A criminal imprisoned in the Tooth-gnawing Prison must look like a criminal!
How can it be so rampant? !
I don’t know how to live or die!
“Li Si, don’t play your tricks in front of me.”
“Your trick doesn’t work for me.”
“If you really want to give me freedom, then let me go now, how about it?”
Sheng Qi sneered, didn’t care about the cold reprimand of the two guards, but stared at Li Si quietly, his sturdy body looking down on the latter.
“I know you have complaints in your heart.”
“The name of the black swordsman was so powerful and domineering in the rivers and lakes!”
“No matter how strong you are, you will still be defeated by the sword of Sword Saint Gaine in the end.”
“Don’t you think it’s a pity?”
“With your strength, you were defeated by Ge Nie’s strength!”
“Don’t you want revenge?”
“You don’t want to defeat Gai Nie? A complete shame?”
Li Si didn’t care about Sheng Qi’s attitude, but continued to maintain a calm face.
Since he dared to come here, he naturally had full confidence!
As the Prime Minister of the court, Li Si seldom does anything he is not sure about.
Since he has come to Tooth Devouring Prison.
That also means…
Sheng Qi will definitely act according to Li Si’s plan!
Li Si believed it.
Shengqi couldn’t refuse this temptation at all.
Defeat Ge Nie…
This has obviously become Shengqi’s biggest obsession in his life!
Before completing this obsession, Shengqi is still unwilling to be trapped in the Tooth-Eating Prison for the rest of his life.
And Li Si gave Sheng Qi this hope.
Sheng Qi absolutely can not refuse the hope!
Mentioning Sword Saint Gai Nie, Sheng Qi’s face became a bit ugly.
Losing to Gai Nie was the worst defeat for Shengqi in his career.
And because of this defeat, he was finally imprisoned in the dark place of the Tooth-Eating Prison.
During these years of being imprisoned in the Tooth-Eating Prison, Sheng Qi has been yearning almost all the time, when he fights against Sword Saint Gai Nie again, he can defeat Gai Nie with his own hands!
This is his lifelong obsession!
It is also Shengqi’s desire to be free and to leave the Tooth-Eating Prison.
But Shengqi is obviously not stupid.
In an instant, he saw through Li Si’s purpose.
Sheng Qi faced Li Si and asked slowly, “You want me to help you deal with Gai Nie? Isn’t he the number one assassin of the empire? Or, he has already defected to the empire?”
“I’ve already guessed.”
“Gai Nie, it is absolutely impossible to be loyal to the empire!”
“Gai Nie has probably defected. And the people of your empire, for a while, couldn’t find anyone who could deal with Ge Nie.”
“You found me!”
“I want me to help you solve the huge threat and scourge of Sword Saint Gaine!”
“I guess, it should be right, Li Si.”
In a short period of time, Shengqi guessed the ins and outs of the matter.
It’s not something esoteric.
Shengqi never believed it.
The people of the empire would be so kind and free to give him freedom and let him escape from the tooth-gnawing prison.
Since the other party wants to let him go, there must be the other party’s purpose!
And this purpose can now be affirmed.
Just let him kill Sword Saint Gai Nie!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“you guessed right.”
“Gai Nie’s defection to the empire caused His Majesty the First Emperor to be furious.”
“And you can also get the opportunity to be free from it.”
“If you are willing to deal with Gai Nie, I can give you the power to leave the Tooth-Eating Prison and regain your freedom.”
“If you don’t want to, then just pretend I haven’t been here.”
“I believe that you should have made up your mind, right?”
“Losing to Sword Saint Gai Nie is the greatest shame in your life!”
“Now the empire is giving you a chance to wash away the shame you once had. I think, with your character, it is absolutely impossible to refuse!”
Li Si did not hideHe meant to hide it, but opened the skylight to speak the truth.
No one is a fool, Li Si is not, neither is Sheng Qi.
That being the case, let’s speak openly.
Take what you need!
This is Li Si’s goal!
Shengqi’s obsession is to defeat Gai Nie, and the purpose of the empire is to kill Gai Nie!
The purposes of the two have completely overlapped.
In this way, everyone gets what they want is the best result.
Shengqi can be free, escape from the Tooth-Eating Prison, and have the opportunity to challenge Gai Nie, so as to wash away the hope of shame in the past.
As for the empire, it only needs to see the result of Gai Nie’s death.
As for the process?
Nobody cares about the process!
It doesn’t matter who killed Ge Nie.
The important thing is…
Ge Nie must die!
“You, Li Si, are still the same as before! With just a few words, you can pinch the veins in people’s hearts and speak to other people’s hearts.”
“However, your words really make it hard for me to refuse.”
“You are right. Defeating Ge Nie has indeed become the biggest obsession in my life!”
“For this, I will do whatever it takes!”
Sheng Qi laughed out loud, making no effort to hide his arrogance.
. . . 0
“Let him out.”
Li Si then gave orders to the two guards around him.
“Here, Lord Xiangguo…”
The two guards hesitated.
The black swordsman Sheng Qiwei had a great reputation, and they were afraid of danger if he released the opponent so hastily.
“Don’t worry, he knows where he stands.”
Li Si had a plan in mind, and everything seemed to be under control.
“Yes, Mr. Xiangguo.”
The two guards nodded.
They slowly took out the key and slowly opened the cage in front of them.
Accompanied by a light sound.
The cage door was opened.
Sheng Qi wore iron chains on his hands and feet, and his burly figure slowly walked out of the cage. His eyes were full of emotion, and his expression was particularly complicated.

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