Just like facing Ying Changge now, Jia Ding has more than enough heart but not enough strength to kill him at all.
They patiently stalemate for a moment, but many servants died under Ying Changge’s sword.
With an excited look and a look of evil spirit, so many servants now just look helpless.
Even if he tried his best, it was impossible to kill Ying Changge, and the servant was very flustered under this situation.
Staggering, with apprehensive expressions, the servants kept backing away, trying to avoid this place.
On weekdays, he does his own thing, but now the servant finally understands that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.
Even if it is such an embarrassing situation, it is impossible to resolve it easily (affa), and the servant will undoubtedly die.
They showed helpless expressions, very terrified, embarrassed, and didn’t know what to do.
Holding the weapons in their hands, several people gathered around Ying Changge in twos and threes, waiting for the opening.
As long as they find a suitable opportunity, they will definitely make a move, and then quickly kill Ying Changge.
Under this entanglement, the servants all fell down one by one, and they showed panic.
Walking with a sword in hand, wherever Ying Changge went, there were swords and swords, full of murderous aura, he wanted peace.
But the people of Goguryeo don’t want this peace, they just come here with teeth and claws.
Continuously attacking, eager to fight, the servants rushed up like vicious dogs.
After a group of people fought for several rounds, he was still alive, and even appeared to be safe and sound.
Only these servants of Prime Minister Park fell down one by one because of weakness in their limbs and bruises all over their bodies.
Fell in a pool of blood. Died by Ying Changge’s sword, the servant was really helpless.
If the confrontation continues, it won’t be long before they will be swept away and killed by Ying Changge’s sword.
Ying Changge, who has swept away thousands of troops, always has a variety of sword moves in his hands.
It is hard to guard against.
1251 Attack hard!
Holding the sword indifferently, standing here, Ying Changge’s face is full of confidence and confidence.
“Who else dares to fight to the death with me!” Ying Changge uttered his loudest question.
“If not, you can quickly get caught and surrender here immediately!”
Ying Changge’s words scolded them, making them all so timid ~ flustered.
Terrified, not knowing what to do, the only thing the servant has to do is to resistup.
Prime Minister Park has already fled, and they have no backbone. If they don’t escape, the consequences will be disastrous.
Unscathed, Ying Changge held up his sword and kept asking them, with sharp words.
“We will not surrender! Because we are all Goguryeo! We must kill you!”
These servants of Prime Minister Park were very angry. They all looked resentful, mad and irritable.
Since Ying Changge’s army has come here, they will not show mercy!
“Kill you in exchange for our safety!” “That’s right! We must kill you!”
All the ostentatious people, these servants are eager to assassinate Ying Changge.
However, they were all deceived, in order to kill the people of Qin and severely injure Ying Changge’s army
Leading their own army has already come here, of course it is impossible for them to let go.
Ying Changge has no enmity with these Goguryeo people, he just wants to expand the country.
However, the civilians in Goguryeo were full of resentment and couldn’t wait to come to assassinate them.
Therefore, in the face of Prime Minister Park’s remnants and defeated generals, Ying Changge of course had no need to show mercy, and he did it directly.
Quickly fighting, quickly raising the sword and attacking forcefully, the sword is very cold and domineering.
hum! When the sword edge hit, Ying Changge knocked all the servants out, staggering.
He fell to the ground with a terrified expression, and the servant showed a look of fear, and did not dare to continue to fight back at all.
Clenching his fist, he yelled coldly, “I’m going to kill you!”
Prime Minister Park’s servants are domineering, all of them are arrogant and domineering, of course they refuse to admit defeat.
Standing up quickly, he bared his teeth and claws, and then quickly ran up, flexing his fists.
Ying Changge took his time and raised his sword to block, cutting the servant’s arm.
The blood was sprayed, and the blood flowed continuously. The servant was terrified by such blood, and he yelled in fear.
Kneeling on the ground, the servant surrendered, “I was wrong, I will never resist disputes again!”
