From the beginning to the end, he appeared calm and indifferent.
Everything seems to be under control.
“Armed and domineering!”
With a thought…
An extremely terrifying and surging force quickly surged from the body to the limbs of the body, and then fully gathered in Ying Changge’s right arm.
The majestic innate zhenqi in the dantian of the abdomen circulated, and these internal forces turned into a mass of terrifying energy, which finally condensed in his right arm, and slowly condensed and gathered between the index fingers.
This power manifests itself…
A layer of black liquid material quickly wrapped around Ying Changge’s right index finger, gradually covering the entire index finger.
It was as black as ink, as if it swallowed up all the colors in the world.blink of an eye.
The black liquid substance turned into a solid.
A layer of black armor covered Ying Changge’s index finger.
A finger was completely covered by the black armor, exuding an extremely smooth and hard texture, like black jade, exuding an indestructible and fierce aura.
Perfect-level armed domineering, full-scale explosion!
Extremely terrifying power wrapped around the surface of Ying Changge’s right fingertips, and the armor formed by the perfect level of armed domineering color exudes a terrifying aura that can destroy the world.
this moment.
Ying Changge has entered the strongest posture!
with full force!
The perfect level of two-color domineering burst out at the same time!
With a perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, he has a clear insight into the trajectory of the yin and yang aura handprint in front of him.
And the perfect-level armed color is used to block it from the front!
Destroy it head-on!
“The top Yin-Yang technique of the Yin-Yang Family?”
“It’s preliminarily qualified, let me use the perfect-level armed color domineering.”
Feeling the terrifying fluctuations of internal force coming to his face, Ying Changge’s index finger lightly tapped on the huge Yin-Yang Aura handprint, the index finger wrapped in black armed armor…
Point out.
The two collided!
The Yin-Yang Aiqi handprint exuding dark red terrifying internal force fluctuations hit the fingertip of Ying Changge’s right index finger fiercely, and suddenly bombarded with ruthless and endless power.
This force rushed forward recklessly, as if with the momentum to completely destroy everything in the world.
Destroy everything!
The power erupted from the dark red demonic yin-yang aura handprints hit Ying Changge’s right index finger in an all-round way, and the exploding power turned into waves of air that spread 0…
Wave after wave of shock waves rolled objects in all directions.
The entire hall of the palace was under the erosion and influence of this terrifying force, causing waves of violent shaking and turmoil.
Accompanied by bursts of crisp and pleasant voices.
I see.
The floor tiles then crumbled and cracked.
A series of dense cracks quickly cracked in all corners, extending in all directions.
The dense cracks are as creepy as spider webs.
Another burst of air blasted towards the place where Luna, Xinghun and the others were standing, rolling their clothes and dancing wantonly in the air.
They fixed their eyes on the battlefield ahead, without blinking or taking their eyes off.
at the same time.
When the index finger bears the force of the exploding Yin-Yang Qi handprint, Ying Changge’s figure is involuntarily shaken by force, and his footsteps move slightly backwards by half a step.
But, it’s only half a step!
The terrifying shock wave erupting from the Yin-Yang Ai Qi handprint spread from Ying Changge’s index finger all the way to his right arm, intending to completely destroy the entire right arm!
Under the amazing defense of the black armed armor, no matter how powerful the yin and yang handprints burst out, there is nothing they can do about Ying Changge’s armed color.
Want to break through armed armor?
This is simply a joke!
Is Ge Nie strong?
As the number one sword master in the world!
He is also an invincible strong man whose cultivation has reached the level of a martial arts master!
But even if Gai Nie put all his strength into use of his unique skills at the bottom of the box, and the highest swordsmanship of vertical swordsmanship, the hundred-step flying sword, he could not break through Ying Changge’s perfect-level armed armor in the end.
One can imagine.
Perfect-level armed armor, there is almost no possibility of being breached.
As for Da Si Ming’s yin and yang amalgamation handprints?
The power is indeed strong.
It’s exactly as Da Si Ming said.
With this move, she had once killed the top powerhouses in the late innate stage.
But it’s a pity that she used this trick to deal with Ying Changge today!
A monster that cannot be figured out with common sense!
The explosive power of the yin-yang amalgamation handprint hardly poses any threat to Ying Changge.
Everything was blocked by him with one index finger!
The powerful force tried to crush his index finger, but still couldn’t destroy the armed armor covering the index finger, and was slowly wiped out by the armed armor.
A cloud of dark red internal force surged crazily in front of Ying Changge, rolling waves of dust and then flying up, and the burst of air waves became more and more terrifying.
Even the floor tiles under Ying Changge’s feet shattered and cracked.
From start to finish.
Except that at the beginning, Ying Changge moved back half a step after enduring the explosive force of the yin-yang aura handprint, and there was no movement in his figure.
Endless power struck Ying Changge’s right index finger. The black armed armor resisted the erosion of dark red internal force, and firmly blocked the monstrous yin and yang handprints.
It’s just like……
Try to shake a towering mountain with human power!
Simply unshakable!
Can’t compete!
Regarding the yin-yang amalgamation handprints performed by Da Si Ming, Ying Changge is like a 10,000-meter mountain, standing still, no matter how terrifying the force is, it can’t shake his body at all.
All the power was completely blocked by Ying Changge’s index finger!
only left with……
Bursts of air blasted Ying Changge’s clothes and hair.
In addition, the strength of the Yin Yang Ai Qi mudra is constantly weakening.
This can be called a shocking scene, which unreservedly fell into the eyes of everyone around.
Including the chief commander who is the party involved.
As a person who personally performed the Yin-Yang Aiqi handprint with all her strength, she couldn’t help but look dazed and dumbfounded at this moment, her beautiful eyes widened and rounded 4.9.
She stared blankly at Ying Changge’s figure, her lips trembled slightly, unable to speak for a while.
“This, what is this…””what’s the situation?!”
As an innate mid-stage strongman, she couldn’t believe it even in her dreams.

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