Simply unfathomable!
Although the Canglang King is proud and arrogant, it doesn’t mean he has no brains.
Head-to-head with this kind of monster, what is the difference between courting death?
It was this kind of thought that made the Canglang King completely cut off the idea of ​​head-to-head.
“‘ 〃 We’re almost in the jungle!”
“As long as you sneak into the jungle area, you are in my home field.”
“At that time, I will definitely be able to escape from the hands of the monster behind by relying on the terrain advantage of the jungle.”
The Canglang King thought with surprise in his heart.
Looking at the precipitous terrain and environment ahead, he showed a surprised expression.
This kind of environment is simply unique to him!
at the same time.
Ying Changge, who chased the Canglang King all the way, with his perfect knowledge and arrogance, naturally had an insight into the thoughts and thoughts in the Canglang King’s heart.
“Want to rely on environmental advantages to escape my pursuit?”
“You think too simple!”
“I’ll use you to test my new moves!”
Ying Changge’s expression was full of anticipation.
I see.
He slowly raised his right hand, facing the wolf king who was fleeing in front of him.
With a thought.
The surging innate zhenqi in the dantian of the abdomen in the body surges and circulates rapidly, washing the internal organs, meridians, and bones of the body.
This internal force turned into a more terrifying energy, all gathered between the palms of his right arm.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
An extremely terrifying gravitational force erupted from the palm of Ying Changge’s right hand, aiming at the body of the Canglang King in front of him.
The gravity was aimed at the body of the Canglang King, completely enveloping the opponent’s body with incomparable precision.
Gravity becomes gravity…
Pull the body of the wolf king and fly backwards!
“Come back to me!”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face was particularly bright.
Grabbing with his right hand, the terrifying gravity produced an extremely strong adsorption force, affecting the fleeing wolf king from a distance of tens of meters.
at this time.
The wolf king, who was completely enveloped by gravity, stopped moving forward abruptly.
He can feel it.
The body seemed to be disturbed by some extremely terrifying force, and the body movements became extremely slow and stiff, and even the speed of escape was infinitely weakened.
(Okay) “No!”
“my body……”
“Being pulled by some kind of terrifying force, it is flying backwards!”
This discovery immediately surprised the Canglang King.
what’s the situation? !
what happened?
His body flew backwards uncontrollably?
What is the reason?
The Canglang King looked back at the young figure behind him with deep fear.
In the eyes.
Filled with deep fear, horror, disbelief and many other emotional colors.
“It’s him?!”
The wolf king was shocked.
What kind of power is this?
What kind of martial arts can actually pull one’s body upside down through the air?
Today, the psychological shock that the Canglang King has suffered is too strong.
What kind of weird and terrifying trick is this?
“not good!”
Sensing that his body was getting closer to Ying Changge, the Canglang King became more and more panicked.
He kept struggling.
His body was suspended in mid-air, approaching Ying Changge at a terrifying speed.
And in this process, the Canglang King couldn’t stop the resistance at all.
“I said that.”
“You, you can’t escape!”
Ying Changge smiled meaningfully.
“you you!”
“What kind of monster is it?! ”
“What trick did you use just now?”
The Canglang King was deeply frightened and palpitated, and couldn’t help blurting out.
“Are you afraid now? Unfortunately, it’s too late.”
“It seems that the Four Heavenly Kings of your quicksand organization don’t seem to be doing well.”
“It’s really too weak!”
“Simply uninspiring!”
Ying Changge shook his head slightly disappointed.
His right hand erupted with terrifying gravitational force, and in the end, he successfully absorbed the Canglang King into his palm, and his right hand firmly grasped the Canglang King’s neck.
The two were separated by tens of meters before…
But even so.
Ying Changge still made it.
In just a short moment, the powerful Vientiane Sky Yin erupted, thus subduing the Canglang King with one move!
This is the scary thing about gravity fruit! .
Chapter 125 King of Speed? It’s nothing more than that in front of me! 【1/7 for customization】
The Canglang King, whose neck was strangled by Ying Changge’s right hand, completely lost his ability to fight.
The current Canglang King could only continue to struggle, his face was flushed red, as if he was about to suffocate, and his vision became more and more hazy.
The Canglang King wanted to speak.
But he couldn’t speak at all because his throat was choked.
“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”
“after all.”
“The Empire and the Quicksand Organization still need to cooperate.”
“If I kill you, the cooperation with the quicksand organization will be ruined.”
“Now, I can at most give you a memorable lesson, and I won’t do anything to you.”
Ying Changge grabbed the Canglang King’s neck with his right hand and lifted him up high. He effortlessly killed the Canglang King, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, in one move.
The whole process is without any muddy water, easy and simple!
After all.
First-class warriors themselves do not pose any threat to Ying Changge.
No matter how fast the Canglang King escaped, he still couldn’t escape Ying Changge’s perfect insight.

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