“In this way.”
“As long as you follow his daily course of action and wait, you will be able to catch him!”
Zhang Han looked serious.
“Is that so? Since Sword Saint Gai Nie has already revealed his whereabouts on his own initiative. Then, what is the purpose of General Zhang Han coming here to inform me?”
Ying Changge asked a little curiously.
Dealing with Sword Saint Gai Nie and other things should have been the Shadow Secret Guard’s responsibility.
Zhang Han specially came here to inform Yu Changge today, which naturally made Ying Changge a little unexpected.
Could it be…
Is it so obvious that I want to deal with Gai Nie?
“A few days ago, I heard that the Seventh Young Master had proposed to His Majesty that he would lead an army alone to chase down the defected swordsman Gai Nie. Therefore, I will take the liberty of disturbing you today.”
“I think that if the Seventh Young Master really wants to deal with the Sword Saint Gai Nie, then this may be the best time for the Seventh Young Master to deal with the Sword Saint Gai Nie!”
Zhang Han calmly stated what was in his heart.
He knew that Ying Changge had wanted to chase after the sword sage Gai Nie, and now he came to the door to tell Ying Changge about Gai Nie’s whereabouts and news.
“General Zhang Han has a heart.”
Ying Changge sighed with emotion.
He didn’t hide his intention to deal with Sword Saint Ge Nie.
As long as you kill the sword master Gai Nie, you will definitely get a rich fusion of the blind swordsman template, and thus get a third brand new ability!
In this regard, Ying Changge is quite looking forward to it.
“Would the seventh son be willing to follow the humble official and participate in the plan to besiege and kill Gai Nie?”
Zhang Han asked.
The reason why I specially invited Ying Changge today is not just because I want to be a favor.
at the same time.
Zhang Han felt the same way.
With the terrifying power possessed by the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge, he indeed has the capital to shake the Sword Saint Gai Nie.
In this way, the success rate of besieging and killing Ge Nie can also be increased!
after all.
Gai Nie is a generation of sword master after all!
Countless people who practice martial arts in the rivers and lakes are collectively known as the powerful existence of the world’s number one sword master!
He was once the number one assassin of the Great Qin Empire!
Wanting to kill Gai Nie is by no means such a simple matter.
Even if he sent the Shadow Secret Guards to launch a siege, Zhang Han was not fully sure that he could completely keep Gai Nie in Xianyang City and kill him on the spot.
If you want to kill the world’s number one sword master, the degree of difficulty will undoubtedly be very high.
Since just heard about it.
After the seventh son, Ying Changge, single-handedly killed one of the six sword slaves, Guanshui, Zhang Han had the idea in his heart to invite Ying Changge to join the plan to besiege and kill the sword master Gai Nie.
Able to kill Duan Shui, one of the Six Sword Slaves, by himself!
This strength, even Zhang Han is far inferior.
Inviting Ying Changge to join the plan to siege Gai Nie is actually an important point that Zhang Han believes can increase the success rate of the siege of the sword master Gai Nie.
“The seventh son of today is no longer the seventh son of the past.”
“Now the strength of the seventh son is strong enough to kill Duan Shui, one of the six sword slaves, one-on-one. With his mid-innate cultivation, he can leapfrog and kill the innate consummation!”
“This level of strength, even against a master of martial arts like Sword Saint Gai Nie, will never be too inferior.”
“With Seventh Young Master joining the plan to siege Gai Nie, it will definitely increase the success rate of the siege!”
Zhang Han thought to himself.
He never dreamed of it.
One day, it is necessary to actively invite the blind Seventh Prince to cooperate in besieging and killing Gai Nie!
Everything is just like a dream!
“But in just a few days…”
“But the seventh son has already become so powerful!”
“It’s unimaginable.”
Whenever he thinks of this, Zhang Han feels extremely emotional.
A few days ago, he had just fought against the opponent.
At that time, the other party could not give him such a terrifying sense of oppression.
Who ever thought.
In just a few days, the opponent was already strong enough to instantly kill Liu Jiannu’s Duan Shui!
Until now, Zhang Han still deeply sighs about this.
Seventh son…
It is worthy of being the number one evildoer in the ages!
The speed of strength improvement is just like a monster!
“Follow General Zhang Han, you, and the Shadow Secret Guards, to besiege and kill Sword Saint Gai Nie together?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
There was a bright smile on his face, and he directly agreed to Zhang Han’s invitation.
“Extremely happy.”
If there is no accident, the siege of Gai Nie sent by Zhang Han this time will end in failure.
This is the case when Ying Changge himself did not participate in the plan.
With Ying Changge participating in this siege plan, everything is another matter.
“Maybe we can really successfully besiege and kill Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
Ying Changge thought so in his heart.
With Ying Changge’s consent, Zhang Han brows with joy, unable to contain the excitement and joy in his heart: “Seventh son, let’s get ready to go.”
With a person who can instantly kill the congenital perfectionThe top powerhouse in the world took the initiative to join the plan to besiege and kill Sword Saint Gai Nie.
This allowed Zhang Han to relax a little.
Originally, he was not optimistic about the success rate of the shadow guards besieging and killing Gai Nie.
But all of this, with Ying Changge’s intervention, will naturally undergo a huge change.
The success rate can be said to be rising steadily!
Luo Wang’s Six Swords Slave, a top-notch assassin like Tian Zi, who is not a top powerhouse that is rare in the world?
It is this kind of powerhouse who suffers the fate of being instantly killed by the seventh son.
With such a powerful presence intervening in the siege plan, Zhang Han’s confidence in the siege of Ge Nie suddenly increased by half.
“With the intervention of the Seventh Young Master, the success rate of this siege plan is at least as high as 80%!”
Zhang Han took a deep breath and said excitedly.
“If I hadn’t chosen to join the siege plan, then General Zhang Han, how much success would you have had if you followed the original plan?”
Ying Changge asked curiously.
Zhang Han opened his mouth, showing lack of confidence, “Thirty percent!”
Ying Changge had a weird expression.
I joined the siege plan, which fully increased the success rate by 50%? !
Directly increase by half? !
Good guy!
Shadow Secret Guard must be so good!
If he didn’t join, wouldn’t he not even be qualified to wrestle Gen Gai Nie’s wrists?
Shadow Secret Guard seems a bit weak!
Ying Changge had this feeling from the bottom of his heart.
“But Seventh Young Master, don’t worry, Beizhi has made all-round plans and preparations, and even a series of follow-up countermeasures have been prepared.”
“In this operation, even if Ge Nie does not die, he will be seriously injured!”
Zhang Han quickly explained.

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