It’s a hunch!
A powerful premonition!
“Other than that, Mr. Xiangguo, you may not know.”
“This is a well-trained wolf pack!”
Ying Changge explained with a smile.
“Well-trained? Young master, do you mean that these wolves were tamed? Someone can tame the wolves? Control the wolves?”
Li Si was surprised.
Someone tamed the wolves?
Transform the wolves into their own power?
What kind of talented people can do it?
“Speaking of…”
“Before coming to cooperate with the Quicksand organization this time, could it be that Mr. Xiangguo didn’t check clearly, did he have many introductions about the Quicksand organization?”
Ying Changge asked with a strange expression.
Of course, he is well aware of the basic situation of the Quicksand Organization.
It’s just that he didn’t expect it.
As the planner of this operation, Li Si didn’t know anything about these things?
Is it because the quicksand organization hides too deeply?
No no no.
This must be because Li Si did not observe carefully and had a lot of information about the members of the quicksand organization.
“Due to the haste in coming, the subordinates have not been fully prepared yet.”
“Also ask the seventh son to tell the truth.”
Li Si lowered his head in embarrassment, and immediately asked for instructions.
Because His Majesty the First Emperor gave orders too hastily.
Li Si didn’t have much time at all, so let him prepare carefully.
“I see.”
Ying Changge suddenly understood.
With an intriguing expression on his face, he slowly introduced.
“I’ve heard from the Jianghu for a long time that the Quicksand Organization, which frightens countless martial arts practitioners in the Jianghu, has Four Heavenly Kings and Reverse Liusha.”
“The four heavenly kings include the head of the four heavenly kings, the king of all birds, the white phoenix, who can control all birds. He is a powerful and unparalleled innate powerhouse!”
“I’ve heard that Bai Feng’s lightness kung fu is unmatched in the world, and he is really the king of speed!”
“Secondly, apart from Baifeng, the second among the Four Heavenly Kings is Chi Lian, who can control a group of snakes.”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“Chi Lian is the only woman on the surface of the quicksand organization.”
“And her real identity is that Her Royal Highness Hong Lian, the Princess of N who died that year, has a huge relationship with Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization.”
After a pause, Ying Changge continued to introduce.
“The third among the Four Heavenly Kings is the Canglang King!”
“This wolf king can control the wolves, tame the wolves, and train the wolves like an army, possessing the qualities of an elite iron cavalry of the empire.”
“If I’m not mistaken…”
“Here stayThe whereabouts and footprints of the wolves, I think, should be the traces left by the wolves under the command of the Canglang King…”
With Ying Changge’s repeated introductions, Li Si finally understood gradually.
There is a lot of news and intelligence about the Quicksand organization.
Li Si just investigated the quicksand organization briefly, but did not investigate too much, the habits and abilities of the members of the quicksand organization.
“My lord, what do you mean…”
“Now, the people of the Quicksand organization have seen our arrival ahead of time.”
“Thus, send the Canglang King, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, to intercept our way? Trying to block us?”
After learning a lot of information about the quicksand organization, Li Si asked again with some seriousness.
“more or less.”
“For our arrival, people who want to come to the quicksand organization are not very welcome.”
Ying Changge nodded.
As for why he can be so sure, people from the Quicksand organization don’t welcome them?
.. .. …
Of course there is a basis for that!
This basis, of course, is not judged by the footprints of these wolves.
Ying Changge’s perfect-level knowledge-colored arrogance covers an area with a diameter of several hundred meters.
He saw it clearly.
In the forest 300 meters away, a wolf was staring at the place where they were now, as if lurking in the forest waiting for an opportunity.
A preliminary conservative estimate was made.
The number of wolves here is probably no less than three hundred!
If it wasn’t man-made, Ying Changge certainly wouldn’t believe it.
“The Canglang King of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
His perfect knowledge and domineering, in addition to seeing these wolves, he also saw a human being lurking and hiding among the wolves.
The strength is not bad!
Probably has the realm of a first-class warrior!
The distance from the innate realm is still much inferior!
After thinking about it, only the Canglang King of the Quicksand Organization can match him.
It was this insight that gave Ying Changge a premonition.
The Quicksand organization didn’t seem to welcome their arrival very much.
But after thinking about it, Ying Changge felt that this was understandable.
Those who practice martial arts in the arena will subconsciously reject cooperation with the empire.
This point, even the Quicksand organization is no exception.
They did not welcome the empire’s elite cavalry, which traveled thousands of miles to the headquarters of the Quicksand organization, which was completely reasonable.
Just as Ying Changge was thinking.
His perfect knowledge-level domineering insight, the wolves hiding in the surrounding forest began to howl.
next second.

The terrifying howl of wolves resounded through the sky in daylight.
Bursts of wolves howled, drifting away from the mountains and forests.
The sound was sharp, loud, and ear-piercing, and it quickly spread over a thousand-meter radius.
The overwhelming howling of wolves echoed in everyone’s ears.
In this originally extremely quiet environment.
Accompanied by howling wolves, it is extraordinarily noisy!
The howling of wolves seemed to shake the soul, and the war horses driven by the two thousand imperial elite cavalry behind Ying Changge and Li Si were all frightened, a little restless and restless.
All these war horses are well trained.
Although the howling of the wolves made them a little restless and impatient.
However, under the leadership of the elite soldiers of the empire, they were forcibly controlled to prevent them from acting out of control.
“This is……”
“The quicksand organization is planning to disown the empire?”
With bursts of sharp and piercing wolf howls, Ying Changge couldn’t help suppressing all the thoughts in his head, and the expression on his face became more and more playful.
“Is that what Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, meant?”
have to say.

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