“I seem to be countless times stronger than these so-called formation masters!”
“What they can’t do! I can do it!”
“Ordinary people can’t break the yin-yang array?”
Ying Changge walked to the purple barrier of the formation, and casually tapped with his index finger where the energy of the formation was weakest.
“But in my eyes…”
“They are really full of loopholes! Vulnerable!”
As for how to gain insight into this position, it is the weakest part of the formation?
That is naturally due to the domineering domineering of the perfect level!
Under this informative investigation, Ying Changge could feel the weakest point of the yin-yang formation, 4.9, almost all the time.
It is really not difficult to break the formation!
Basically it can be said that there is no difficulty!
Otherwise, how can you say that a perfect domineering level of knowledge is the biggest nemesis of formations and mechanisms? !
As Ying Changge’s index finger lightly tapped the weak spot of the formation, a wisp of innate qi flowed from the dantian of the abdomen to the fingertips, and then penetrated the formation on the spot.
There was a violent turbulence and shaking from the entire formation.
The frequency of the vibration fluctuated, affecting the entire hall of the palace.
Then there was a burst of tremors in the huge hall.
Immediately afterwards.
There were bursts of crisp and pleasant voices.
Visible to the naked eye.
The outer barrier formed by the energy of the purple light beam cracked into hideous cracks and gaps.
The dense cracks are like spider webs, dense and creepy.
next second.
The enchantment completely collapsed and collapsed.
The shattered energy flow, as if turning into broken glass, instantly reduced to a wave of air that spread in all directions, completely shattered and disintegrated within the purple barrier.
A wave of air blew over Ying Changge’s white and elegant clothes, and his hair also fluttered and danced in the air, making his figure extraordinarily eye-catching at this moment.
“At this point, I have to tell you a fact.”
“If I really wanted to…”
“At least, I can find forty-two methods to easily break this so-called Yin-Yang array!”
“That’s why I said it before.”
“Let your yin and yang family, the yin and yang formation that you have always been proud of.”
“In fact, in front of me, they are really full of loopholes!”
“Totally vulnerable!”
turn around.
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and he was domineering with knowledge and knowledge spreading in a radius of 100 meters. He could clearly see the dumbfounded expressions of Luna, Xinghun and others.
This moment.
The first small formation contained in the medium-sized yin-yang formation has been easily disintegrated and broken by Ying Changge!
In just an instant, the first formation was directly defeated!
All these scenes fell into the eyes of Moon God, Xinghun and others without reservation.
Let their expressions at this moment be full of shock, their eyes widened and rounded instantly, and their faces were full of emotions such as horror and disbelief.
how is this possible? ! .
Chapter 83 Easily overturn the audience! The guardian elder was confused! 【1/7 for customization】
“Broken, broken?!”
“how can that be?!”
“The formation was actually broken and disintegrated!”
“This this!”
“what’s going on?!”
“Yin-yang array, how could it be broken so easily?”
“This is not in line with common sense!”
“What’s even scarier is…”
“Seventh Young Master never investigated the Yin-Yang formation carefully from the beginning to the end. But even so, he was able to forcibly destroy the formation!”
“My, my God!”
“What kind of horrible act is this?”
Xinghun was shocked and stared at Ying Changge’s figure in a daze.
He was almost dumbfounded.
what’s going on?
what happened?
The mysterious and incomparable yin and yang formation, how can it be broken?
Not inside the yin and yang arrayIs it all-encompassing and ever-changing?
Why was it suddenly broken and disintegrated?
And the scariest thing is that…
The seventh son, Ying Changge, who broke through the yin-yang formation, never investigated the yin-yang formation from the beginning to the end.
Just after the formation was opened, the opponent successfully defeated the first formation in less than a dozen breaths!
What is this concept? !
What kind of monster is Seventh Young Master?
Even the grand masters of the formation could not do such a shocking feat!
Just for a split second.
After the formation is activated, can you penetrate the essence and weakness of the formation on the spot?
Could it be…
This yin and yang formation was created by the seventh son himself? !
Except for the founder of the formation, who can easily defeat and disintegrate the entire formation without the prerequisite of investigating the formation.
Who else can do such an astonishing behavior?
At this moment, the Seventh Young Master did it!
what does that mean?
Xinghun couldn’t help swallowing, and his throat rolled.
He stared at Ying Changge with horror, his eyes seemed to be looking at a monster.
Or luck?
Can it really be explained by coincidence?
At this moment, all the accidental factors can no longer be used to explain the horrible incident happening right now.
Not only was Xinghun stunned.
Even with a calm mind like a moon god, he felt a sense of horror.
“Is this defeating the Yin-Yang Formation?”
“I’m not dreaming, am I?”
“This, this is inevitable…”
Luna couldn’t speak for a moment, and his mind seemed particularly chaotic.
She was stunned.

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