Gathering qi into a blade has become Star Soul’s signature yin and yang technique!
When the two light blades were born, they emitted a more terrifying aura of deterrence.
at the same time.
The temperature of the surrounding air seemed to have dropped a little, becoming a bit cold.
Coldness breeds!
It’s freezing cold!
Biting coldness emanated from Xinghun’s body.
He held two light blades made of innate qi in both hands, and the halo of the purple light blades in his hands illuminated his exceptionally fair face, making him look very deep and powerful.
The purple halo flickered, illuminating the hall in all directions.
“Master Star Soul…”
“It’s real from the beginning!”
Da Si Ming outside the arena was amazed again and again.
After using the star soul that gathers energy to become a blade, it is obvious that it has entered the state of going all out!
“Gather Qi into a Blade!”
“Star Soul’s yin-yang talent is really amazing!”
Moon God looked at the purple light blades in Xinghun’s hands, his pupils flickered.
do not know……
Can the star soul that gathers energy to form a blade be able to defeat the seventh son Ying Changge?
In this regard, Luna is still unable to judge.
“Master Moon God, do you think Lord Xinghun can defeat the Seventh Young Master?”
Da Si Ming couldn’t help asking.
“I can’t see through.”
Luna shook his head.
Even she couldn’t see the situation of the battle clearly.
Star Soul is very strong!
There is no doubt about this.
The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge on the opposite side is by no means someone who is waiting for nothing!
Even if Xing Hun used Qi Gathering to Become a Blade, he might not be able to defeat the Seventh Young Master on the opposite side.
Fights often erupt in a single thought.
I see.
Star Soul made a move.
After performing Qi Gathering into Blades, he held two purple light blades with both hands, exuding a sharp and icy aura, and charged forward towards Ying Changge’s position.
Bend your knees slightly and push your feet together.
Suddenly, with a loud noise, Xinghun grabbed the purple light blade with both hands, and quickly attacked Ying Changge.
Before anyone arrived, the overwhelming coercion completely enveloped Ying Changge’s body.
Holding the star soul with the purple light blade in both hands, the light blade in his hand swung down at Ying Changge’s body.
The light blade is extremely lethal and destructive!
Everything can be cut off!
With an imposing manner, he was already within Ying Changge’s reach.
“This is……”
“One of the top secrets of the Onmyo family, Qi Gathering into a Blade?”
“A strong move!”
Ying Changge’s knowledgeable and domineering nature can see the violent power contained in the two light blades held by Xinghun’s hands all the time.
Facing the light blade of the star soul, cut down.
Ying Changge didn’t dodge, and slowly raised his right hand.
in a moment……
The strength in the body burst out in an all-round way.
The black liquid substance quickly rushed to the right arm.
In the blink of an eye.
These black liquid substances turned into black solids, forming a layer of indestructible black armor, which was firmly placed on Ying Changge’s right hand.
Wisps of gray hot mist curled up from above the exterior of the black armed armor.
The perfect level of armed domineering, once again broke out at this moment!
next second.
After displaying his armed domineering aura, Ying Changge resolutely chose to fight head-on.
With his right hand in the black armed armor, he grabbed directly at the purple light blade attacking from Star Soul without hesitation.
The lightsaber is getting closer!
at the same time.
When he noticed Ying Changge’s actions, Xinghun’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t help being slightly startled.
Seventh son, this is…
Want to block Qi Gathering Blade with bare hands? ! .
Chapter 89: Flicking the Air Blade! Defeat the Guardian with one hand! 【7/7 for customization】
“Want to gather Qi and become a blade with bare hands?!”
“Is Seventh Young Master crazy?”
“He really has the confidence to do it?!”
“Just now, he just blocked the yin-yang aura handprint that Da Siming exerted with all his strength!”
“But the problem is.”
“The sharpness of gathering energy into a blade is not inferior to any magic weapon in the world!”
“Seventh Young Master is still trying to block it with his bare hands, is he confident or too conceited?”
“Gathering Qi and forming a blade with bare hands, this move is simply unheard of before!”
Xinghun’s eyes were full of seriousness, and he stared at Ying Changge closely.
in his handThe light blade aimed at Ying Changge and cut it down.
No mercy!
The sharp purple light blade pierced the sky.
call out!
There was a piercing sound.
It was as if even the air had been cut off by this purple light blade!
off the field.
After seeing clearly the fight between Xinghun and Ying Changge, the faces of Yueshen and Da Siming’s two daughters changed slightly, and their eyes became very dignified and serious.
Da Si Ming was even more stunned in shock.
“Lord Moon God, the seventh son, he, he…”
“Are you going to block Lord Star Soul’s Qi Gathering Blade with your bare hands?”
“This, this danger is too dangerous!”
Da Si Ming’s throat was dry.
She couldn’t help thinking back.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, tried to use only one finger to block the image of her yin and yang aura handprints with all her strength.
Can it work?
That is Master Xinghun’s Qi Gathering Blade!
Unlimited power!
Far beyond the strength of the strong in the congenital perfection realm!
It has the terrifying cutting power and lethality of a magic weapon!
Can the seventh son really stop it?
Master Xinghun’s power of gathering qi to form a blade cannot be compared with her yin and yang aura handprints, the gap is too great.

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