“At such an age, I can raise my cultivation level to the mid-innate stage at such a young age. This talent, at least it can be said to be rare in ten years!”
“Very rare!”
“I never expected that the Seventh Young Master, who was born blind, would have such a great fortune and chance, and possess such a terrifying martial arts talent.”
Gai Nie was full of seriousness and meticulousness, and he was full of energy.
He dared not be careless and slack at all.
If it is in the peak state, Gai Nie will certainly not pay attention to the innate mid-stage.
The current Gai Nie has also suffered a lot of injuries.
In addition, due to Zhang Han’s joint attack led by hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards, his physical strength, energy, internal strength and other aspects were greatly consumed.
In this way.
Gai Nie’s current combat power is only about 30% to 40%.
With such strength, there will be a certain threat against the innate mid-term.
Even so, Ge Nie still felt confident in his heart.
Not to mention the middle stage of Xiantian, even if he is dealing with a Xiantian consummation, with his current strength, it is more than enough to rub against him!
Careful, cautious, vigilant…
These are the inevitable psychological elements of combat.
“Seventh Young Master, I have to admit that Gai was very surprised by your strength.”
“At your age, you can raise your cultivation level to the mid-innate stage. This is indeed a rare and peerless genius in the world!”
“But unfortunately…”
“If you only have the mid-innate cultivation base and realm, then you today can’t stop Gai!”
Gai Nie stared at Ying Changge with a very calm tone, as if he was stating a fact.
“Mr. Gaine is right.”
160 “If it’s just an ordinary innate middle stage, of course it can’t stop Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“But ah…”
“I am different!”
Following Ying Changge’s voice, it fell.
The battle broke out again without warning.
With his knees slightly bent, Ying Changge kicked his feet.
The floor tiles under his feet shattered and cracked, the entire ground was sunken, and tiny cracks appeared after cracks, extending in all directions like spider webs.
at the same time.
Ying Changge’s body pierced the sky like a flying arrow.
Just with bare hands…
Quickly approaching the Sword Saint Gai Nie!
With an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, Ying Changge had already arrived beside Gai Nie.
Surging innate qi entwined around Ying Changge’s body, the aura and coercion emanating from it became more and more terrifying, and the inner strength appeared light blue, which was particularly dazzling and eye-catching in the dark night.
Since breaking through to the mid-innate stage, Ying Changge’s physical fitness, stamina and other aspects have never been the same, and they have become tens of thousands of times stronger than before.
Ge Nie’s eyes flashed.
He lifted the famous sword Yuanhong in his hand, and the sharp blade shone coldly under the moonlight.
The temperature of the surrounding air dropped a little involuntarily.
It’s cold!
Biting cold!
Faced with Ying Changge’s sudden attack, Gai Nie remained calm as always, without any expression changes throughout the process, as if everything was under control.
Take it easy!
Take your time!
This is the calm habit of being the world’s number one sword master!
Don’t be surprised!
Even in the face of great threats, he can still maintain a calm heart to deal with it.
“Speed ​​and the usual innate mid-term…”
“There’s not much of a difference.”
“Seventh Young Master, where is your confidence?”
Ge Nie frowned, thinking deeply.
he thinks.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is definitely not playing tricks.
Since the other party has such confidence, it is definitely not exaggerating.
But after the current fight, Gai Nie noticed it.
Ying Changge’s strength doesn’t seem to be much different from the ordinary innate middle stage.
Do not!
More precisely.
Ying Changge’s overall strength is slightly inferior to that of the ordinary innate mid-stage.
“Is it because of lack of combat experience?”
“Seventh Young Master, with this strength alone, you can’t stop the sword in Ge Nie’s hand.”
Ge Nie quickly figured out the main reason.
The Yuanhong sword in his hand flashed.
The saber in Gai Nie’s hand mercilessly chopped off at Ying Changge who was attacking.
There is no muddy water in the whole process…
Simply snap!
Very decisive!
There is no mercy.
Gai Nie holds Yuan Hong, the sharp blade of Yuan Hong is entwined with terrifying sword energy, the terrifying internal force of martial arts master realm, the evolved sword energy is extremely lethal.
Sharp edge, soaring into the sky!
The surging sharp edge suddenly spread out from Gai Nie’s body as the center point.
“Fight against Gai with bare hands? Is this too confident? Or arrogant? Or, don’t take Gai seriously at all?”
“Seventh son…”
“What are your plans?”
While Gai Nie was attacking, he was thinking calmly and carefully.
He still can’t figure it out.
Relying on a mere mid-innate cultivation level, he is still unarmed…
Where does the seventh son have the courage and confidence to stop himself?
I racked my brains and couldn’t think of a reason.
Stop digging into dead ends!
Gai Nie concentrates on dealing with Ying Changge’s surprise attack.
Holding the famous sword Yuanhong, Gai Nie is like a living swordsman, exuding terrifying sharpness and sword energy all over his body, and the coercion exuded is actually particularly terrifying.
The sword light flashed!
The sharp blade had already arrived in front of Ying Changge.
Less than half a meter away!
Keep falling!
Getting closer!
Before the blade arrived, the sharp edge and the burst of sword energy exploded,He had already slapped Ying Changge’s face, blowing his hair and fluttering with the wind.
Facing Gai Nie’s sword, Ying Changge turned sideways gently.
The sharp blade, which contained terrifying internal strength and sword energy, happened to pass by Ying Changge’s side again, without touching his body during the whole process.
I never touched the corner of my clothes!
The sharp blade cut through the air, and there was a harsh sound of piercing the air.
A wave of terror blew over Ying Changge’s clothes, and his gray pupils quietly stared at Gai Nie at a close distance.
Do not know why.

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