When the two thousand elite cavalry of the empire saw their son Ying Changge gaining the upper hand in the confrontation, they couldn’t help expressing their admiration and admiration.
“Seventh Young Master, you are really strong!”
“Even if you are facing the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Quicksand Organization, you are not inferior at all. On the contrary, you can forcefully suppress and injure the opponent!”
“White Phoenix? That’s all!”
“Facing our seventh son, even Bai Fenghuang can only drink hatred in the end!”
In the battlefield.
The atmosphere is depressing!
The audience was silent.
Accompanied by gusts of wind.
The huge bird hovers high above the sky, flaps its huge wings, dances with gusts of wind and waves, rolls the dust and curls up, and dances wantonly in the air.
Bai Feng, who was standing on the bird’s back, had an ugly face, and her eyes were fixed on Ying Changge.
Feeling a faint tingling sensation on his face, his original haughty attitude turned into anger.
He never thought about it.
Would suffer badly in the hands of a blind man!
“I should get serious!”
“Boy, you wait to die!”
Bai Feng snorted coldly, his eyes filled with icy chill.
Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering, can see Baifeng’s every move all the time.
Before the opponent did anything.
Ying Changge thought so.
He should try his best to impress Bai Feng.
He couldn’t wait for Bai Feng to act again, he had to strike first.
“Now you seem to be aloof…”
“What kind of experience will it be when you are pulled down from the mortal world by me?”
Ying Changge was looking forward to it.
Immediately afterwards.
He also started to get serious.
The surging innate zhenqi flows from the dantian of the abdomen to the limbs of the body.
This power was fully mobilized by Ying Changge, and all of them were transformed into even more terrifying energy waves.
And this energy is…
this moment.
Ying Changge activated the Gravity Fruit again!
The power of the gravity fruit burst out rapidly!
“Hell Brigade!”
“White Phoenix? Get out of here obediently!”
“What I dislike the most in my life is being stood on top of my head!”
“And you, get out of here immediately!”
Ying Changge had no expression on his face, and a terrifying gravitational aura erupted from his whole body.
In just an instant, an invisible wave of air burst out from his body.
This invisible air wave is naturally unparalleled gravitational energy.
It takes less than a short breath.
The area with a radius of hundreds of meters was once again swept by Ying Changge’s terrifying gravity.
Gravity, everywhere!
Cover the audience!
Wherever this gravity passes…
The surface of the earth sank and collapsed a few centimeters downward again, and all areas with a diameter of more than 100 meters collapsed a few centimeters downward without exception.
at the same time.
The flowers, plants and trees growing above the soil all withered and collapsed rapidly under the influence of this terrifying gravity, and their lives withered quickly…
All the living creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters couldn’t withstand the terrible gravity and shattered, turning into wreckage and fragments scattered in all directions.
This terrifying force naturally swept over Baifeng who was riding the birds high above the sky.
Together with the white phoenix, including the white bird under his feet, his body was completely wrapped by the terrible gravity in an instant, and he was under unparalleled suppression and shock.
It’s just like……
A towering mountain suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded their bodies.
Like an unshakable huge mountain, it quickly hit Baifeng’s body.
Within the scope of this terrifying gravity suppression.
The bigger the body size, the more terrifying the gravity it bears.
The weight of the white bird under Baifeng’s feet is dozens of times that of Baifeng’s body!
Gravity pressed down.
The giant white bird was crushed by the terrible gravity, and began to fall from a high altitude, unable to even flap its wings.
Like a meteorite falling from the sky!
Accompanied by a loud bang.
The huge bird slammed down from the sky, and within less than a breath, it hit the surface of the ground, causing a wave of dust to fly wantonly.
The whole earth seemed to tremble under this violent vibration.
The soil crumbles and cracks.
Some gravel on the ground also trembled.
A sharp and piercing bird song screamed, resounding through the sky.
This is the cry of pain!
From a height of tens of meters, under the pressure of unparalleled gravity, it fell heavily on the ground. The internal organs of this huge bird were smashed and damaged.
In just one meeting, the entire bird was killed and severely injured on the spot!
The heavy fall from a height of tens of meters, coupled with the suppression of gravity, caused the bird to suffer unprecedented pain and trauma after it fell.  …
Bursts of tingling pain spread to all internal organs of its body, making it unstoppable to continuously cry out in pain, and there were bursts of mournful screams.
When the bird placed its bets quickly, a large row of white feathers were peeled off from its body due to the terrifying force of gravity.
I see.
Pieces of white feathers, like snow-white snowflakes, turned into sharp blades from a high altitude, and fell rapidly under the influence of terrible gravity.
Feathers, like sharp blades, pierced into the cracks in the ground.
And at the same time when the bird suddenly fell.
Bai Feng, who was on the back of the bird, was naturally deeply affected.
The target of this terrifying gravity is not only the birds, but also the white phoenix!
When gravity suppressed Bai Feng’s body, his face changed unprecedentedly, and his originally gloomy face became particularly terrified and shocked.
Everything seems to be caught off guard!

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