The lights were brightly lit, illuminating the dark hall.
Wisps of breeze blew gently, rolling the candles and fluttering with the “160” wind, imprinting on the fire spots on the ground, and then producing some weak effects.
Coming here, Luna couldn’t help but feel a little cautious.
Even the powerful Moon God, who was usually unfathomable, could not help showing a bit of awe on her pretty face after arriving at this place.
The footsteps came to an abrupt stop.
Looked up.
Luna could see straight ahead, above the steps, a figure in a black robe was standing, covering his head completely, making it impossible to see his face and appearance clearly.
The figure of this figure is very burly, giving Luna an incomparably majestic sense of sight.
When seeing this figure, Luna’s beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent eye veil, with deep awe, couldn’t help lowering her head, not daring to look directly at his back.
There is no doubt that this person is Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yin Yang family!
Regardless of strength or identity, they are very mysterious and terrifying existences!
“Moon God? Why are you here?”
At this time, a voice came from the side, interrupting the silent atmosphere.
When Luna looked over, he could see a young man in a dark blue strange dress.
The young man was in his early teens, with dark blue tattoos around his left eye, his eyes full of rebelliousness and arrogance, and his stature was relatively short and thin.
But the aura emanating from his body is indeed very majestic and terrifying!
Left protector of the Yin Yang family, Star Soul!
They are evenly matched with Luna in the Yin Yang family!
If one really compares the status of the two, there is no doubt that the Moon God is above the Star Soul.
Star Soul is only in his early teens, but he possesses an unfathomable and powerful cultivation base, which is not inferior to the Moon God who is also a Dharma protector.
Star Soul is also known as the first genius of the Yin Yang family in three hundred years!
He is also a proud son of heaven who is famous and intimidating in the world!
Even though he is young, Xinghun’s yin and yang skills are unfathomable and extremely powerful.
Compared with Luna, who is good at some extremely weird yin and yang techniques, Star Soul’s yin and yang techniques are specialized in killing methods, unlike Luna, who is proficient in everything like astrology.
Seeing the figure of Xing Hun, Luna just cast a faint glance, and didn’t talk too much with the other party, but faced Donghuang Taiyi’s direction.
Moon God exhaled lightly, forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and then truthfully told the experience just now.
“Your Excellency Donghuang, when I returned from Xianyang Palace just now, I discovered a terrifying event that shook the world. I hereby come to report to you late at night.”
The crisp and pleasant voice slowly spread in all directions.
Xinghun raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Luna with a pair of unruly eyes, his eyes were somewhat cold and serious, but he didn’t say much, and chose to stand quietly and listen.
“A horrible event?”
“what happened?”
Donghuang Tai’s voice was powerful and powerful.
In the huge and spacious hall, Donghuang Taiyi’s extremely majestic voice spread.
Don’t be angry!
Even though the voice was flat, it made Luna and Xinghun only lower their heads.
Even the rebellious star soul, when standing in front of Donghuang Taiyi, will feel awe from the bottom of his heart, and dare not be too presumptuous.
“I saw it. Sword Saint Gai Nie appeared in Xianyang City.”
“And he was seriously injured…”
“On the verge of death!”
“In the rivers and lakes, the world’s most prestigious sword master was attacked in Xianyang City and fled with injuries.”
“The one who severely injured Gai Nie was an extremely terrifying and powerful existence!”
“Although I don’t know the true identity of this person yet, but the strength of this person is undoubtedly terrifying!”
“This person is a huge variable in Xianyang City!”
Luna spoke slowly.
“Sword Saint Gai Nie? Was he severely wounded alone? Wounded and escaped?”
“Who could do such an amazing thing? It’s amazing.”
Donghuangtai was a little surprised in his voice, but he didn’t show too much emotional turmoil.
“His Excellency Donghuang, please take a look.”
“This is the item left on the battlefield by the terrifying existence that severely injured Gai Nie.”
“Gai Niefei was not only severely injured by the force, but the most terrifying thing is that…”
“The saber Yuanhong that he carried with him was forcibly destroyed.”
Luna slowly took out a round sphere and a broken sword blade.
Set it free on the ground in front of you.
“Yuan Hong has been destroyed?”
“This battle looks very tragic!”
“What kind of magical weapon can destroy Yuanhong?”
“Yuan Hong is ranked second in the Fengbeard Sword Manual!”
Xinghun frowned and intervened in the conversation.
“It’s not a magical weapon!”
“Empty hands!”
Luna took a deep breath, and truthfully told the astonishing truth with a serious face.
“Empty hands?!”
Star Soul’s pupils shrank.
He looked at the moon god’s eyes,It was a little weird: “Moon God, don’t you want to tell me that someone can destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with bare hands?”
Hearing this, Moon God didn’t care about Xinghun’s words of ridicule, but solemnly faced Donghuang Taiyi, with a serious tone: “Yuanhong, it was indeed destroyed with bare hands!”
“Although the facts are indeed incredible, this is the only truth.”
“That mysterious strong man was unbelievably powerful. With his bare hands, he managed to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie, and even destroyed the famous sword Yuan Hong in Gai Nie’s hands!”
At this time.
Xinghun suddenly laughed loudly: “Moon God, are you afraid that you are crazy? The name Jian Yuanhong will be destroyed by someone with bare hands? How is this possible?”
“What about the evidence?”
“What is the basis for what you said?”
Star Soul didn’t believe it.
Donghuang Taiyi never spoke.
Moon God pointed to the broken sword Yuanhong: “The evidence is on the broken Yuanhong.”
Xinghun frowned, his eyes became a little suspicious.
Is there any evidence?
No way?
Luna, a crazy woman, is what she said really true?
Can someone really destroy the famous Jian Yuanhong with bare hands?
Do not!
Will not!
This is absolutely impossible!
Xinghun shook his head, suppressing the thoughts in his heart.
The famous sword Yuanhong is a well-known magical weapon in the Jianghu!
Not to mention being destroyed with bare hands, it is basically impossible to destroy a magic weapon like Yuan Hong, even if it is a magic weapon that is also part of the Fengbeard Sword Manual.
Now I heard Luna mentioned that someone could destroy the famous Jian Yuanhong with bare hands?
Star Soul rejected it immediately.
“Let me see the evidence you said.”
Dong Huangtai spoke up.
A terrifying and incomparably powerful internal force erupted instantly, and a round sphere on the ground and the broken Yuanhong could be seen quickly suspended in midair.
not for a while.

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