Next, in the process of killing Shengqi…
The other party will definitely accept this fact!
At that time, Shengqi is very likely to face the fate of a complete collapse of mentality.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge suddenly felt a sense of anticipation.
At that time, how exciting will Shengqi’s expression be?
“Then come and try!”
“Seventh Young Master, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”
“A sword has no eyes…”
“If I am a little careless, with your innate mid-stage cultivation base, you will be smashed to pieces and seriously injured!”
Sheng Qi stared at Ying Changge coldly, and his words were full of threats and warnings.
“Yes? If you can.”
“Maybe give it a try!”
“I’m looking forward to the moment when you hit me hard.”
“Even the sword master Gai Nie can’t hit me hard, do you think you can do it?”
Ying Changge laughed.
The battle is on the verge of triggering without a sound!
Ying Changge made another move.
Surging innate qi erupted from his whole body, and the light blue inner force entwined around the outside of his body, making his figure even more eye-catching and aloof.
Perfect-level domineering aura, covering a radius of 100 meters in diameter, covering the entire audience.
Sheng Qi’s every move naturally cannot escape Ying Changge’s insight.
“bring it on!”
Sheng Qi raised the giant que with his right hand, and the epee was in his hand, as if it had become an ordinary bronze sword, and there was no burden at all to swing the epee.
Bend your knees slightly and push your feet together.
The floor tiles under his feet shattered and broke, and Ying Changge’s figure quickly approached Sheng Qi’s position.
Grab the head of Shengqi.
“Empty hands?”
“It’s ridiculous!”
“Seventh Young Master, you only have mid-innate cultivation, but you still want to try to fight me with bare hands? Who gave you the courage and courage?”
Seeing Ying Changge attacking with bare hands, Sheng Qi couldn’t help laughing coldly.
Just want to try to defeat Sword Saint Gai Nie?
No way!
Seventh son…
I hope that later on, you can still say such outrageous remarks.
all your lies…
It’s all up to me to break through!
With this in mind, Sheng Qi raised the giant que and slashed at the attacking Ying Changge.
The giant epee sword contained terrifying power, as if it squeezed the air to pieces, bursting with ear-piercing sounds of piercing the air, and distorted air waves swept in all directions.
A strong air current tried to wrap around Ying Changge’s body, confining him firmly in this space, as if trying to lock him up completely.
“Is this the oppression of the epee?”
Feeling the faint squeeze of the space, Ying Changge looked a little surprised.
This sense of oppression is obviously not possessed by ordinary sword blades.
Only an epee like Juque can create such a sense of squeeze in the space when it is swung, making the enemy unable to break free in the squeeze of space.
In this way, the enemy’s dodge speed can be greatly reduced, so that one sword will kill!
Ju Que’s sword fell, and the air seemed to burst into waves of air.
The space twisted and squirmed accordingly.
The Juque Sword, which contained extremely surging innate qi, was already less than 30 centimeters away from Ying Changge.
close range.
I can feel the air wave blowing towards my face, blowing Ying Changge’s hair and clothes, and floating wantonly in the air with the rolling of this air wave.
This sword has no edge!
It was like falling with a hammer.
It brought only a strong sense of oppression.
For Ying Changge, this sense of oppression would naturally not affect his ability to act.
The perfect level of domineering knowledge has already penetrated all of Shengqi’s offensive tactics.
Ying Changge turned slightly sideways.
A breeze…
Dodged Sheng Qi’s sword!
The middle of Ju Que passed by, and the bursting air wave almost tore the sky, blowing Ying Changge’s clothes and floating in the air.
next second.
Ying Changge rushed forward with a small stride, and slowly reached for Sheng Qi’s head with his right hand.
Just be caught by his hand.
That Shengqi will immediately bear a shattering and painful blow!
Ying Changge has always been confident about his attack power.
at the same time.
Seeing Ying Changge dodging the sword easily again, Sheng Qi’s face changed slightly, his eyes became more and more serious, and a little pressure arose in his heart.
“not simple!”
“This is no coincidence!”
“He really seems to be able to see through all my offensive intentions!”
“It was like that the first time, and it was the same way that the second attack was dodged.”
“` 〃Seventh Prince…”
“This guy is definitely not an idle person!”
Sheng Qi took a deep breath, and quickly retreated several steps, trying to keep a safe distance.
However, Ying Changge’s right hand seemed to be stuck to his body.
As Sheng Qi retreated, Ying Changge grabbed the former’s head with his big hand.
“This, this sense of crisis…”
A big hand that was getting closer made Shengqi feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.
This sense of crisis made him almost smell the breath of death!
“Can’t be caught!”
“I will die!”
“This is no joke!”
“Although I don’t know what the Seventh Young Master hasDuan, but it must not be let him grab it with one hand. ”
The unprecedented sense of crisis prompted Sheng Qi to burst out with terrifying internal power fluctuations.
A surge of innate zhenqi took advantage of the trend and burst out from Sheng Qi’s body.
In just an instant, Sheng Qi’s speed became a little faster, and he quickly evacuated to the rear, his eyes still fixed on Ying Changge.
The incomparable innate zhenqi produced a surging air wave, and the dust that rolled the ground rose up, billowing and dancing in the air.
“It’s so dangerous!”
After dodging Ying Changge’s attack, Sheng Qi thought with some lingering fear.
He just noticed.
His forehead was already covered with dense cold sweat.

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