The sense of crisis felt from Ying Changge is a top powerhouse far beyond the realm of congenital perfection, which makes Sheng Qi a little unbelievable.
“This Seventh Young Master…”
“It’s really terrifying!”
“If it is not a last resort, you must not fight against it!”
Sheng Qi had already made up his mind.
For someone who can bring him such a strong sense of crisis, he definitely does not think that the other party is an idler.
“I recommend……”
Ying Changge smiled playfully, “Let me kill you right now. Then, I will take your faith to face the sword master Gai Nie. In this way, I will surely fulfill your wish of avenging shame.” .”
“Kill Sword Saint Gai Nie forcefully!”
“So, are you satisfied?”
The words fell.
Sheng Qi snorted coldly, his eyes became more and more cold.
Although he is afraid of Ying Changge, it doesn’t mean that he will voluntarily back down or be timid.
No one can make him timid!
Even Gai Nie, the number one sword saint in the world, is the same!
Now that the words have come to this point, it is naturally impossible for Sheng Qi to see clearly.current situation and circumstances.
“Li Si, did you arrange this?”
“Why bother?”
“Since you want to kill me, why did you release me from the Tooth-Eating Prison? Since you released me and gave me a weapon, why do you want to do anything to me?”
“Aren’t you shooting yourself in the foot with a rock?”
Sheng Qi stared at Li Si closely, and couldn’t help asking.
He can’t see through.
Is this Li Si’s conspiracy?
Or is it that the Seventh Young Master in front of me made up a sudden idea?
After thinking about it, Sheng Qi couldn’t think of a reason.
“Seventh Young Master, who is this?”
Li Si also looked at Ying Changge blankly.
He was also deeply puzzled and doubtful about Ying Changge’s sudden attack.
Obviously there is no grievance, and Sheng Qi has never provoked…
But why did Seventh Young Master make such a quick move?
As soon as he made a move, it seemed that he was going to kill Sheng Qi on the spot!
“Master Xiangguo, in my opinion.”
“Instead of letting a person who is doomed to failure go to attack Sword Saint Gai Nie, it’s better to kill him here, so as to avoid embarrassment in the future.”
“A person who is impossible to defeat Gai Nie, even if he really goes to confront Gai Nie, it will only end in failure in the end.”
“So, Sheng Qi shouldn’t be alive!”
“Today, let me end his so-called Black Swordsman name.”
“In order not to lose to Sword Saint Gai Nie, and turn around and bite the empire back, the loss outweighs the gain.”
“Instead of raising a tiger to cause trouble, it is better to kill it directly! To avoid future trouble!”
“Sword Saint Gai Nie? I will kill him alone. As for Black Swordsman Shengqi? He is far from qualified.”
Ying Changge’s words did not take into account Sheng Qi’s increasingly ugly face at all.
Being said to be useless in person naturally made Shengqi, who was already very irritable, deeply angry.
The eyes he looked at Ying Changge became colder and colder, and his killing intent became stronger and stronger.
“Then according to Mr. Seventh, what do you mean…”
“You can kill Sword Saint Gai Nie? Why? Just rely on your innate mid-stage cultivation base and realm? You simply don’t know the heights of the heavens and the earth!”
“Sword Saint Gai Nie is a master of martial arts, how can you be compared with someone with a mere innate mid-stage cultivation? It’s too arrogant!”
“Seventh Young Master, you will pay a heavy price for your arrogance and arrogance!”
“Sir Seventh Young Master, you are a person with only mid-innate cultivation. I killed 80 if not 100 people in my early years. How did you have the courage to stand in front of me and say such a thing?”
Sheng Qi held the giant que tightly, his brows were full of anger.
“Sheng Qi, you are presumptuous!”
“Who do you think you’re talking to?”
“Too presumptuous!”
The two guards scolded and shouted at Shengqi one after another.
Li Si stared blankly at Ying Changge, lingering in his ears what the former said just now.
Although Li Si did have some approval.
With the strength of the black swordsman Shengqi, it is indeed very difficult to kill the sword master Gai Nie, and there is almost no possibility.
But he never thought about it in the first place.
Let Shengqi kill Gai Nie.
All he wants is for Sheng Qi to add trouble to Gai Nie.
But now after listening to Ying Changge’s words, Li Si couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.
Although he couldn’t understand what Ying Changge did, he didn’t dare to stop him too much.
He believes.
Since the seventh son chose to do this, there must be a reason for the other party.
Li Si didn’t dare to stop him, and he didn’t want 210 to stop him either.
The only thing he worries about is…
Seventh son, can you really win the black swordsman Shengqi?
Thinking of this, Li Si looked at Ying Changge worriedly.
“My lord, are you going to kill the black swordsman Shengqi?”
Meng Ying’s eyes flickered.
He didn’t worry too much about his son’s safety.
No one on the scene knows better than him.
What a terrifying existence his son Ying Changge is!
Even the sword master Gai Nie was severely injured by his son, and the mere black swordsman Sheng Qi was just a prodigal dog under the sword of the sword master Gai Nie.
Want to threaten the son’s life?
What a big joke!
“Although I don’t know the reason why the young master did this, but everything the young master does must have his own considerations. As a subject, I must obey and follow unconditionally!”
Meng Ying, who had always trusted and blindly worshiped Ying Changge, immediately sided with his young master.
No matter what Ying Changge does, in Mengying’s eyes, it is worthy of his blind following and trust.
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge quietly. The beautiful face hidden under the veil did not have much emotional ups and downs, and remained calm as always.
The atmosphere at the scene became a little weird!
A chilling air emerged spontaneously.
“It seems that this is what you want, Mr. Seventh.”
“You want to kill me?”
“Seventh Young Master, do you think that you can really do it by yourself?”
Seeing Li Si’s stunned expression, Sheng Qi suddenly understood.
He raised the epee giant sword in his hand, slowly grasped the iron chain next to the handle of the giant sword with his left hand, and wrapped the iron chain around the arm of his right hand.
After doing all this, Sheng Qi stared at Ying Changge seriously.
The current him is truly entering the fighting state!
Using the iron chain on the hilt of Ju Que to wrap around his right arm, he can better exert the power of Ju Que and use it to attack the enemy.
Under the oppressive atmosphere.
It is located opposite to Shengqi.
Ying Changge had a smile on his face, maintaining a calm and indifferent posture as always.
“Why do you ask me to kill you?”
“Of course it is…”
“I can severely damage the strength of Sword Saint Gai Nie!”

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