What an astonishing and terrifying innate understanding is needed to master martial arts at this age?
It is a rare encounter in a thousand years!
“Whether it’s true or not, let Gai try it out.”
Gai Nie forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and then launched a fierce attack with the famous sword Yuanhong in his hand.
The sword light flashed.
The air temperature plummeted.
I almost want the temperature to return to zero!
The terrifying sword light flickered past, and the air was cut and shredded on the spot.
This sword was aimed at Ying Changge and kept approaching.
Ge Nie’s every move naturally cannot escape Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable and domineering insight.
Without any effort, he took another step and dodged it.
Yuan Hong’s terrifying sword energy entangled with sharp blades was released at Ying Changge from half a meter in the air.
Where Ying Changge was originally, the ground was shattered by this fierce sword qi, and the ground was sunken, splitting a hideous crack and gap.
“Mr. Ge Nie…”
“Your sword is still not fast enough!”
Dodging Gai Nie’s sword, Ying Changge smiled playfully.
“Dodged again!”
“It looks like…”
“Gei’s guess is correct.”
“Although the facts are indeed too unbelievable, this may be the only truth.”
“Only this possibility can explain that the Seventh Young Master’s eyes have lost their light, but he still possesses such terrifying senses and insight.”
“Today, Gai is an eye-opener!”
“Sure enough, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. In the past, Gai was still watching the sky from the bottom of a well, thinking that he was talented, but it was just a joke.”
“Compared to the seventh son, Gai’s talent is nothing worth mentioning!”
“An example of someone who has mastered the mind of martial arts before the age of twenty…”
“This is a case that is hard to find in a thousand years!”
“Peerless and unparalleled!”
Gai Nie took a deep breath, took a deep look at Ying Changge, and said slowly, “Seventh Young Master, if Gai’s guess is correct.”
“Presumably, the heart of martial arts is your greatest confidence, right?”
“Gai Nie didn’t expect that the seventh son’s martial arts talent is so terrifying!”
“This is because Gai is blind.”
“One in a million martial arts mind, but the Seventh Young Master can comprehend it when he is still at the weak crown. This kind of talent, Gai is afraid that it can’t be compared, and he feels ashamed!”
Ge Nie had to admit.
The talent and aptitude displayed by Ying Changge made him feel a deep sense of frustration.
Even if he was as talented as him back then, but now, he still hasn’t touched the basic threshold of martial arts mind.
But the seventh son Ying Changge on the opposite side has completely mastered it!
This is the gap!
Huge gap beyond reach!
“Mr. Ge Nie, I think you may have misunderstood.”
Facing Gai Nie’s exclamation, Ying Changge suddenly burst out laughing.
“Oh? What does Seventh Young Master mean by this?”
Ge Nie frowned.
“What I have mastered is not as simple as martial arts mind!”
“As for the specifics…”
“Just ask Mr. Ge Nie to come and investigate on his own!”
“Also, the most important point is…”
“It’s not my biggest trump card!”
Ying Changge laughed out loud.
Fighting broke out again.
The biggest hole card?
The perfect domineering level of knowledge is his biggest trump card?
no no no!
Not only that.
The domineering armed color of the perfect level is also his biggest hole card!
Gai Nie got half of the guesses right, but not all of them!
The next battle.
Gai Nie became more and more frightened when he fought more and more.
He noticed it with horror.
Every sword…
Every trick, every style…
It was as if they were completely seen through by Ying Changge on the opposite side.
Every sword could not touch the corner of Ying Changge’s clothes at all, so it was easily dodged in advance.
This discovery shocked Gai Nie.
“I said it before.”
“Mr. Ge Nie…”
“All your moves and means will be invisible to my blind eyes!”
“This is not an ability that martial arts can possess.”
“What I have mastered is an ability that is countless times stronger than martial arts!”
“It allows me to see through your future!”
“Mr. Gai Nie, everything you have launched against me at this moment can only be reduced to useless efforts, and everything becomes meaningless.”
Ying Changge kept dodging Ge Nie’s sword attacks.
The whole process is very easy!
No stress whatsoever!
Fight so far.
Gai Nie’s internal strength, physical strength, and energy were constantly consumed, but he was still unable to leave any scars on Ying Changge’s body, and he couldn’t even touch Ying Changge’s clothes.
This made Ge Nie completely lose his composure.
“See through the future?”
“Can you see through all of Gai’s moves?”
“What the seventh son said is not an exaggeration?”
A heavy sense of oppression enveloped Ge Nie’s body.
Gai Nie didn’t believe Ying Changge’s words.
Until this moment.
After experiencing the fierce confrontation just now, Gai Nie suddenly began to believe.
From the very beginning, Seventh Young Master never lied!
He can really see through all his offensive intentions and moves!
Otherwise how to explain.
Why can’t my sword even touch the corner of Seventh Young Master’s clothes?
“Is it a more terrifying ability than martial arts?”
“Can you see through all of Gai’s moves? ”
“What kind of monster ability is this?”
“And how did the seventh son, who is not yet twenty years old, master this ability?”
Ge Nie thought with lingering fear.

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