Immediately afterwards.
Zhang Han, who had been waiting here for a long time, quickly stepped into the Xianyang Palace ahead.
As for the interior of Xianyang Palace, Zhang Han was already familiar with it.
In less than a moment.
Zhang Han’s footsteps stopped abruptly, and he raised his hand and knocked on the door of the splendid palace in front of him.
Boom boom boom!
The crisp and pleasant knock on the door spread in all directions.
“Come in.”
A plain and majestic voice came from the palace.
Pushing open the door, Zhang Han stepped into it.
not for a while.
Zhang Han saw the figure of the First Emperor Yingzheng.
I see.
Ying Zheng was wearing a golden dragon robe and was sitting on the steps of the palace. His eyes were deep and sharp, and his whole body exuded a sense of majesty without anger.
Condescending, Ying Zheng looked down on Zhang Han.
“Zhang Han, see Your Majesty.”
Zhang Han hurriedly lowered his head, clasped his fists and clasped his hands, with a very respectful expression.
The corner of Ying Zheng’s mouth twitched slightly: “General Zhang Han, why did you enter the palace to have an audience today?”
heard the words.
Zhang Han told the truth: “Come here today, mainly to report to Your Majesty, the process and results of arresting Gai Nie last night.”
“Oh? Gai Nie? General Zhang Han has already found out Gai Nie’s whereabouts and whereabouts? How dare he show up in Xianyang City? You really have the guts!”
“Your Majesty, please appease your anger. Ge Nie blatantly broke into Xianyang City this time, and now he has reaped the consequences and has been severely punished.”
“Could it be that General Zhang Han has captured Gai Nie?”
“Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I am incompetent!”
Zhang Han panicked.
“What do you mean by punishing Gai Nie?”
Ying Zheng still had no major emotional changes.
Of course Ying Zheng is well aware of the strength of Sword Saint Gai Nie.
Once the number one assassin of the Great Qin Empire, no one knew better than Ying Zheng how strong Gai Nie was.
That’s why.
Ying Zheng had high hopes for Gai Nie.
But he never thought that Ge Nie would choose to defect to the empire suddenly at such a time, which really made Ying Zheng feel helpless and angry.
For Zhang Han’s failure this time, Ying Zheng was not too surprised, but seemed to be expected.
“Your Majesty, yesterday I dared to invite the Seventh Young Master to accompany me to pursue Gai Nie. In the end, under the terrifying strength of the Seventh Young Master, Gai Nie was seriously injured!”
“If it wasn’t for the critical moment, Ge Nie took the opportunity to use the secret method to escape. I am afraid that Ge Nie has already become a dead soul in the hands of the seventh son.”
“I came here on purpose today to report this matter to Your Majesty.”
Zhang Han lowered his head and truthfully told what happened yesterday.
Ying Zheng was a little surprised.
For the first time, the expression on his face changed slightly.
He looked at Zhang Han solemnly, and asked again: “General Zhang Han, are you sure this is not a joke? My son Changge, can you really hit Gai Nie hard?”
Gai Nie used to be Yingzheng’s bodyguard for many years.
Compared with most people, Ying Zheng understands how terrifying Gai Nie’s strength is!
05 And when he heard Zhang Han’s remarks at the moment, Ying Zheng was indeed frightened.
As strong as Sword Saint Gai Nie…
To be hit hard by my son Changge? !
real or fake?
how can that be!
Ying Zheng wanted to veto it immediately.
But on second thought.
Luo Wangtian’s first-class killers were all brutally killed by my son in one blow!
in this case.
It is not impossible for Wu’er to injure Gai Nie severely.
“How dare I speak nonsense in front of His Majesty.”
“This is absolutely true!”
“Last night, Chen Yu led hundreds of Shadow Secret Guard subordinates to surround Gai Nie, but Gai Nie defeated him on the spot with a single sword, and ended in failure.”
“Your Majesty, I am really ashamed of the attention and cultivation you have given to Your Majesty!”
“At the critical moment, the Seventh Young Master made a timely move and severely injured Gai Nie on the spot with lightning speed, causing Gai Nie to escape from the battlefield with serious injuries.”
“what is has been confirmed is.”
“Seventh Young Master’s current strength is already far superior to the minister!”
Zhang Han promised with a serious face.
After hearing Zhang Han’s words, Ying Zheng immediately burst into laughter, and the clear laughter spread in all directions, even farther than the palace.
It reveals the joy and happiness of the first emperor Yingzheng at this moment.
“My son, Changge, has actually grown to the point where he can seriously injure Gai Nie’s strength all by himself!”
“It’s really gratifying to me…”
“At this age, can he severely injure Gai Nie? Good! Good!”
Ying Zheng was overjoyed, and he didn’t hide his pride and comfort for Ying Changge at all.
My son sings…
He is worthy of being the proud son of heaven with the talent of a fairy!
One after another brought countless great news to me!
What’s more, even the sword master Gai Nie is no longer the enemy of my son Changge!
“General Zhang Han, you have done a good job.”
“Presumably, if General Zhang Han and the shadow guards you led were not used to consume Gai Nie’s physical strength, I am afraid that my son would not have seriously injured Gai Nie so easily.”
“Speaking of which, General Zhang Han also contributed a lot to this matter.”
Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Han, full of emotion.
“The minister is ashamed and dare not take it.”
“If the Seventh Young Master hadn’t made a move, I might have died under Gai Nie’s sword.”
“Although I did my best to hurt Gai Nie, the most important thing is the Seventh Young Master who hit Gai Nie hard at the last moment!”
Zhang Han lowered his head, not daring to be greedy for credit at all.
Nor was he exaggerating.
The reason why Sword Saint Gai Nie was able to hit so hard this time, Ying Changge was indeed a part of the greatest credit.
Zhang Han and Ying Miwei also have part of the credit, but the most important thing is Ying Changge!
“Since Gai Nie has been seriously injured, I will order that the whole city launch a search for Gai Nie, and Gai Nie must be caught!”
“When Ge Nie is seriously injured, it is the best time to deal with him!”
“I’ll leave it to you, General Zhang Han, to take charge of this matter.”
Ying Zheng thought for a while, and then ordered.
“Follow His Majesty’s orders.”
Zhang Han Zheng nodded.
With Ying Zheng’s order, Zhang Han no longer needs to have any scruples.
“Tell me again.”
“Last night, how did my son Changge hit Gai Nie so hard?”
As soon as the subject changed, Ying Zheng suddenly showed deep curiosity.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”

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