All the way to Ying Changge’s side, Ying Zheng smiled and blurted out in a tone of surprise: “I heard about it a few days ago. My son Changge once relied on his own strength to severely injure Gai Nie!”
Between the words, there is no concealment of the sense of pride and relief.
“Father is serious.”
“If it wasn’t for General Zhang Han leading the shadow guards and exhausting Gai Nie to the stage of weakness. My son, it would be very difficult to severely injure Gai Nie!”
Ying Changge smiled and shook his head.
Leading Ying Zheng all the way back to the hall of the palace, Ying Zheng was naturally in the main seat.
Ying Changge, on the other hand, was sitting on a seat in the hall next to it.
Standing beside Ying Changge, Mengying kept her head down and said nothing from the beginning to the end, not daring to intervene in the conversation between the two father and son.
Ying Zheng laughed out loud, and his tone was full of pride, “My son sings a long song, that is, humility. Even so, the fact that you were able to hit Gai Nie hard is enough to show your own strength!”
“My son, I am very pleased!”
“I never dreamed…”
“My son Changge, unexpectedly can achieve today’s achievements.”
“Recalling back then, when you were born, I learned that you were born blind, and I thought it was a tyranny sent by the heavens to punish me severely!”
“Now, my son has given me a good face!”
“I should be proud of you, my son!”
It can be seen.
Ying Zheng was in a very happy mood.
Hearing this, Ying Changge quickly said: “Who dares to say that the father is tyrannical? His heart is to be punished! Such a person, the father must not take their words to heart.”
“It’s just a group of jumping clowns, they only have one mouth left, talking nonsense under the sky, trying to deceive the public.”
After hearing what Ying Changge said, Ying Zheng laughed from ear to ear.
Of course, Ying Zheng heard similar remarks countless times from the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.
But hearing these words from the mouth of his most valued son, the feeling is naturally very different!
“My son has grown up.”
“In the blink of an eye, he became Mr. Pianpian.”
“It’s true that the years are impermanent, and they pass by in a blink of an eye.”
Ying Zheng was quite emotional.
Time is something that any emperor feels helpless.
No matter how powerful the imperial power is, it will be defeated by the passage of time!
Ying Zheng had been mentally prepared for this.
It’s just that he is unwilling!
“Father, in the eyes of my ministers, will always be in the prime of life!”
Ying Changge comforted him.
“I am well aware of my situation.”
Ying Zheng shookHe shook his head, then changed the topic, and asked with some interest, “I really want to know, how does my son view today’s schools of thought?”
Is this a test?
Test your decision-making ability?
Or test your own vision?
Think for a moment.
Ying Changge replied: “All schools of thought, if they can be used by the empire, they can all survive in the world. If anyone dares to try to disobey the majesty of the empire…”
“Then, kill without mercy!”
The words fell.
Ying Zheng froze for a moment.
Immediately, a clear smile appeared on his face.
it is good!
What a killer!
As expected of my son…
Character decisive!
Act without sloppiness!
“Your answer satisfies me more than Fusu’s answer to me!”
Ying Zheng made no secret of his praise.
Fusu, a little too indecisive!
And this made Yingzheng deeply displeased.
As the eldest son of the empire, he is hesitant and indecisive everywhere, what’s wrong with this?
Thinking of this, Ying Zheng sighed inexplicably and shook his head.
“Why did the emperor sigh?”
Ying Changge took the initiative to speak, “I am willing to share the worries of my father.”
Ying Zheng suppressed many worries in his heart, and smiled again on his face: “My son has this kind of heart, and I am already satisfied.”
He continued: “Nowadays all schools of thought are about to move, if you do what Changge does, how should we deal with these schools of thought that are about to move?”
After finishing speaking, Ying Zheng looked at Ying Changge expectantly.
Ying Changge’s answer was only one word.
Anyone who tries to make a move…
Kill them all!
Mohism is like this, Taoism is like this…
The same is true for the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State!
and also……
The Yin Yang family, Zhao Gao, Luo Wang and the like.
None of these can’t be killed!
“Kill? I know, my son, how many families are there in total? How many people are there in total?”
“Killing is endless.”
Ying Zheng laughed and shook his head.
“According to the father’s meaning?”
Ying Changge asked.
“Break one by one!”
Ying Zheng’s eyes flickered, and there was a bit of sharpness between his brows.
Think back to those days.
This is how the Six Kingdoms were destroyed!
The Great Qin Empire is unified like this!
“Father’s words are extreme, but my son is too impulsive.”
Ying Changge thought about it for a while, and then deeply agreed.
“Speaking of which, General Zhang Han and Shadow Secret Guards have wasted my son’s painstaking efforts. Gai Nie was seriously injured, but until now, he still hasn’t been arrested.”
“The efficiency of the Shadow Secret Guard really disappoints me!”
Ying Zheng changed the subject and mentioned Sword Saint Gai Nie.
In this matter, Ying Changge is not easy to excuse the Shadow Secret Guard.
But he could understand.
after all.
Sword Saint Gai Nie, after all, is definitely not someone to be taken lightly!
It is not the explanation, but the result that wins the politicians!
The Shadow Secret Guards were not doing well, and they failed to arrest the Sword Saint Gai Nie in time, and that was the result.
Such a result naturally made Ying Zheng deeply dissatisfied.
“But fortunately.”
“Recently, the Shadow Secret Guard has done a good thing.”
Ying Zheng said suddenly.
“Oh? Father, can you tell me something?”
Ying Changge asked next.
“Members of the Shadow Guard intercepted a confidential message!”
“And this message most likely came from the Mohist school among the hundreds of schools of thought.”

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