The bronze mirror in front of her was already shattered.
The cracks became more and more obvious.
The figure of the young man in the picture of the bronze mirror has long since disappeared without a trace!
There are only cracks like spider webs left, all over the surface of the bronze mirror, and there are more and more cracks, densely packed and creepy.
There was a loud screech.
The bronze mirror turned into countless wreckage fragments, falling rapidly from a high altitude.
Pieces of bronze mirror fragments were scattered in the corners of the hall next to them, and there were bursts of sharp and piercing sounds as countless fragments fell to the ground.
In less than a moment.
On the ground, a large pile of fragments of the bronze mirror piled up, scattered in different places in a disorderly manner.
The original complete bronze mirror has disappeared without a trace, all turned into wreckage and fragments scattered everywhere, completely destroyed and turned into slag.
Luna is in very bad shape.
Out of control of her internal force, her face instantly turned extremely pale. She forcibly controlled the out-of-control internal force in her body, trying to resist the internal force that destroyed her body.
But this out-of-control internal force was too surging, making Luna almost unbearable.
“How can astrology backfire?!”
“This is impossible!”
“In the past, this phenomenon has never occurred before.”
“But this time, why?!”
“Obviously the process of casting astrology is very smooth…”
“Why are you hereIn the end, it suddenly backfired? ! ”
Luna’s head was very confused.
She couldn’t believe it in her dreams.
The astrology that she is most proud of has actually ushered in the first failure in her life!
Or directly suffered a serious backlash from astrology!
Luna had never experienced anything like this before.
This is the first time Luna has used astrology and encountered backlash!
Regarding this, Luna could hardly help doubting life.
“Could it be that……”
“Is it because the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge?!”
“Just because the existence predicted by astrology is too terrifying, will it make me suffer the backlash of astrology in the end?”
Luna thought of an explanation.
But this explanation still shocked her.
“No, won’t you?”
“Seventh Young Master, is it so terrifying?!”
“Just using astrology to predict, let me suffer such a serious backlash?!”
“Who the hell is he?”
“What kind of monster is it?!”
Luna was terrified.
She tried her best to resist the out-of-control internal force in her body, but it was inevitable that she would be injured in the end.
Opening his mouth, the Moon God spit out a mouthful of blood (of Dewang) with a sluggish breath, and his face became even paler.
Donghuang Taiyi used his abundant internal force to pour it into Luna’s body to help the latter adjust his out-of-control internal force.
In this way, about half an hour passed.
Luna finally controlled the out-of-control internal force.
But she was also exhausted.
Breathing continuously, Luna adjusted his rhythmless breathing, his face was pale, cold sweat covered his forehead, and the breath in his body seemed particularly disordered.
Just the backlash of astrology made her fall into an unprecedented weak stage on the spot!
“The source of the astrological backlash is the Seventh Young Master!”
“This Seventh Young Master is countless times more terrifying than we imagined!”
After adjusting his messy breathing, Luna truthfully stated the conjecture in his heart.
“Seventh Young Master Ying Changge?”
“It can actually affect the backlash of astrology?!”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Star Soul was dumbfounded, with a shocked expression on his face.
It was the first time he heard of it.
Astrology predicts that a person will encounter such a severe backlash.
This time, he was eye-opening.
Never thought.
That Seventh Young Master is so terrifying!
It can be called horror!
“Seventh son?”
“It seems that he is very likely to be the mysterious strong man who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie!”
“Otherwise, it is impossible to disturb the astrology, forcibly interfere with the operation of astrology, and eventually lead to the failure of astrology and suffer serious backlash!”
At this moment, even Donghuang Taiyi felt a little shaken.
Seeing it for the first time.
Astrology, unexpectedly, will fail miserably because of a single person and will be the end of backlash.
All of this makes a point.
That seventh son, Ying Changge, is by no means someone who is waiting for nothing!
It must be an extremely terrifying existence!
If it weren’t for this, Luna’s astrology would never have failed so easily.
It is even more impossible that after the failure, he also suffered a serious backlash, which caused Luna to be almost seriously injured on the spot.
All of them show that the Seventh Young Master is unique and terrifying!
“Your Excellency Donghuang, how shall we face that Seventh Young Master?”
After adjusting his chaotic breathing, Luna asked.
Now they’ve guessed it.
Last night, the mysterious strongman who severely injured Gai Nie destroyed the terrifying existence of the famous Jian Yuanhong with his bare hands…
The other party is most likely the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge!
Facing such a terrifying existence, even the Moon God felt waves of fear.
Having encountered the astrological backlash just now, Luna still has lingering fears.
Hearing the question from the Moon God, Donghuang Taiyi slightly calmed down his shaking mood.
Think for a while.
With a plan in mind, he directly ordered to the Moon God.
“In the name of the Yin Yang family…”
“Invite this seventh son to come to the Yinyang Pavilion as a guest!”
“I also want to meet this terrifying seventh son!”.
Chapter 80 Seventh Young Master, Is He That Mysterious Strong Man? 【5/7 for customization】
The first ray of light from the horizon fell on Ying Changge’s body, allowing him to feel the warmth flowing from his body, like a spring breeze.

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