And what the Seventh Young Master has mastered is this kind of terrifying supernatural power that is one in a million? !
“Is it more terrifying than the heart eye of martial arts?”
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes stared at Ying Changge in a daze, his pink lips parted slightly, and the beautiful face hidden under the veil was slightly moved, and there were waves of ripples and waves.
Rao is even as calm as her, and at this moment can no longer remain calm and indifferent.
“No wonder…”
“Seventh Young Master can seriously injure Sword Saint Gai Nie!”
Some of the confusion in Luna’s heart was easily resolved.
Originally, she had been thinking about it.
What kind of extraordinary means did the Seventh Prince Ying Changge who lost his eyes rely on to forcefully injure Sword Saint Gai Nie?
until now.
Only gradually did she come into contact with the answer.
It’s because of martial arts mind!
Do not!
More precisely.
It is because of a stronger and more terrifying ability than the martial arts mind.
“It’s because of this ability that Seventh Young Master can still see all the troubles around him even though he lost his eyes?”
“In this way, everything can be explained.”
“Although the seventh son’s eyes have lost their light, he has obtained an ability that is more terrifying than the martial arts mind, allowing his own sense of hearing to reach a state of perfection! Reaching an unimaginably terrifying state!”
“In this way, even if you abandon the naked eye vision, you still have infinitely stronger senses and insight than all martial arts practitioners!”
“Seventh Young Master, it’s too scary!”
“It really is unfathomable!”
Luna thought again and again in amazement.
The mind of martial arts can be called one in a million.
How small is the probability that it is stronger than martial arts?
That was a number that Luna couldn’t imagine!
“Seventh Young Master, do you really possess such a terrifying ability?”
Xinghun still couldn’t help expressing doubts.
He couldn’t accept it after all.
Because he also tried to practice martial arts mind eye, but in the end he had to give up.
He doesn’t think that someone can do things that even he can’t do in such a weak year!
Star Soul is very proud.
He has a strong confidence in his own talent, even conceited.
He also has a conceited background, and he is about to become a martial arts master at a young age!
This talent strength is enough to be called the first genius of the Yin Yang family in three hundred years!
But Star Soul was not satisfied with this.
he thinks.
He is the number one genius in the world, looking at the entire world for three hundred years!
But today, when he meets Ying Changge who has mastered a more terrifying ability than the martial arts heart eye, the pride in Xinghun’s heart makes him unable to believe all this.
He can’t even master martial arts.
How to believe that Ying Changge has mastered a more terrifying ability than martial arts mind?force?
Star Soul couldn’t believe it.
“According to rumors.”
“If you want to master martial arts, you need at least a long period of experience and twists and turns before you can finally comprehend as you wish.”
“Anyone who has mastered martial arts will not be younger than fifty years old!”
“If you don’t have enough life experience and experience, you can’t experience the state of the mind of martial arts, so it is naturally impossible to understand the mind of martial arts!”
“Seventh Young Master, you are not yet twenty years old, how did you do it?”
“And you said that what you have mastered is a more terrifying ability than martial arts!”
Xinghun forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and then questioned suspiciously.
After he failed in trying to practice martial arts, he subconsciously believed that it was because he was not old enough, and it was definitely not due to his own innate aptitude.
But when you see Ying Changge.
This reason for self-comfort in Xinghun’s heart also collapsed.
The question of Star Soul is also the question of Moon God.
Of course she also understands.
The magical means of martial arts mind eye requires talent, aptitude, comprehension, opportunity, life experience and other aspects, all of which are indispensable, and without any of them, it is impossible to master this terrifying ability.
So here comes the problem.
Seventh Young Master doesn’t seem to have such conditions.
And how can one master an ability that is more terrifying than the martial arts mind eye?
Can’t figure it out!
“Think it’s impossible?”
“Think all this is unbelievable? Unbelievable?”
Sensing the mentality of Yueshen, Xinghun and others, the expression on Ying Changge’s face was intriguing.
“It’s really hard to believe what you just said.”
Luna spoke truthfully.
“Try it and you’ll know.”
Ying Changge spoke briefly.
“How to try?”
Star Soul asked.
“You’ll know after one game.”
“Everyone knows that I am blind and cannot see the world clearly.”
“It only takes one fight to know whether what I said is true.”
“Arrange an innate strong man to fight with me for a while, and you will be able to find the answer you want.”
“In this way, wouldn’t it save worry and effort? There is no need to waste everyone’s time.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Hearing this, Xinghun’s eyes flickered and he did not refute.
He turned his head, looked at Da Si Ming who was wearing a dark red robe beside him, and his eyes conveyed the message.
next second.
Da Si Ming understood, and immediately took the initiative to stand up: “I would like to be your opponent, Seventh Young Master.”
Da Si Ming, who was wearing a dark red robe, outlined his tall and graceful figure, with exquisite facial features, long black hair tied down on his back, and his brows were full of heroism.
“Then just play with you.”
“Actually, I really want to see you too.”
“Is the famous Yin-Yang technique of the Yin-Yang family as famous as it is rumored in the world. I just hope that you don’t let me down.”
Ying Changge laughed.
The yin and yang techniques of the yin and yang family are notorious in the world.
Most of the reputations are naturally negative, but it is undeniable that the Yin-Yang family has become the object of fear and fear of countless schools in the world by virtue of their unpredictable and terrifying Yin-Yang techniques.
“After a while, you will find the answer you want.”
“When the time comes, don’t be too surprised.”
Ying Changge’s gray-white pupils were facing in the direction of Moon God and Star Soul.
When seeing his pair of gray-white pupils, no matter if it was the Moon God or the Star Soul, all of them shrank their pupils, their complexions changed slightly, and they felt a little terrified.
Watching Ying Changge step by step into the spacious open space ahead.
With Da Si Ming, he took a long leg and followed behind Ying Changge.
Moon God and Xinghun looked at each other, their lips trembled slightly, their throats were dry, and they couldn’t help blurting out: “These eyes…”
The words of the two people were actually the same at the same time!

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