However, she had nothing to say.
This time, their Yin Yang family really lost too badly!
The dignified yin and yang family Zuo Dharma Guardian Xinghun, a supreme powerhouse who had half-stepped into the realm of martial arts master, was brutally injured by the seventh son who relied on his innate mid-stage cultivation to kill him instantly.
Who can say what?
can only say.
Skills are not as good as people!
The first genius of the Yinyang family in three hundred years is far inferior to the seventh son Ying Changge in front of him.
That’s all!
“Seventh Young Master is serious.”
“If you are not good at learning, it is understandable to lose in your hands.”
“This time, it just happened to give Xinghun a memory. It made him deeply understand that there are people outside the world and people outside the sky. This is a good thing, lest he stop his practice due to pride and conceit.”
“It’s just that no one knows.”
“Seventh Young Master, to be so powerful!”
“At this moment, I finally believe it.”
“The person who severely injures Sword Saint Gai Nie must be the Seventh Young Master!”
Luna took a deep breath and calmed down the shaking mood.
“Speaking of which, General Zhang Han and his Shadow Secret Guards are also responsible for the severe injury to Sword Saint Gai Nie. I don’t dare to take all the credit for it alone.”
Ying Changge smiled and shook his head to explain.
“Even so, it’s enough to show how terrifying your own strength is, Seventh Young Master!”
“Now I finally understand.”
“Seventh Young Master, what did you just say? That ability that is more terrifying than the martial arts mind eye, what a powerful supernatural means!”
“Able to penetrate the future of the enemy…”
“This is, the fairy law!”
Recalling the time when Ying Changge fought against Da Si Ming and Xing Hun just now, Luna couldn’t help being deeply moved, and her pretty face lost her composure.
In the eyes, this is already a terrifying fairy art!
If it weren’t for immortality, how could anyone in the world be able to use martial arts to see through the enemy’s future offensive intentions and tactics?
What surprised Luna the most was…
Ying Changge exploded the tricks he used when gathering energy to become a blade!
“Seventh Young Master, can you clear up one or two doubts?”
“What kind of martial art is that layer of black armor?”
“You can actually make your physical body possess a terrifying defensive power comparable to that of a magic weapon. This is really terrifying. I have never heard of such an amazing and terrifying trick before!”
Luna couldn’t help asking.
“Small methods are difficult to be elegant.”
Ying Changge waved his hand.
Hearing this, the corner of Luna’s mouth twitched.
Small means?
With just this little trick, Star Soul was instantly killed with one punch, and he was seriously injured on the spot!
Even Qi Gathering Blade, which is comparable to a magical weapon, was directly crushed by this move (afej)!
Can this also be called a small trick?
I have learned a lot!
“If I’m not mistaken, the reason why Sword Master Gai Nie’s saber Yuanhong was tragically destroyed last night.”
“Should it be the Seventh Young Master, the terrifying ability you used just now destroyed it?”
“Destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with bare hands!”
“This is really unimaginable.”
Yue Shenhua changed the front and mentioned Gai Nie’s serious injury and defeat.
“Oh? Master Luna also knows about this?”
Ying Changge was slightly surprised.
“Last night, I happened to witness the seriously injured Gai Nie running away, and found his dilapidated Yuanhong.”
“Yuanhong, the second famous sword in Fengbeard’s sword manual, was destroyed beyond recognition.”
“It’s unimaginable if you don’t see it with your own eyes.”
“This was actually caused by a terrifying existence with bare hands!”
Luna was amazed again and again.
Recalling Yuan Hong’s damage marks, she felt shuddering.
“Destroy Yuanhong with bare hands? How did Lord Moon God see this matter?”
Ying Changge was a little curious.
“On that broken Yuanhong sword, a finger print was left!”
“Deep finger prints!”
“It is for this reason that I venture to judge.”
“This sword was destroyed with bare hands by a very terrifying existence!”
“And this person is obviously you, the seventh son!”
Luna continued.
Da Si Ming had already been completely shocked.
She was stunned.
After hearing Luna’s words, her world view was overturned again.
Yuan Hong was destroyed with bare hands? !
That prestigious magic weapon was destroyed with bare hands?
That is the saber carried by Sword Master Gai Nie!
A side with the famous Unrivaled World!
How could it be destroyed with bare hands? !
“This this!”
Da Si Ming’s throat was dry, and his beautiful eyes stared blankly at Ying Changge in front of him.
Was it the seventh son who destroyed the famous sword Yuanhong with his bare hands?
It’s too scary!
Is that human being?
Can a person do this?
That is a peerless magic weapon that was forged through hard work!
To be destroyed by human body with bare hands? !
With the physical body as a magic weapon? !
The seventh son is really a monster that deserves it!
Even Shao Si Ming was moved by it, the stunning beauty hidden under the veil was full of shock.
“Bare-handedGod-destroying weapons…”
“Destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with bare hands!”
“This Seventh Young Master seems to be even scarier than the rumors say!”
Shao Siming looked at Ying Changge with beautiful eyes, and gradually began to notice that the latter’s gray pupils seemed lifeless.
“Blind in both eyes…”
Shao Si Ming quickly looked away, and there was a strange wave of emotions in his heart.
“I see……”
Ying Changge suddenly understood.
It turned out that Luna also happened to pass by the battlefield next to the battle last night.
In this way, it can be explained why the other party knows such details.
“So today, Lord Luna personally invited me to come to Yinyang’s house as a guest, just to understand. Did I seriously injure Gai Nie yesterday and destroy the person named Jian Yuanhong?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile.

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