Chapter 67 One person, one sword overturns the audience! The power of the sword master! 【17/15 first order】
“It’s so strong!”
“Is this the number one sword master in the world?”
“An invincible strong man who has reached the realm of a martial arts master?”
“Just the breath emanating from the body is chilling!”
“A strong man of this level, I really can’t wait to fight against him.”
Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the visitor’s body filled Ying Changge with anticipation.
The number one swordsman in the world?
Once the number one assassin of Daqin?
Being able to fight against such an invincible powerhouse, Ying Changge’s mood will naturally appear very happy.
“Is there only one person?”
“That is.”
“Gai Nie didn’t find the son of an old friend he had been looking for in Xianyang City?”
Ying Changge couldn’t help shaking his head.
If Gai Nie had already found the son of that old friend, then there is no doubt that the meticulous killing scheme laid out in the street at this moment will definitely put Gai Nie into a desperate situation.
after all.
There is a burden, and the Juggernaut cannot burst out the strength of the Juggernaut.
But now, Ge Nie is alone!
Once the full strength of the Juggernaut explodes, it must be quite terrifying.
“Without worries, it is not so difficult to keep Gai Nie.”
“However, this can be regarded as a preliminary challenge.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
He thought about it.
An invisible air wave rapidly spread from his body.
The domineering aura of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge has a farther range to cover.
It fully covers an area with a radius of 500 meters in diameter!
With Ying Changge’s body as the center point, any movement within a radius of 500 meters, even if it is a disturbance, cannot escape his terrifying insight.
Within the envelope of knowledge and domineering, Ying Changge didn’t need to take the initiative to show up to be aware of the situation on the street at this time.
“General Zhang Han, Gai Nie is about to enter the net!”
“Get ready to let your men start a siege, he has come.”
Ying Changge reminded Zhang Han beside him.
“Have you come yet?”
Zhang Han looked suspicious.
Looked up.
He quickly observed the slightly dark street, but he didn’t notice any traces or traces of anyone.
Involuntarily, Zhang Han looked back, and asked with some confusion: “Seventh Young Master, are you sure you don’t feel wrong?”
Ying Changge affirmed: “He is approaching! There are only two hundred steps left!”
Hearing this, Zhang Han frowned “160”, and his expression became serious.
Thinking of the terrifying ability that Ying Changge possessed, Zhang Han had no choice but to believe what Ying Changge said.
“Two hundred steps away…”
“Can you still see traces of Ge Nie’s whereabouts?”
“This is the detection range of the terrifying ability possessed by the Seventh Young Master? It’s too scary!”
“The distance is so far away, but it is still possible to accurately see the wind and grass in this range.”
“Seventh Young Master, you are indeed a monster!”
Zhang Han was amazed in his heart.
He gradually regained his energy, and very subtly gestured to the Shadow Secret Guards lurking around him, indicating that he was about to launch an action to encircle and kill them..
Under Ying Changge’s knowledge.
Gai Nie finally entered the encirclement net.
The entire huge street looked very dim under the moonlight.
The soft white halo flickered, making the street look extraordinarily gloomy and icy.
The footsteps stopped abruptly.
Gai Nie was wearing a gray coat with an expressionless face, and his long hair was hanging down his shoulders, fluttering in the wind.
He is thin and thin, with a scabbard in his left hand, a pair of dark eyes are very deep, as calm as a lake, appearing extraordinarily calm and steady.
The sword in his left hand is naturally the famous sword Yuanhong!
Ranked in the Fengbeard Sword Manual, the famous peerless magic weapon!
The Fengbeard sword manual ranks second, the divine sword Yuanhong!
A magical weapon reforged from the remnant rainbow of that year!
He raised his head slightly.
Gai Nie was located in the center of the street, with a pair of calm eyes, he looked around quietly, and his footsteps never made an inch of progress.
“Gei, I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you.”
“I don’t want to kill everyone!”
“The sword in Gai’s hand does not want to be stained with your blood!”
“Everyone, please retreat. Gai doesn’t want to cause trouble here. I came to Xianyang City only to find someone who is very important to Gai.”
Ge Nie opened his mouth slowly.
His unremarkable voice spread in all directions, echoing throughout the street.
He has noticed it.
Hundreds of shadow guard members lurking around!
Even though he saw hundreds of lurking shadow guards, Ge Nie did not change much from the beginning to the end, and behaved very calm and steady as always.
as if…
Everything is under control.
Very calm!
Very calm!
This is Gai Nie, the number one sword saint in the world!
He has very strong confidence in his own strength and swordsmanship.
He doesn’t think so.
Just a few hundred lurking attackers could kill him on the spot.
It is precisely because of this self-confidence that even though he knows he has entered the encirclement net, he can still behave so calmly, even trying to persuade these lurkers with words.
“If you want to keep Gai’s life…”
“Then Gai has no choice but to break out of the encirclement.”
“Gei wants to leave, no one can stop him!”
Gaine spoke again.
The tone is flat, but full of sharpness!
Sharp edge!
The monstrous edge that belongs to the world’s number one sword master can be felt just from Gai Nie’s words.
“Sure enough, it was discovered.”
“Gai Nie has already entered the center of the encirclement net.”
“At this moment, even if you find out, you can’t escape the encirclement!”
Zhang Han thought to himself.
He solemnly instructed Ying Changge beside him: “Seventh Young Master, later, when Gai Nie takes the opportunity to try to escape, please block him with your hand. You only need to block him for a moment.”

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