“So quickly, I have gained insight into the fundamentals.”
“Still doesn’t make any sense!”
“My sense of knowledge is perfect!”
Ying Changge smiled.
If it’s just ordinary knowledge and domineering, it will naturally be deciphered by Gai Nie.
But the problem is…
What I have mastered is a perfect level of domineering knowledge!
This, of course, will be completely different!
Facing Gai Nie’s attack, Ying Changge was still able to dodge easily.
The sword light flashed.
Cold light everywhere.
Sword Qi lingered.
Gai Nie’s attack appeared to be very fierce, and every sword carried a terrible momentum of overwhelming momentum.
Sword Qi crazily passed by Ying Changge’s side.
The blast of air finally tore a tiny gap in the clothes on his body.
“Mr. Ge Nie…”
“You’ve improved.”
Ying Changge glanced at the torn clothes, and a playful smile appeared on his face.
It is indeed progress!
Before, I couldn’t even touch the corner of my clothes.
Now, they are already able to damage their own clothes.
have to say.
Ge Nie, great progress!
Ying Changge’s words formed a great irony for Gai Nie.
The most dignified sword master in the world…
To be ridiculed in person?
The sword in his hand just scratched the opponent’s clothes, and the opponent said that he had improved?
Faced with Ying Changge’s remarks, Gai Nie almost became impatient no matter how calm his mind was.
“Seventh Young Master, if you can only dodge Gai’s attack unilaterally, then you won’t be able to stop Gai from leaving.”
“Gei wants to leave, but you can’t stop him.”
“Even if Gei really can’t do anything to you, so what?”
“You also can’t do anything to Gai!”
Gai Nie’s face was expressionless, and his voice was somewhat cold.
He is angry!
“Really? Mr. Ge Nie, then you have to be careful.”
“I’m serious!”
“This farce should end here.”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face was restrained, and a pair of off-white pupils, under the soft white moonlight, shone with a sense of strangeness.
The domineering aura of perfect level of knowledge and knowledge enveloped Ge Nie’s body all the time.
The latter’s every move, even the slightest, could not escape Ying Changge’s insight.
As Gaine said.
If you don’t attack, it is naturally impossible to keep Gai Nie!
Next, Ying Changge is ready to take the initiative to attack!
“Seriously? Seventh son, just rely on your bare hands? Is this your serious state?”
“It’s not easy to take down Gai with bare hands.”
Ge Nie spoke lightly.
Against him, the number one sword master in the world, with bare hands?
Who is this belittling?
“Then try it.”
Ying Changge stepped forward.
Innate true energy erupted in full force.
In an instant, Ying Changge’s figure appeared beside Gai Nie.
Gai Nie’s eyes turned quickly, and Yuan Hong in his right hand, as if his body reacted instinctively, slashed fiercely at the incoming Ying Changge.
The sharp blade pierced the sky.
call out!
There was a piercing sound.
This sword contains the terrifying internal power of a martial arts master, and it is extremely lethal.
In general.
Even the top experts in the congenital perfection realm dare not block Ge Nie’s sword head-on!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
This sword carried the anger in Ge Nie’s heart.
The air is cut off.
The spread of terrifying internal force fluctuations caused weak peristalsis and tremors in the surrounding space, and the entire void seemed to be affected and distorted by this surge of internal force.
This sword is terrifying!
“Seventh Young Master, how do you block Gai’s sword?”
Ge Nie raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of solemnity and anticipation.
right under his gaze.
But was shocked to see.
Facing his sword, Ying Changge on the opposite side only made a simple movement.
That is……
Raise your right hand.
Raise your index and middle fingers.
With two fingers spread slightly, a scissors hand was placed horizontally under Ge Nie’s Yuanhong sword.
The divine weapon Yuan Hong ranked second in the Fengbeard swordsmanship, coupled with Gai Nie’s erupting terrifying internal force, the power of a martial arts master fully bloomed.
Terrifying sword energy lingered around the sharp blade of the famous sword Yuanhong, shining with a terrifying cold light.
It’s freezing cold!
Biting cold!
With this sword, Gai Nie went all out!
A sword released without reservation!
Even the top powerhouses in the congenital perfect state may not be able to block it head-on.
But it was such a terrifying sword…
What did Genie see?
He couldn’t believe it in his dreams.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, raised two fingers at his sword.
Trying to block with your bare hands? !
What is this concept?
Go crazy!
“With just two fingers…”
“You want to block Gai’s sword?!”
“Seventh Young Master, I’m afraid you are really crazy!”

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