They couldn’t help suppressing the strong shock in their hearts, and turned their shocked eyes and gazes to Ying Changge and Da Si Ming, who were directly in front of them.
“Could it be that……”
“This is the main reason why the Seventh Young Master was able to break through the Yin-Yang Formation so easily?”
“Can you see through the future at a glance?”
“See through the root and essence of everything in the world in an instant?”
“This, how is it possible?!”.
Chapter 85 Powerless! despair! The elder doubted life! 【3/7 for customization】
Large and empty lobby.
Ying Changge stood with his hands behind his back, dressed in a white robe showing elegance, exuding a frail and bookish air all over his body, he was Mr. Pianpian.
As one of the five elders of the Onmyo Family, Da Si Ming.
She is wearing a dark red flame-like dress, which fully highlights her graceful and tall figure. With her expressionless and delicate facial features, she is infinitely charming.
Most notably…
her hands!
The red hands, like flames, showed a unique silver pattern, and the nails were as black as ink, which was extremely weird, giving people a sense of strangeness and evil.
“Seven Sons,Please! ”
Da Si Ming’s beautiful eyes quietly looked at Ying Changge, his face did not dare to show the slightest slack or carelessness.
She can forcefully injure the terrifying existence of Sword Saint Gai Nie, of course she will not underestimate him.
Although I don’t know if this is true.
However, she will cheer up and be ready for battle.
Da Si Ming’s cultivation level is only in the mid-innate stage, which is exactly the same as Ying Changge’s, and he is also in the mid-innate stage.
Or rather.
The five elders of the Yin-Yang family are almost all innate mid-stage cultivation bases.
Not quite.
Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu, who is in charge of the elder of the Jin family, only has the cultivation base of the innate early stage, and his strength is considered to be the weakest among the five elders of the Yin Yang family, and he is at the bottom.
The most outstanding thing about Xu Fu is his alchemy technique.
Relying on his excellent alchemy skills, Xu Fu’s status in the Yin-Yang family far exceeds that of the other four elders.
Even though his strength is slightly inferior, Xu Fu’s status cannot be compared with that of other elders.
Besides Da Si Ming and Xu Fu, the other three elders, Shao Si Ming, Xiangjun, and Mrs. Xiang are also in the mid-innate realm of cultivation.
The cultivation level of the star soul is between the congenital perfection and the martial arts master, and the yin and yang technique that specializes in killing and cutting has reached the pinnacle, and the attack methods are quite astonishing.
Even Moon God, who has reached the level of Martial Dao Grandmaster, cannot easily confront Star Soul head-on.
What Luna is better at is some relatively peculiar yin and yang arts, rather than the main way of attacking and killing, which is completely different from the fighting method of Star Soul.
all in all.
The five elders of Yin Yang and the two protectors are quite powerful.
“Is it the commanding officer? Let’s do it.”
“I am also a mid-innate cultivation base, just like you!”
Ying Changge’s perfect knowledge and arrogance allowed him to clearly see the vital signs of the chief minister in front of him, as well as the realm of the other party’s cultivation.
Even the voice of the other party’s heart cannot escape his insight.
simply put.
Before Da Si Ming made a move, Ying Changge had already seen through all her plans and offensive intentions.
All calculations will be impossible to hide in front of Ying Changge!
A surge of innate qi slowly spread from Ying Changge’s body.
This is……
The surging internal force fluctuations of the innate mid-term cultivation base!
A wave of terrifying air swept around Ying Changge in all directions, causing his hair and clothes to flutter, and his figure became more and more eye-catching.
The majestic aura is coercive, slowly flowing in all corners.
Overwhelm the audience!
As Ying Changge took the initiative to erupt this innate qi, the expressions of the Moon God and Xinghun all outside the venue changed slightly, but they soon calmed down.
177 Compared with what Meng Ying said just now, it is obviously easier for them to accept now that Ying Changge’s cultivation has reached the mid-innate stage.
“Innate middle stage!”
Xinghun took a deep look at Ying Changge.
“It’s too deep, Seventh Young Master.”
“Seventh Young Master, who has always been cowardly and weak, who would have thought that he would be a top-level powerhouse in the mid-innate?”
“That’s what confuses me.”
“In the mid-innate stage, it is impossible to be the enemy of Sword Saint Gai Nie!”
“Just relying on the mid-innate cultivation realm, it is impossible to forcefully injure the world’s number one sword master. You know, Gai Nie is a master of martial arts!”
“Then, seventh son, what kind of method did you use to severely injure Gai Nie? And destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with your bare hands?”
Luna was lost in thought.
With a mere mid-innate cultivation base, I’m afraid he was hanged and beaten by Gai Nie!
How could it be possible to injure Sword Saint Gai Nie head-on with only the innate mid-stage?
Even if you want to attack secretly, the difficulty factor is very high!
Sword Saint Gai Nie is a genuine martial arts master, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be severely injured so easily, let alone someone who is only in the mid-innate stage.
Thinking of this, Luna couldn’t help recalling.
That night, she witnessed Ge Nie’s miserable appearance with her own eyes.
It’s really hard to think about.
A person with innate mid-stage cultivation can beat Sword Saint Gai Nie into such a miserable state!
In any case, Luna also expressed that he could not accept it.
“Could it be, is it really as Meng Ying said just now?”
“Seventh Young Master, can you really see through the future of the enemy?”
“This is impossible!”
“How can someone possess such terrifying supernatural powers?”
“Seeing through the future, this is the way of a fairy!”
“Could it be that the seventh son possesses the magic of an immortal?!”
For a while, Luna thought a lot.
With a mid-innate cultivation base, let alone severely injuring Sword Saint Gai Nie, even she cannot be threatened.
Even so, she still couldn’t figure it out.
Why did the seventh son severely injure Gai Nie?
“Wait and see!”
With countless thoughts in his heart, Luna gradually fixed his eyes on the front.
Sensing Ying Changge’s surging innate qi in the mid-innate stage, Da Si Ming’s expression became more dignified, concentrating and concentrating.
“In the same realm as me!”
“At such a level, it is impossible to seriously injure Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“No matter what, I must do my best!”
Da Si Ming slowly released the surging internal energy, which was also the innate true energy of the mid-innate cultivation realm, which exploded and surged in an instant.
The two internal forces collide with each other.
The terrifying innate qi collided with each other, producing a very tearing air flow, which turned into a shock wave, rolling all objects in all directions.
The dust on the ground flew up, curling up and dancing in the air.
Based on the positions of the two, two vacuum air fields were formed.
One side is red and the other side is light blue.
The internal force of Da Si Ming seems to present a substantial dark red color, which is very strange, extremely destructive, and scatteredThreats of terror.
On the other hand, Ying Changge’s light blue internal force fluctuations appear very gentle and vast, like a vast sea of ​​stars, unfathomable, giving people an unfathomable sense of touch.
“Since breaking through the cultivation realm of the innate middle (afej) period…”

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