“From ancient times to the present, unprecedented!”
“It can be said that…”
The two guards looked shocked.
What is a genius?
In the past, they did not have a deep cognitive concept.
until now.
When they saw Ying Changge in front of them, the two of them immediately understood.
This is genius!
A true and peerless genius!
It can even be called…
“Just imagine.”
“The seventh son who is in the mid-innate stage can instantly kill the black swordsman Sheng Qi who is a half-step martial arts master. But now, how terrible is the strength of the seventh son who has broken into the late innate stage?”
“I’m afraid it’s not, the rhythm of killing the martial arts master in seconds!”
A guard blurted out in a low voice.
The sound spread.
The audience was dead silent!
After being reminded, Li Si, Meng Ying and others came to their senses.
The Seventh Young Master in the mid-innate stage can forcefully counterattack a half-step martial arts master!
Now that the Seventh Young Master who is about to enter the late Xiantian period, how strong does he have to be?
I’m afraid it’s not that even the martial arts master is not enough to be the enemy of the seven sons!
With the realm of innate late stage cultivation, against the master of martial arts? !
This is the real monster monster!
Compared with the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge, those so-called geniuses in the arena in the past are simply weak!
Not worth mentioning at all!
There is no comparison at all!
“Before entering the late Xiantian stage, the Seventh Young Master was able to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“Right now, as the Seventh Young Master is about to truly enter the late stage of Xiantian, his strength will inevitably double. At that time, it will be no problem to kill the sword master Gai Nie in a flash.”
“I feel it too.”
“The so-called number one sword master in the world…”
“Compared to the seventh son, Ying Changge, that’s nothing worth mentioning at all!”
The tone of the two guards was full of shock and amazement.
Hearing their remarks, Li Si and Meng Ying couldn’t help being surprised.
I turned my gaze.
They stared blankly at Ying Changge, feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the latter’s body, and that majestic sense of oppression filled their hearts.
“Sword Saint Gai Nie…”
“I’m no longer the Young Master’s opponent!”
Meng Ying thought to herself.
He firmly believes.
Once my young master breaks through to the innate late stage, his strength will inevitably double!
At that time, young master, it will definitely be a trivial matter to deal with the sword saint Gai Nie, a real martial arts master.
Thinking of this, Mengying was shocked, but also felt deep admiration and admiration.
My son…
Sure enough, he is worthy of being the number one evildoer in the ages!
In just ten days, he broke into the late innate stage again!
Even more so, he already has the overall strength that surpasses the sword master Gai Nie!
What is a peerless genius?
My son, this is it!
In the whole world, only his son can be called a genius!
“Seventh Young Master, you really want to rise up strong and deter the world!”
“In the middle stage of Xiantian, you can reverse the half-step martial arts master, so in the late stage of Xiantian, there is no doubt that the strength of the seventh son is enough to defeat the martial arts master!”
“Even the Sword Saint Gai Nie is definitely not the Seventh Young Master’s opponent!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Li Si took a deep breath, and the shocked mood could not be calmed down for a long time.
Hearing the sound of their conversation, Shao Si Ming’s beautiful face could not help but change a little.
She recalled the left protector star soul of the Yin Yang family.
When the Seventh Young Master was in the mid-innate cultivation state, the star soul was severely injured by the Seventh Young Master.
And now.
With Seventh Young Master breaking into the realm of late Xiantian, is Xinghun still his opponent?
Think carefully.
Shao Si Ming came to a conclusion in his mind.
Lord Star Soul…
I’m afraid it’s the rhythm of being hanged and beaten!
If it is against the Seventh Young Master in the late Xiantian period.
no doubt.
Master Xinghun, he will definitely be instantly killed!
Maybe even a face-to-face can’t stop it!
This is the terrifying strength possessed by Seventh Young Master today!
Thinking of this, Shao Si Ming couldn’t help feelingI am deeply moved by it.
How powerful is this?
It’s amazing!
“His Excellency Donghuang…”
“Can you stop the Seventh Young Master at this moment?”
This thought came to Shao Si Ming’s mind.
She has already promoted Ying Changge to the level where she can stand shoulder to shoulder with Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yin Yang family.
A young man with a late-stage cultivation…
In Shao Si Ming’s eyes.
But it is enough to match the existence of an invincible powerhouse like Donghuang Taiyi!
Who dares to imagine all this?
Who is Donghuang Taiyi?
This is the world’s invincible top powerhouse!
Even more terrifying and unfathomable than Ge Nie!
As the leader of the Yin Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi is naturally extremely terrifying.
But Ying Changge, who is still in his weaker years, has already given Shao Siming the sense of déjà vu as if facing the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.
This is so shocking!
A young man under the age of twenty unexpectedly endowed Shao Siming with the feeling of facing an invincible powerhouse.
That’s enough to show.
At this moment, the powerful concept that Ying Changge brought to Shao Siming.
Terribly strong!
Powerful to outrageous!
Looking at the past and present for thousands of years, Shao Siming is also the first time he has heard and witnessed it.
An example of an invincible and powerful person who can be compared to the world’s invincible powerhouse only by virtue of his innate late stage cultivation!

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