Zhang Han looked ashamed.
“It’s okay, it’s excusable if you can’t find it.”
“After all, how could the majestic sword master Gai Nie have no means or cards?”
“There is no need to vent your anger on these subordinates too much.”
Ying Changge waved his hand.
For all of this, he had already expected it.
“Don’t worry, my lord. If Gai Nie’s whereabouts and whereabouts are not found tonight, then tomorrow, I will immediately notify His Majesty the First Emperor.”
“Let His Majesty personally order to launch a large-scale carpet-like raid on the entire city of Xianyang.”
“In addition, a warrant for the arrest of the Sword Saint Gai Nie can be issued, and it will be announced to the world, so that all the Liming people in the entire Xianyang City will be involved in the search.”
“At that time.”
“Even if Gai Nie has wings, it’s hard to fly!”
“No matter how deep he hides, as long as he is in Xianyang City for one day, he will definitely be exposed!”
Ge Nie said seriously.
In this regard, he has full confidence!
As long as Gai Nie still dares to stay in Xianyang City, he will definitely be caught by him!
“General Zhang Han can make up his own mind on these matters, and it is inconvenient for me to get involved too much.”
“It’s getting late now.”
“General Zhang Han, it is inconvenient for me to accompany you to continue searching Gai Nie’s whereabouts here.”
“If you find any information about Gai Nie’s whereabouts and clues, General Zhang Han, please send someone to inform me as soon as possible.”
Ying Changge was about to leave.
The matter of dealing with Gai Nie this time has come to an end for the time being.
Juggernaut Gai Nie was seriously injured, and finally tried his best to escape from the scene.
If, as Zhang Han said, a city-wide search operation is launched against Gai Nie, Gai Nie’s whereabouts and whereabouts will be found out sooner or later.
“Seventh Young Master, please rest assured that when dealing with Gai Nie’s matter today, the humble position will definitely remain intact.It was passed on to His Majesty the First Emperor. ”
“In the matter of dealing with Gai Nie this time, the seventh son made a lot of contributions, and his humble position dare not be greedy for credit.”
Zhang Han lowered his head and truthfully expressed his thoughts.
After thinking for a while, Ying Changge nodded.
With his current strength, it is indeed difficult to hide any longer.
No need to hide anymore!
When it’s time to be high-profile, you still have to be high-profile!
Talk to Zhang Han for a while.
Ying Changge announced his departure.
Taking Mengying with them, the two gradually drifted away, gradually leaving this spacious street.
And just when Ying Changge left the street and was about to return to Qingxia Palace the same way.
in vain!
The system’s prompt sounded from his head without warning.
【Ding! 】
[It is detected that the host has changed the original world trajectory by 3%…]
[Template fusion degree +3%]
[Current template fusion degree: 16%]
“Template integration has improved again!”
Ying Changge paused for a moment.
He was surprised!
It looks like…
Gai Nie was hit hard this time, and he can indeed get a lot of template fusion!
“The degree of integration that has been improved this time is not too small.”
“We are still 4% away from the goal!”
“I can get my wish, let me unlock the next brand new ability again!”
“This day, it won’t be too far away.”
Ying Changge was deeply looking forward to it.
Will it be the fruit of gravity?
Or the powerful swordsmanship of the blind swordsman?
Or the hidden overlord look?
Ying Changge was very curious about this.
Depress the many thoughts and thoughts in your head.
Taking Mengying and Ying Changge with them, they returned home the same way.
Came here today to deal with Sword Saint Gai Nie, and it’s not like nothing!
At least.
Got a lot of integration improvement!
For Ying Changge, this was enough for him.
As long as he can improve the degree of integration, he will not return empty-handed.
For the current result, it is still within the acceptable range.
In situ.
All the way to watch the back of Ying Changge and Meng Ying leaving.
Zhang Han’s eyes were full of admiration, admiration, and worship.
He couldn’t look back for a long time.
And standing beside him, there are several elite shadow guards.
These Shadow Secret Guards were all witnesses who witnessed the battle from beginning to end just now.
“General, the seventh son is really a shocking monster!”
“The sword master Gai Nie who made countless martial arts practitioners in the world fearful. But in the hands of the seventh son, he was killed and severely injured by a single blow.”
“It’s too miserable! This is most likely the sword master Gai Nie, who has suffered the worst defeat in his life!”
“By the seventh son, he crossed a full four or five realms and killed him hard!”
“Among them, the scariest thing is…”
“The sword master Gai Nie’s sect comes from the most high-voltage box-bottom unique art of vertical swordsmanship of Guigu’s lineage. According to rumors, the hundred-step flying sword that can kill with one strike was actually blocked by the seventh son with his bare hands. Already!”
“This is catching a flying sword with bare hands!”
“If I hadn’t witnessed it with my own eyes, my subordinates would never believe such a shocking act.”
Several shadow secret guards still had lingering fears, and the shock in their hearts could not dissipate for a long time.
Hearing this, Zhang Han deeply agreed: “Seventh Young Master, as a rare evildoer who is rare in a millennium, naturally, is definitely not something that ordinary people can compare with!”
The seventh son is not only a monster!
Still a downright peerless monster!

Ge Nie constantly adjusted his breathing.
Feeling the tingling pain coming from his body all the time, the cold sweat on his forehead was soaring, slowly flowing down from both sides of his cheeks.
Under the soft white moonlight.
Ge Nie’s pale, bloodless face was revealed.
His injury is too serious!
The astonishing speed that erupted just now allowed him to escape from the battlefield.
But when the time for the secret technique has passed, he will suffer a more serious backlash, which will cause his already heavy injuries to become more serious.
Looking back.
Gai Nie looked back with lingering fear, watching the battlefield dozens of miles away.
up until now.
The sense of fear in Ge Nie’s heart still hasn’t completely dissipated.
“An extremely terrifying monster was born!”
“Seventh Young Master, is undoubtedly a peerless evildoer!”

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