Who was the terrifying existence that destroyed the famous sword Yuanhong with bare hands?
This person is the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge!
Recalling the scene where he was destroyed by bare hands just now, Xinghun can be sure.
“turn out to be……”
“The one who destroyed the famous sword Yuanhong with his bare hands is actually the Seventh Young Master!”
Star Soul felt unprecedented panic.
Now, even his energy-gathering blade is not immune to being crushed on the spot!
Looked up.
Xinghun looked at Ying Changge with horror in his eyes, his throat was dry, and he didn’t dare to act rashly for a while.
He admits.
He started to panic!
What can we do in the face of such a terrifying monster beyond common sense?
Not only can it be squeezed with bare hands to gather energy and form a blade!
do not forget.
This monster, Seventh Young Master, also possesses a trick that can penetrate the enemy’s attacking intentions!
“How do you fight this?”
“Who can defeat this monster?”
“The seventh son who possesses these two abilities is simply invulnerable!”
“On the battlefield, no one can defeat the seventh son!”
“He is already invincible!”
Xinghun’s face was full of shock, and he wanted to shrink back with fear.
Ying Changge took the initiative.
Bend your knees slightly and push your feet together.
The floor tiles under his feet were broken, and a tiny crack was cracked.
Immediately afterwards.
Ying Changge rushed forward swiftly, and had already arrived at Xinghun’s side.
The right hand covered with armed-colored armor slowly grabbed Xinghun’s head.
“` 〃 Obedient…”
“Being caught by this hand, I’m afraid my head will be crushed on the spot?”
Swallowing again, Xinghun quickly mobilized the surging innate qi in his body, trying to avoid Ying Changge’s attack.
He is extremely fast!
Although Ying Changge’s speed couldn’t keep up, he was able to predict the foresight, and every time he happened to be able to catch the place where Xinghun was trying to escape, so as to intercept Xinghun’s movements in advance.
“Who can defeat this monster?”
Xinghun only felt the creeps.
Seventh Young Master is simply the nightmare of all martial arts practitioners!
No wonder…
It’s no wonder that even martial arts masters like Gai Nie, the world’s number one sword sage, were severely injured by the seventh son!
Now Xinghun believed.
Only by experiencing it personally can he realize the horror of the Seventh Young Master.
Strong is impeccable!
No weakness!
Facing this kind of enemy, even Xinghun felt his scalp go numb.
Feeling a storm coming towards his face, Xinghun’s face changed slightly, his heart sank, and he retreated quickly, trying to avoid Ying Changge’s attack.
Ying Changge’s figure had already appeared behind Xinghun.
“not good!”
By the time Xinghun noticed it, it was already too late.
His complexion changed drastically, his mood was tumbling wildly, and his eyes were full of horror.
A look back.
He saw Ying Changge close at hand.
and also……
The right hand covered with black armor is constantly approaching.
Goosebumps rose all over Xinghun’s body, and he shuddered.
“All my actions…”
“He saw through it all!”
“Be pierced by him in advance!”
“So, any of my dodges will be just a ridiculous joke in front of the seventh son.”
“Can’t hide!”
There was a deep sense of panic between Xinghun’s brows.
He quickly raised the purple light blade in his left hand, trying to intercept Ying Changge’s movements.
The purple light blade pierced the sky.
call out!
There was a piercing sound.
The purple light blade aimed at Ying Changge’s right hand and slashed down.
The right hand covered in black armed armor was hit by the purple light blade head-on, but it didn’t leave any scratches, not even a trace.
“Can’t stop!”
Star Soul gasped.
The purple light blade in his hand obviously hit Ying Changge’s right hand, as if he had hit the bronze meteorite, and was deflected from its original position by the shock.
“I said it before.”
“All of you……”
“It will be impossible to hide in my pair of eyes that have lost their light!”
With a smile on his face, Ying Changge grabbed Xinghun’s body with his big hands.
The right hand covered with black armor seems to be enough to destroy everything.
The sharp aura enveloped Xinghun’s body overwhelmingly, making him feel trembling and frightened from the bottom of his heart, and tried to back away to dodge.
No matter how (get Zhao Zhao) hide.
Ying Changge’s hand was like brown candy, constantly approaching!
There is no hiding!
It’s hard to guard against!
“Not good!”
star soul mood displayvery heavy.
Ying Changge condensed his fist with his right hand, and hit Xinghun’s shoulder casually.
a split second.
The terrifying force erupting from the fist was like a falling meteorite, hitting the surface of the ground.
Unparalleled violent power rushed from Ying Changge’s fist to Xinghun’s shoulder in an instant.
Power explodes in full force!
It surges in an instant!

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