In his opinion.
This place is in danger!
A little careless…
It will bring everyone together forever!
If it wasn’t for his young master showing his might just now, all of them would have been wiped out.
“This place is too dangerous.”
“I must be more cautious!”
“and also……”
“Young master, he was really too strong just now!”
“The rumored and famous Tooth-Eating Prison, the internal mechanism and the unique art of armor-hunting, were finally penetrated and deciphered by the young master with ease!”
“Simply amazing!”
“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed that the young master could do such a terrifying feat that subverts cognition.”
Mengying looked at Ying Changge’s back, eyes full of awe and admiration.
Just when he was in despair…
The scene where Ying Changge solved the desperate situation was so deeply imprinted in Meng Ying’s heart that he would never forget it in his life.
When he was in despair, the figure full of hope and dawn he saw!
“Young master is indeed invincible!”
“Any field…”
“It won’t bother my son!”
An almost blind and paranoid sense of trust and admiration arose in Meng Ying’s heart.
Even Shao Siming, who was following Ying Changge’s side and rear, looked at Ying Changge curiously with beautiful eyes, a pair of smart eyes that seemed to be able to talk, with strong interest.
Nor did she expect it.
Ying Changge actually did it, cracking the mechanism and the strange art of dunjia in the tooth-gnawing prison!
It seemed to her.
It was simply an earth-shattering move!
However, due to his personality, no matter how shocked Shao Si Ming was, he would not reveal that beautiful face hidden under the veil.
“Seventh Young Master Ying Changge…”
“Who the hell are you?”
Shao Si Ming had this curious thought in his heart.
as if…
Nothing can trouble this man!
As the Luna-sama said before.
Can’t fathom!
After half a quarter of an hour.
The two tooth-gnawing prison guards who were leading the way suddenly stopped in their footsteps.
Turning around slowly, they looked back respectfully, facing the direction of Ying Changge and Li Si.
They clasped their fists together and told the truth: “Sir Qigong and Lord Xiangguo, this is the place where the notorious black swordsman Sheng Qi is imprisoned in the rivers and lakes.”
at the same time.
Ying Changge’s footsteps also stopped.
The perfect level of domineering aura released by him has already shrunk to a range of about 100 meters around his surroundings.
even so.
Ying Changge can still use his knowledge and arrogance to see clearly.
In this cage not far away, a very powerful existence is being imprisoned!
The terrifying aura it exudes is not inferior to Xinghun, probably similar to Xinghun, the left guardian of the Yinyang family, and much inferior to Gai Nie.
I haven’t been to the martial arts master…
But it is not inferior to congenital perfection!
Preliminary conservative inference.
This person’s realm is similar to that of a star soul.
It belongs to half a foot into the martial arts master, but it has not completely stepped into the martial arts master.
Very strong!
Very strong!
With such a profound cultivation level, even if one looks at the Jianghu, he belongs to the top powerhouse!
“Have you reached your destination yet?”
Ying Changge whispered to himself.
If he guessed correctly.
The aura emanating from this body is not inferior to the powerhouse of the star soul, it should be the famous black swordsman Sheng Qi in the Jianghu.
That is…
The farmer’s former head of Kui Kui Hall!
Shengqi’s real name may seem very strange to others.
But, for Ying Changge.
Shengqi’s real name is astonishing!
Chen Sheng!
That Chen Sheng from Daze Township!
Form the leaders of one of the largest peasant uprisings in history!
“Chen Sheng, right?”
“The one who killed was Chen Sheng!”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
He had already begun to weigh silently in his heart.
Is it worth killing Seiki now?
Is it to wait until all the value of Shengqi is used up, and then kill Shengqi?
Just take the other party’s life directly and neatly now?
Really tangled!
If you kill Sheng Qi now, you will kill Chen Sheng. Then, I will definitely get a very rich template fusion!
It is logical to unlock the third new ability of the blind swordsman, which is naturally not a problem.
Think calmly and carefully.
In just a moment, Ying Changge made a decision in his heart.
He decides…….
Chapter 106 A person destined to fail is not qualified to live in this world! 【3/7 for customization】
one word.
Anyway, they are all doomed to fail!
Both Chen Sheng and Sheng Qi are doomed to fail.
The Daze Township uprising was impossible to succeed!
Sheng Qifu killed Sword Saint Gai Nie?
This is obviously impossible to succeed!
Be it Sheng Qi or Chen Sheng, they are all poor people who are doomed to failure.
So, why do you need to keep the other party alive?
A doomed man…
He is not qualified to live in this world!
“Anyway, it will end in failure in the end, and it will be killed tragically.”
“It’s better…”
“Death in my hands has become the nourishment for me to improve my strength.”

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