at the same time.
In the past few days, a strange thing has happened.
That is……
The Wang family, who were also loyal generals of the Great Qin Empire, began to approach Ying Changge.
this day.
Wang Li, a well-known contemporary general of the Wang family, took the initiative to pay a visit in person.
“Humble job, I have seen the seventh son.”
Wang Liqi is imposing, with sharp facial features and deep eyes. Wearing silver armor, he reveals a strong and powerful body.
“General Wang Li’s visit today is beyond my expectation.”
“If there is something that is far from us, please General Wang Li, don’t be offended.”
Ying Changge looked a little surprised.
For Wang Li to come to the door in person, he hadn’t expected it at all. “one seven seven”
after all.
In the past, although his relationship with the Wang family was not bad, it was just a nodding acquaintance.
by contrast.
Ying Changge’s relationship with the Meng family is obviously much closer.
And this is precisely because the relationship between Mengying and Ying is used as a bridge, so that Ying Changge’s relationship will innately lean towards the Meng family.
For the Wang family, although Ying Changge didn’t have much ill feeling, he never felt familiar with it.
But today, Wang Li from the Wang family, who is as prestigious as Meng Tian, ​​would come to the door on his own initiative, which made Ying Changge have to figure out the other party’s intentions.
There is no denying that.
The Wang family has made great contributions to the Great Qin Empire!
Like the Meng family, the Wang family is also the foundation of the Great Qin Empire.
Although his grandfather, Wang Jian, has retired now, no one can deny that Wang Jian has made great contributions to the empire.
Wang Ben, Wang Li’s father, even led the Qin cavalry to trample and destroy several countries.
The two generals of the entire Great Qin Empire, the Wang family and the Meng family, have all made outstanding contributions to the empire.
No one can ignore this point.
When dealing with Wang Li’s visit, Ying Changge could not drive him away with a cold face.
Speaking up.
Ying Changge and the Wang family did not have much conflict of interest, nor did they ever have any grievances.
The Wang family is also an extremely terrifying force that the empire cannot ignore!
Like the Meng family, they are a part of the empire that cannot be ignored!
And the armor-piercing soldiers in charge of Wang Li are as famous as Meng Tian’s golden fire cavalry!
“My lord is serious.”
“The humble official took the liberty to disturb you today, and I hope you won’t be offended.”
Wang Li kept his posture very low.
Wang Li, who was always proud, rarely showed such a gesture.
Different from Meng Tian’s humility…
Everyone knows Wang Li’s pride.
But in front of the prince Ying Changge, Wang Li certainly didn’t dare to show his haughty posture.
“General Wang Li came to visit this time. I don’t know why?”
Ying Changge asked straight to the point.
Meng Ying, the personal guard beside him, looked at Wang Li with vigilance and unkindness without concealing it.
The Meng family and the Wang family have been enemies for generations!
The potential is the same as water and fire!
This matter is known to everyone in the empire.
Meng Ying, the son of Meng Tian, ​​naturally knows the grievances and entanglements between his father and Wang Li.
Mengying never opened his mouth, nor did he dare to intervene in the conversation between Ying Changge and Wang Li.
His identity is still unable to intervene in this kind of topic.
Wang Li came here today, apparently to win Changge.
And if he, Meng Ying, interrupted rashly and changed the flavor of this conversation, then he deserved death.
Although there was a grievance with Wang Li, Meng Ying still rationally did not choose to interfere, and he was not qualified to interfere in this conversation.
Personal grievances are personal grievances and cannot affect the overall situation.
Meng Ying is still very knowledgeable.
“I heard it earlier.”
“A few days ago, the Seventh Young Master severely injured the Sword Saint Gai Nie by himself.”
“This move really amazed the imperial court, military and military officials.”
“At the age of a weak crown, you can forcefully defeat the sword saint Gai Nie. This is the only case in thousands of years, and only you, the seventh son, can do it!”
“The talent of the Seventh Young Master is truly unprecedented!”
“The humble official came here today, mainly to congratulate the young master.”
Wang Li’s tone was filled with amazement.
“General Wang Li is too polite.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Wang Li told the subordinates beside him, “Come here, bring the congratulatory gifts in.”
“Yes, General Wang Li.”
After the servants leave.
not for a while.
This servant came to Wang Li’s side with a wooden box in his hand, and handed the wooden box to the latter with a respectful expression.
After receiving the wooden box, Wang Li placed it on top of the stone table.
The wooden box is dark red in appearance, with mysterious patterns one after another, which is dazzling.
It is about 1.5 meters long and about 30 centimeters wide.
This is a very simple wooden box, obviously containing very precious items. Otherwise, it would not be stored in such a precious wooden box.
“General Wang Li, this is?”
Ying Changge asked again in a little surprise.
The domineering aura of perfect-level knowledge spread, allowing him to see the objects inside the wooden box in an instant.
As for Wang Li’s reason for coming this time, he probably already figured it out a lot.
Wang Li made a special trip to visit him today in order to get along well with him, and he also came here with a precious gift.
“My lord, this is a congratulatory gift from the humble official.”
“Hearing from a lowly position.”
“My lord, you are extremely powerful, but you only lack a handy weapon.”
“Therefore, I ordered people to find this magical weapon overnight.”
“Hereby, come here and give it to you, Seventh Young Master.”
“As the saying goes, a sword matches a hero.””With your strength and identity, Seventh Young Master, you must be the only person in the whole world who is qualified to control this magical weapon.”
“You are the most suitable master of this divine weapon!”
“I also hope that the seventh son will not blame the humble official for arbitrarily making decisions, and personally come to the door to give gifts.”
“This sword, I hope the seventh son will be satisfied.”
After speaking, Wang Li slowly opened the wooden box.
A sharp saber was revealed, which was placed horizontally in the center of the wooden box.
in the sun.
It reveals the whole picture of the saber.
This is a bronze sword with a reddish-red blade, and there are mysterious lines engraved on the surface of the blade.
The blade is very sharp!
Even if he just opened the wooden box, Ying Changge could feel the vigor and sharpness that rushed to his face very deeply.

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