She was aware of a very startling fact and discovery.
That is……
Surrounding the place where Ying Changge was, the surface layer in a radius of tens of meters seemed to be sunken a few centimeters below.
Do not!
She never thought it was an illusion!
“What’s the meaning?”
Li Si was still deeply puzzled and doubtful about Shao Siming’s explanation.
“Seventh Young Master’s moves are terrifying!”
“It can be done silently, and it can endow the human body with extremely terrifying impact and trauma.”
“It’s even hard to defend! There’s no way to hide!”
“As for how terrifying this power is? Mr. Xiangguo can take half a step forward in person. You can feel the horror of this power erupted by the Seventh Young Master in just half a step.”
Shao Siming took a deep breath, and slightly eased the shaking mood.
Even she couldn’t imagine it.
What kind of martial art is this?
It’s so weird!
Until now, she has not been able to see through the mystery of this trick.
“Just half a step?”
Li Si’s throat was dry.
He looked at Ying Changge in front of him and hesitated for a while, but he still didn’t dare to take a step.
At this time.
The two guards who had guarded the Tooth-Eating Prison beside him for many years saw Li Si’s hesitation and involuntary suggestion: “Master Xiangguo, let the humble officer experience it.”
Li Si nodded: “Alright.”
Without the slightest hesitation, the two guards quickly stepped forward with nervousness and apprehension.
this moment.
The two of them stepped into the envelope of the ‘Hell Brigade’.
An unparalleled terrifying force enveloped their bodies in an instant, making them feel as if they were directly smashed down by a heavy boulder.
Even the viscera were trembling and shifting due to the bombardment.
next second.
Naturally, without exception, the two guards fell to the ground in an instant. They hit the ground heavily and could not move an inch. Every corner of their bodies was suppressed by the terrifying gravity.
Under the influence of this gravitational force, it takes a lot of effort for them to even open their mouths to speak.
“This, this is…”
Li Si was taken aback.
His pupils shrank, and he watched the actions of the two guards in shock.
what happened? !
what’s going on?
How come it’s so good, just took a step, and suddenly they all fell to the ground?
“How do you feel?”
“What’s going on?”
With countless questions and confusion, Li Si quickly asked.
“Good, what a terrifying suppression!”
“Master Xiangguo…”
“We just feel that our bodies are being suppressed by thousands of catties of stones.”
“Hard to move!”
“I can’t even move my fingers.”
The two guards were stunned, their faces full of shock and fear, and they truthfully told all their experiences and feelings at this moment.
Li Si was shocked.
He stared blankly at the bodies of the two guards.
Obviously there is no object to suppress it…
And how could it be suppressed into such a mess and unable to move?
Li Si’s whole mind became chaotic.
“Sure enough!”
“Terrifying coercion!”
“This is a very powerful energy suppression!”
“Seventh Young Master, what he used is an extremely terrifying and unimaginable magical method.”
Shao Si Ming couldn’t help being deeply moved by Shao Si Ming’s stunning beauty hidden under the veil.
“I’ll try it too.”
Meng Ying stepped forward with a feeling of apprehension.
Li Si didn’t have time to stop it.
As Mengying stepped into the field of gravity suppression ahead.
The terrifying force enveloped in an instant, causing Meng Ying, like the two guards, to be unable to withstand the suppression of this force and fell to the ground.
There was a heavy sound of falling to the ground.
Meng Ying also fell.
Seeing this, Li Si only felt creepy.
What kind of magical method is this? !
Invisible attack?Invisible and colorless…
Can’t see clearly!
It is even more impossible to capture.
But once they set foot in the field ahead, they would instantly fall to the ground, under the suppression of an extremely terrifying force, making their bodies unable to move.
It’s too scary!
Li Si’s lips trembled, his face was full of shock and horror, he stared blankly at Ying Changge’s figure in front of him, his throat was dry, and he subconsciously took half a step back.
In this way, it revealed the fear in his heart at the moment.
“‘ 〃The Seventh Young Master used it, what kind of trick is this?”
“Simply terrifying and outrageous!”
Li Si could feel the creeps in his body.
Never heard of it in my life.
There are such terrifying tricks!
Seventh Young Master is indeed a monster!
An unfathomable monster!
“What kind of martial art is this?”
Li Si couldn’t help looking at Shao Si Ming, and subconsciously asked.
“Martial arts?”
“This, I’m afraid it’s not martial arts anymore.”
Shao Siming shook his head lightly, his soft purple hair swaying around his shoulders.
Her mood could not be calmed down in a short time.
“Not martial arts? What is that?”
Li Si’s lips trembled slightly.

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