The first time she saw Ying Changge, she was overwhelmed by Ying Changge’s strength.
The Yin-Yang Formation is the most profound and profound form of Yin-Yang Art.
Just now, she witnessed it with her own eyes.
An outsider who is not from the Yin-Yang family breaks into the Yin-Yang formation alone, and in a very short time, breaks through and disintegrates the Yin-Yang formation that the Yin-Yang family is proud of.
What is this concept? !
Da Si Ming was stunned.
“My lord, have you cracked the yin-yang formation just now?”
Meng Ying, who was belatedly aware of it, quickly ran to his son’s side and beat him from top to bottom.Measuring his son Ying Changge, he couldn’t help asking with a look of amazement.
I see.
Ying Changge’s whole body didn’t take any damage!
It seemed that he was not the one who fell into the yin-yang formation just now.
“Yin-yang formation?”
“It’s full of loopholes!”
“I overestimated it.”
Ying Changge chuckled, and couldn’t help shaking his head, with a slightly disappointed tone.
Even in front of the top guardians of the Yin-Yang family, such as Moon God and Xinghun, Ying Changge didn’t care at all. These words in the first place would seriously offend the other party.
This time when he came to the Yinyang family, Ying Changge did not have the purpose of making good friends with the Yinyang family!
That being the case, why not offend the Yin Yang family?
Ying Changge doesn’t care about these little things at all.
The Yin Yang family, Zhao Gao, Luo Wang and others are all targets that he is determined to eradicate!
These guys are the fundamental reason for the collapse of almost the entire Great Qin Empire!
Naturally, it is impossible for Ying Changge to choose to join forces with them.
And at this moment.
After listening to Ying Changge’s words, whether it was the Moon God or the Star Soul, including the chief minister beside him, their expressions became a little ugly.
Ying Changge’s words literally slapped them in the face!
How could this embarrass them, who are the supreme guardians of the Yin Yang family?
“Full of loopholes?”
Even though she was as calm as a moon god and extremely self-cultivated, she couldn’t help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and a bit of shock and anger appeared on her delicate and pretty face.
Surprisingly, Ying Changge broke through the formation in a short period of time just now.
What is angry is that Ying Changge’s remarks are too arrogant, and he doesn’t take the Yin Yang family seriously!
Even His Majesty the First Emperor…
I wouldn’t belittle the Yin Yang family like this face to face!
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is really too presumptuous!
“Just now that was…”
“It’s just that Seventh Young Master got lucky for a while?”
“Is it really that simple?”
Luna took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.
At present, she can only think of this possibility!
It must have been just a moment of luck!
Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the shocking things that happened just now.
Let me ask, how can a person who has never been in contact with formations break through and disintegrate a Yin-Yang formation in just a moment?
This is obviously not realistic!
Even the master of formation can’t do it!
It is his own knowledge and understanding of this formation.
Otherwise, even a grand master of formations, who has deep knowledge and mastery of formations, needs to study at least several hours if he wants to break through a completely unfamiliar formation.
Impossible to do…
Just like the seventh son Ying Changge did just now, he destroyed a yin-yang formation in less than half a quarter of an hour!
This is simply a terrifying thing that subverts cognition!
Therefore, Luna, Xinghun and others subconsciously believed it.
This must be a coincidence!
“In less than a quarter of an hour, you want to break through the Yin-Yang formation of our Yin-Yang family?”
“This is a joke! It’s impossible!”
“I just said it. How could there be such a monster?”
“Almost startled.”
Xinghun felt so disgusted in his heart.
The two goddesses, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, looked slightly relaxed, their beautiful eyes were full of curiosity and surprise, and they looked at Ying Changge carefully, carefully observing this young man who had recently become famous in Xianyang City.
“I heard.”
“Seventh Young Master is blind? Is it true?”
“Under such circumstances, how can the Sword Saint Gai Nie be severely injured?”
Da Si Ming was deeply puzzled, but he didn’t dare to ask too much.
after all.
As one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, she is not yet qualified to stand in front of the prince Ying Changge and have a direct exchange.
“Seventh Young Master, if you experience behavior similar to the one just now, don’t be reckless again.”
“If it wasn’t for Seventh Young Master’s fluke, he found the weakest position in the formation. I’m afraid, Seventh Young Master, you would have been in danger just now.”
“But this kind of accidental luck will never happen again.”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, her tone full of solemn reminders and warnings.
“Accident? Luck? A fluke?”
“Master Luna, what if there is a second time?”
“Then how to explain it?”
Ying Changge smiled meaningfully.
Luna’s tone was decisive, very sure.
“So sure? Why don’t I try again? Let me see how powerful the Yin-Yang formation of your Yin-Yang family is.”
Ying Changge proposed with great interest.
“Seventh Young Master is too confident.”
“My lord, you know that the yin-yang formation is a very mysterious and mysterious yin-yang technique that my yin-yang family has spent hundreds of years painstakingly researching.”
“Furthermore, the Yin-Yang Formation combines Taoism’s Taoism and Shu’s witchcraft. It is almost all-encompassing, infinitely mysterious, and ever-changing.”
“Even if it is the most famous formation master in the rivers and lakes in the world, it is as difficult as climbing the sky to break through the Yin-Yang formation of my Yin-Yang family!”
“What the Seventh Young Master did just now was purely a coincidence.”
“Seventh Young Master, don’t really think that the Yin-Yang Formation is nothing more than that.”
Luna introduced slowly with a serious face.
But it’s just a coincidence…
Seventh Young Master really thinks that he can easily decipher the Yin-Yang formation?
Luna would never believe this.
“Lord Moon God’s words are wrong.”
“Since the seventh son wants to try to challenge, the yin-yang formation of our Yin-Yang family. How can I, as a courtier, let the seventh son be disappointed?”
Xinghun suddenly intervened in the topic, looking at Ying Changge playfully.
Judging by his appearance, it seems that he has a mentality that is not a big deal at all.
“Don’t be too presumptuous!”
Luna glanced at Xinghun, her tone was cold.

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