Throwing away the weapon in his hand, the servant knelt on the ground, refusing to speak again.
After subduing one person, many servants will come, eager to kill Ying Changge.
… … … … …
The sword in Ying Chang Singer swung very dexterously, and he chased after him aggressively as before.
Quickly chasing after Ying Changge, Prime Minister Park’s servants were all attacking in twos and threes.
They understand that it is impossible to kill Ying Changge with mediocre swordsmanship, and they must fight together.
The servants rushed up in a swarm, yelling forward, and the sword edge hit him on the head.
He almost cut off the head of Ying Changge’s neck, but he was really fast.
With a ping-pong sound, the blades staggered again, knocking him flying in an instant.
The servants were all in a hurry, and they couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s pursuit at all.
Several servants who were weak in physical strength were swept down by Ying Changge’s sword, and fell to their knees in embarrassment.
1252 Clap your hands!
A few servants in the area can’t kill Ying Changge at all, their ability is very mediocre.
Inside the city, the city gate was closed, and Ying Changge trapped them, leaving them nowhere to go.
Prime Minister Park’s servant suddenly had no choice but to do what he could and continue to attack.
With a fierce sword, they jumped out ferociously, and their men and horses kept getting closer and gathering.
With a loud shout, one of the “397” servants was chasing after him bravely, his expression was very excited.
At first glance, this servant looked like a thief eating and drinking. He was full of tendon and flesh, and his figure was also very strong.
He jumped up without saying a word, and slashed hard at Ying Changge’s head with his sword.
Raising the edge of the sword, Ying Changge easily used the sword to protect his head.
With a ping-pong sound, the figures of the two collided, and Ying Changge protected the sword.
Jia Ding’s sword has no lethality, and Ying Changge guarded against it, and the sword has no power.
Smiling contemptuously, Ying Changge straightened his spine, looking even more fearless.
“You servants don’t know when your death is imminent, but you always come to provoke me over and over again!”
“My target is not you!” Ying Changge waved the sword in his hand, “It’s Prime Minister Park!”
The insidious and cunning Prime Minister Park always wants to poison Ying Changge, even at the expense of his compatriots.
Once so many people have died to their heart’s content, how many people can survive!
Poisoning is very bad. Prime Minister Park made the life of everyone in Goguryeo worse than death.
Many people died of poisoning. All of a sudden, the people of Goguryeo resented him very much.
Hearing that Ying Changge went to hunt down Prime Minister Park, everyone clapped their hands and applauded, it was very lively.
They suppressed Prime Minister Park’s servants, but they refused to admit defeat and continued to resist.
Holding the sword, he quickly struck up, and there were many figures, so many guys wanted to kill Ying Changge.
It’s a pity that the delusional servant can’t kill Ying Changge, because Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is powerful.
Ying Changge, who is highly skilled in martial arts and overwhelms all heroes, broke through everyone with his own sword.
No matter how many servants come to chase and kill him, Ying Changge will fight back vigorously.
Weapons collided, swords crisscrossed, and in a blink of an eye, Ying Changge repelled several servants by 0…
They were very embarrassed, even with their constant efforts, they still couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
Holding his sword, Ying Changge took his time and listened carefully to the movement around him.
Any sound of Jian’s footsteps could not deceive Ying Changge, his ears were very dexterous.
The servants were all overwhelmed and helpless, They were very panicked, holding swords and didn’t know what to do.
Crowds and groups of servants gathered together in a panic, holding their own swords.
Such a situation is under Ying Changge’s control. If he can frighten Prime Minister Park’s servants.
From their mouths, it is natural to know the whereabouts of 5.0 after Prime Minister Park left the city.
As long as Prime Minister Park’s whereabouts are found, Ying Changge will hold his head up to see him.
Facing these guys who were poisoned to death, Ying Changge must give them an explanation.
However, in order to protect Prime Minister Park, these stubborn servants still blocked here.
They wished to kill Ying Changge before escaping from the city.
However, they may not be able to succeed as expected.

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