“It has actually been cracked by me!”
Accompanied by a clear and pleasant voice.
next second.
can be seen clearly.
The Mohist organ lock held in the palm of singer Ying Chang…
At this moment, it is slowly opening! .
Chapter 98 Shocking the audience! Show off Zhao Gao’s face forcefully! 【2/7 for customization】
The Mohist mechanism lock made by the top mechanism master of the Mohist school is far superior to the mechanism product of the Mohist Juetian lock. Just at this moment, it was cracked and opened!
Completely disintegrated by Ying Changge!
Destroy and destroy all the organs in the organ lock.
at last.
There are 204 interlocking mechanism locks with 204 small mechanisms inside, and Ying Changge opened it effortlessly, without damaging all the confidential items inside.
It only takes half an hour!
Within half a quarter of an hour…
It’s easy to crack it all the way!
In the hands of Ying Changge, the so-called top-level mechanism lock of the Mohist school has become a product of an ordinary mechanism, no matter how fragile and vulnerable it is.
Ying Changge didn’t take it seriously at all, so he easily cracked the lock.
after all.
Under the domineering aura of perfect level knowledge, all organs will appear extraordinarily fragile.
No matter how delicate and mysterious the mechanism is, it’s hard to escape Ying Changge’s insightful insight!
They will all look vulnerable!
This is the frightening aspect of perfect level knowledgeable domineering.
And Ying Changge, who has mastered the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, is equivalent to the nemesis of all formations and institutions in the world.
“Father, this is the secret inside the organ lock.”
Ying Changge called a servant and handed it to the servant.
The servants slowly presented the unlocked mechanism lock to Ying Zheng who was on the steps.
at this time.
Ying Zheng was still dumbfounded, looking very shocked.
Regarding Ying Changge’s sudden cracking of the mechanism lock, he seemed completely unexpected, and was shocked severely when he was caught off guard.
what’s going on?
This is cracked? !
The mechanism lock made by the Mohist’s top mechanism technique contains 204 small mechanism interlocking mechanism locks inside, so it can be cracked so easily?
It always feels like it’s all in a dream!
Ying Zheng felt incredible.
“Half, half an hour?!”
Ying Zheng opened his mouth, his eyes lost their focus for a while.
Are you hallucinating yourself?
In just half a quarter of an hour, my son cracked the so-called mechanism lock that no one except the Mohist mechanism master could forcibly break!
It is a product of mechanism technique that is more powerful than the Mohist’s Juetian lock!
But his own child, Ying Changge, cracked it in just half a quarter of an hour.
All this seemed like a dream to Ying Zheng.
My son…
When did you have such a deep knowledge of organ skills?
How exactly was it cracked?
Ying Zheng was puzzled by this.
He lowered his head in a daze, looking at the huge mechanism lock placed on the table.
Visible to the naked eye.
The mechanism lock has been opened intact!
A parchment scroll inside was also unreservedly presented in Ying Zheng’s eyes.
no doubt……
This parchment is the confidential information that the Mohists need to pass on to others!
The most advanced mechanism lock of the Mohist School was adopted as a protective measure to prevent others from spying. One can imagine how important this message is.
Even with such a high-level mechanism lock, it was finally cracked by his own boy Changge!
What is this concept?
Ying Zheng was stunned.
From Ying Changge, Ying Zheng saw too many shocking events.
And now.
Even the highest-level mechanism lock of the Mo family couldn’t stop his son!
“Long Song…”
“You really brought me too many surprises!”
“Is there anything else you can’t do?”
“Now even the highest-level organ lock of the Mohist school has been easily cracked by you. Presumably, the other Mohist’s organ locks basically do not pose any threat to you.”
Ying Zheng didn’t pay attention to the parchment inside the organ lock, but looked at Ying Changge with eyes full of amazement, pride, and pride, deeply moved in his heart.
From Ying Changge, he felt surprises and surprises again and again!
This time it was even more unexpected.
The mechanism lock that made countless mechanism masters helpless was in the hands of his own child Ying Changge, and it only took half a quarter of an hour to crack it easily.
Everything seriously overturned Ying Zheng’s previous expectations.
Ying Zheng was deeply shocked by Ying Changge’s terrifying methods.
at the same time.
In such a huge palace, the atmosphere is particularly quiet!
There was no sound!
Following Ying Changge’s voice just now, it just fell.
Not only Yingzheng was shocked.
Zhao Gao, who was beside him, and Mo Lin, who was gloating at other people’s misfortune, were both dumbfounded at the same time without exception, falling into a very confused state.
what’s going on?
what happened?
How did it break?
That’s the product of the Mohist’s supreme organ technique!
How could it be forcibly cracked?
It only took half a quarter of an hour!
How could such a delicate and mysterious lock be cracked in such a short period of time? !
This is impossible!
It’s completely unreasonable!
Zhao Gao’s throat was dry and his eyes were full of horror.
He quickly turned his head and stared at Mo Lin, who was stunned beside him, his eyes were full of sternness and killing intent, and his pale face was full of ice-cold texture.
“This this!”
Mo Lin, who was looked down upon by Zhao Gao, only feltCreepy up and down.
His lips trembled, his face was full of shock, and his whole body was trembling.

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