed, but he can’t even touch the corner of his opponent’s clothes?
This is simply the greatest shame!
“I do not believe!”
Bai Feng’s face flushed red, she was full of ugliness, and she looked particularly embarrassed at this moment.
He couldn’t believe it.
One day, he would actually become the object of being teased by others.
This is the game!
Bai Feng felt aggrieved like never before.
He is known as the king of speed.
On weekdays, facing the vast majority of martial arts practitioners in the arena, it is he who takes the lead in the battle.
With his frightening speed, he can easily play tricks on the enemy, so that the enemy can’t even touch his clothes.
It’s like a cat playing with a mouse…
But Baifeng never dreamed of it.
Today, it’s his turn to be teased by others!
Being played like a mouse by others!
This made Bai Feng, who had always been proud, naturally unable to accept all this.
His mentality is about to completely collapse!
“What kind of monster is this?”
Seeing that Ying Changge in front of him closed his eyes, he was still able to dodge his meticulous attacks one after another in a calm and calm manner.
Bai Feng completely doubted life.
in the past.
Only he can rely on his peak lightness and speed to play tricks on the enemybetween.
At this moment.
He himself has become the object of other people’s teasing!
This sharp contrast caused Bai Feng’s mentality to collapse.
Chapter 129: Vientiane Tianyin Shows Its Power Again! Capture the head of the Four Heavenly Kings with one hand! 【5/7 for customization】
“Damn it!”
Bai Feng, who was played like a mouse, felt unprecedented shame, his heart was full of aggrieved and angry, and his eyes were burning with anger.
Who is he?
He is the white phoenix, the head of the four heavenly kings of the quicksand organization!
King of birds!
It is also the existence that countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes are frightened by the news!
This moment.
Is it that a strong man like him is being tricked by a blind man who is weak?
Playing in the palm of your hand like a mouse?
Bai Feng clenched her fists tightly, her eyes fixed on Ying Changge.
His arrogance made him unable to accept this kind of thing.
“I can’t possibly lose!”
“I will never lose to a blind man in a weak crown!”
Bai Feng glared at Ying Changge.
Every move was dodged!
Is this really a blind man who is blind in both eyes?
Can the blind have such terrifying insight?
This is impossible!
Bai Feng said that he could not accept it.
He is no longer calm and calm, his face is full of aggrieved and angry, showing a embarrassed and ferocious face, and his eyes are even more bloodshot and frightened.
He was scared by Ying Changge!
Bai Fenghuang, the head of the four heavenly kings of quicksand, felt a slight sense of fear in his heart at this moment.
With the thought of killing, Bai Feng put all his energy and attention into the current battlefield.
His attacks are getting faster and more terrifying!
The final result is without exception.
All attacks were dodged by Ying Changge.
“Are you in a hurry?”
With a playful expression on Ying Changge’s face, he spoke with great interest.
With his perfect domineering level of knowledge, he was able to see very keenly that Bai Feng’s heart was disturbed.
Disturbance, this is a taboo on the battlefield!
For anyone, once they are upset on the battlefield, it means that they are not far from defeat.
“Go to hell!”
Bai Feng made no secret of the killing intent in his heart, and the feather blade in his hand kept attacking and killing Ying Changge.
The sharp feather blade pierced the sky, and there was a harsh sound of piercing through the sky.
With a slight tilt of his head, Ying Changge easily dodged the blow. He didn’t feel any anxiety during the whole process, but seemed calm and calm.
Compared with Baifeng, Ying Changge’s figure is very elegant.
Even facing Bai Feng, the king of speed, he still didn’t feel any sense of oppression.
Take it easy!
This was Ying Changge’s face when he fought with Bai Feng.
“Everyone escaped?!”
“Aren’t you blind?”
Bai Feng’s throat was dry, and he couldn’t help questioning with lingering fear.
Hearing this, Ying Changge slowly opened his eyes.
A pair of off-white pupils looked at Baifeng without any emotion.

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