In the world, there are only a handful of people who can decipher this kind of mechanism, which is the product of the top-level mechanism technique produced by the Mohists. It can be said to be very few.
Let the people of the Mo family crack it themselves!
But obviously, this is not realistic.
Therefore, if one wants to crack the Mohist Absolute Sky Lock, one must find a very few top mechanism art masters with very high level of mechanism attainment.
Only the top masters of mechanism techniques can crack the Mohist’s Absolute Sky Lock!
after all.
The Mohist’s Juetian lock, after hundreds of years of improvement, is far from being as simple and exquisite as the Juetian lock created by Mozi in the early days.
The current Juetian lock of the Mohist school, after being improved by the giants of the Mohist schools in the past dynasties, is obviously far better than the first generation of the Juetian lock.
Its internal mechanisms are all-encompassing and interlocking, far beyond the ability of ordinary mechanism masters to decipher.
Looking around the world, Ying Zheng could imagine that there were very few people who could crack the Mohist Jue Tian Lock.
“Could it be that my son has a long song…”
“Still a top mechanism master?”
Ying Zheng couldn’t help laughing at this thought, and he shook his head slightly.
I am stunned.
To know.
Looking around the world, almost all those who can raise their mechanical skills to the top level and reach the level of a mechanical master are old men in their sixties or seventies.
if notFor most of his life, he has been immersed in the research and training of mechanism art, how can he cultivate mechanism art to the level of a master?
No matter how talented one is in mechanism art, it will take countless time and energy to study mechanism art in order to obtain a considerable amount of attainment.
Like swordsmanship, onmyoji and the like.
No matter how talented one is, one must study hard and practice hard.
And the realm of the mechanism art master has already stood at the top of the field of mechanism art!
Think about it like this.
My son sings a long song, how old is it?
Not yet twenty!
In the year of the weak crown!
At such a young and immature age, how could Wuer Changge have master-level mechanism skills?
Of course it’s impossible!
Every mechanism master must be at least sixty years old!
It is only by devoting most of my life to the study of mechanism art that I can obtain such a wealth of knowledge about mechanism art.
Ying Zheng has never heard of it, and my son has also studied mechanism skills.
want to come…
The reason why he said these words should be simply to share his worries for himself.
“My son has a heart.”
“Things haven’t reached the point where I can’t do anything, so you don’t need to comfort me.”
Ying Zheng smiled and patted Ying Changge on the shoulder.
in his heart.
Obviously already subconsciously think.
Ying Changge said these comforting words because he wanted to relieve his worries.
“Father misunderstood what my son meant.”
Feeling the many complicated thoughts in Ying Zheng’s mind, Ying Changge couldn’t help but chuckled, shook his head and continued to explain, “My minister is not a master of mechanism techniques, and he doesn’t even know anything about mechanism techniques.”
Hearing this, Ying Zheng was even more puzzled: “Then what did you say just now?”
Since he doesn’t know anything about mechanisms, how can he break the Mohist’s Juetian lock?
Isn’t this a contradiction?
Don’t know mechanism skills, but still want to try to break the Mohist’s top mechanism product Juetian lock?
This is the product of a cumbersome mechanism that countless mechanism art masters cannot decipher!
Not to mention a person who is completely ignorant of mechanics…
Even if it is a master of mechanism art, it will take a lot of effort to see through the inner mystery of Jue Tiansuo.
“Father, although my son doesn’t know anything about organ techniques~‖.”
“But it doesn’t mean…”
“My son can’t break the Mo family’s Absolute Sky lock!”
“Actually, to break this Mohist’s Absolute Sky Lock, it is not necessary to master a certain level of mechanism skills. In fact, as long as you see through the complicated internal structure of this mechanism, you can easily break it.”
“As long as you find out, the weakest place and position inside the agency.”
“Then, even a person who is completely ignorant of mechanisms can easily and effortlessly decipher this mechanism.”
Ying Changge had a smile on his face, and his tone was full of confidence and calmness.
Since the perfect level of domineering knowledge can easily decipher the Yin-Yang family’s mysterious Yin-Yang formation. Then he is confident that his knowledge and knowledge will be able to disintegrate this so-called Mohist Absolute Sky Lock at the same time.
Perfect level of domineering and informative, is the biggest nemesis of all formations and mechanisms in the world!
Ying Changge has always believed in this point.
The Mohist mechanism Juetian lock?
so what?
No matter how exquisite and meticulous the product of the mechanism is, its internal structure will be enveloped by Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering, and everything will be impossible to hide.
For Ying Changge to break the Mohist Juetian lock, perhaps the degree of difficulty is really average.
As long as you are a little serious, you can easily see the weak points of the Juetian lock’s internal organs, and thus, simply target the internal weaknesses to crack it.
Although the Juetian lock of the Mohist school is considered to be the product of the highest level of mechanism art in the Jianghu, it is also a mechanism. And as long as it is an agency, it is natural to escape Ying Changge’s knowledge and insight.
Even the Juetian lock of the Mo family is no exception.
Even the Mohist Trick City, which is full of traps, will not be an exception. As long as Ying Changge finds the mechanism city of the Mo family, he can easily break through the entire mechanism city by himself.
The so-called Mohist Trick City, which took hundreds of years and was finally improved by the Mohist mechanism masters, came to Ying Changge.
It will become vulnerable!
Not even the Mohist Organ City can stop Ying Changge, let alone this little Juetian lock.
No matter how powerful the mechanism technique is, it can’t stop Ying Changge.
“My son, are you really so confident?”
Ying Zheng looked suspicious.
He understands what he understands.
He still felt a little strange.
I don’t know anything about mechanism art, but have a structural weakness that can penetrate the mechanism art, so that I can easily break the Mohist’s top mechanism art product, the Juetian lock?
Can it really be done?
Ying Zheng had deep doubts in his heart.
It always feels a little unreliable!
Completely ignorant of mechanism art, how can we see through the internal structure and essence of mechanism art? And also penetrate the internal weak points of mechanism art?
After thinking about it, Ying Zheng couldn’t think of a reason.
Since Ying Changge wanted to try, Ying Zheng might as well give the former a chance.
after all.
In Ying Zheng’s eyes, Ying Changge is his greatest pride now!
“Father, my son is willing to give it a try.”
“If it really doesn’t work, I will never act recklessly, let alone destroy the secrets inside Juetian Suo.”
“I implore my father to give my son a chance to try.”
Ying Changge looked serious.
“I, I agree!”
Ying Zheng showed a gratified smile.
No matter whether he succeeds or not, seeing his son willing to take the initiative to share his worries is enough to make him feel very gratified and proud, and he is deeply moved.
Since my son is willing to try…
Give yourself a chance to try!

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