Thinking of this, the Canglang King was shocked.
Is that trick again? !
With a deep sense of shock in his heart, the Canglang King stared at the battlefield ahead, observing all the changes on the battlefield clearly.
He noticed the most terrifying fact.
That is……
“The ground, the ground is sunken!”
“The surface soil of the entire ground collapsed by a few centimeters in a depression forced to be suppressed by some terrifying force!”
“This this!”
“No way?”
“I’m afraid I’m dreaming?”
The wolf king’s lips trembled slightly.
He stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the central area of ​​the battlefield ahead.
Under careful observation.
can be clearly noticed.
The area around the battlefield with a diameter of more than 100 meters was affected by some kind of terrifying force, causing it to sag and collapse a few centimeters below!
What means?
What kind of terrifying power can have such a terrible impact on this area with a radius of hundreds of meters?
What I have witnessed and experienced today has completely overturned the worldview of the Canglang King.
“Could it be that?!”
“Is it this force 05 that instantly kills the pack of wolves?”
This thought suddenly came to mind, making the Canglang King even more terrified.
he thinks.
He has caught the truth!
The truth still made him unbelievable.
What kind of terrifying power can instantly collapse the depression that hit the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters?
The Canglang King couldn’t imagine this.
All this seriously exceeded his imagination.
“It might be getting cold!”
“He is not facing some so-called blind man.”
“It’s an extremely terrifying monster!”
The Canglang King thought so in his heart.
With giantThe big bird fell from the sky, and the 2,000 elite cavalry of the empire also showed their shocking feeling.
“what happened?!”
Like the Canglang King, they all expressed their incomprehension and shock.
Obviously didn’t see any attack, but this bird suddenly fell to the ground by itself?
why is that?
Is it the seventh son?
“Oh my God!”
“Seventh Young Master, it seems to be much more terrifying than we imagined!”
“Even this ferocious beast hovering in the sky suffered the fate of being instantly killed by him.”
“too strong!”
“Is this the strength of the sword master Gai Nie?”
There was a lot of talk.
Bursts of exclaimed remarks spread in all directions.
Naturally, these voices could hardly escape the eyes and ears of the Canglang King.
The Canglang King had a terrifying guess in his heart.
He stared blankly at Ying Changge’s back in the battlefield ahead, and couldn’t help blurting out.
“Could it be…”
“Sword Saint Gai Nie, was he really defeated by him?!”
“Be good!”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Originally, the Canglang King didn’t believe it.
But now, he gradually began to believe it.
only because……
The monster in front of him is indeed too terrifying!
It’s so strong beyond common sense!
this moment.
Even Bai Feng, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, couldn’t give the Canglang King a certain sense of security.
“Only Lord Wei Zhuang can take down this kid!”
“Bai Feng?”
“He’s going to be cold!”
The wolf king trembled.
the other side.
Li Si and Meng Ying looked at the falling of the huge bird with amazement on their faces, but they were not too surprised.
They all know the terrifying fairy art that Ying Changge possesses!
They already had a certain amount of resistance in their hearts.
“It’s still that terrifying method that is comparable to an immortal technique…”
“Even this ferocious bird cannot be spared from being instantly killed!”
Li Si let out a heavy breath, his eyes filled with admiration and worship.
In the battlefield.
Bai Feng quickly adjusted his mentality, staring at the figure directly in front of him with piercing eyes, an unprecedented sense of oppression enveloped his heart.
An extremely heavy burden firmly suppressed his body.
Let him just feel.
The shoulders on his body seemed to be suppressing a huge stone weighing a thousand catties!
In this situation.
Not to mention the king of speed!
Even the god of speed has no meaning!
Being suppressed by this inexplicable strange force, Bai Feng’s speed was infinitely weakened, and he couldn’t easily use lightness kung fu.
Usually, he can use feathers to perform light work.
can now.
Before the feathers floated in the air, they would be suppressed by a terrifying force and quickly fall, including Baifeng’s body, which could no longer perform lightness kung fu.
simply put.
The current Baifeng has lost all advantages!
Speed ​​and lightness are the abilities that Bai Feng has always been proud of.
But today, when facing Ying Changge, all of Baifeng’s advantages will no longer exist!
This made the proud Bai Feng feel like he was about to collapse on the spot.
“What kind of ability is this?!”
Bai Feng was in a heavy heart.
Feeling the huge burden on his body, he couldn’t easily perform lightness kung fu, so he lost the greatest advantage in the battle.
He doesn’t think so.
In this case, he can still face the terrifying existence in front of him!
After thinking about it, Bai Feng still couldn’t think of the answer to these many questions.
He just knows.
Now his steps are very heavy and slow.

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