Ying Changge didn’t want to die suddenly under the poison with so many troops.
Inquiring from door to door, Ying Changge must arrest the culprit.
Otherwise, if the big guys are allowed to be poisoned to death, they will vomit blood and die, leaving no one behind.
Many people died, whether they were Qin people or Goguryeo people, they were all poisoned in this way.
They eat different food and live in different places, but they all have the same poisonous hair. 397
Among these many people, Ying Changge just needs to find their common ground.
As long as the connection between them is found, Ying Changge will know why they were poisoned.
Gathering many corpses together and placing them around, Ying Changge continued to investigate.
Persevering in tracking the origin and whereabouts of these corpses, the number of poisoned people has decreased a lot.
The signs of poisoning were under control, and he very much hoped to crack everything and turn it into a safe situation.
Otherwise, more and more people will be poisoned, even Ying Changge’s army (affa) will be damaged.
Such a battle seems to be very difficult, because he doesn’t know who to attack.
Ying Changge was in the light, and the poisoner was in the dark, sneaking around, even more so.
What is it that can have such a powerful spread? It is really pitiful.
Knowing that more and more people were being poisoned to death, Ying Changge fell in love with the scene and didn’t want them to die like this.
It must be stopped, and this situation must be resolved. He is thinking very seriously, and he is quick-witted.
What is it about toxicity that can spread so out of control? Ying Changge is smart.
rice? Or to poison in mid-air? Or is there any other toxicity!
After thinking so clearly, Ying Changge became very excited, could it be water!
Ying Changge, who is so intelligent, thought of this matter easily, and he immediately ordered people.
“Go! Go and see what is abnormal in the well! Ask where they all drank the water!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s order, the soldiers were of course in a hurry and went to investigate quickly.
As long as the ins and outs are clear, Ying Changge believes that it will be easy to get to the bottom of it.
Many Qin soldiers were desperately investigating, and immediately investigated in several surrounding wells.
Although the dead can’t speak, Ying Changge was able to find a lot of evidence from the corpse.
The question of the water source was quickly clarified, and Ying Changge got two very consistent answers as expected.
It’s a well! The well was poisoned! It means that someone must have come to do bad things in the well!
Without hesitation, Ying Changge immediately ordered many people to investigate this matter, and they must find out.
Poisoning the well is vile and despicable. Ying Changge believes that the person who did this must be a Goguryeo!
The soldiers under his command are very fast, and they are still concentrating on investigating the well.
After checking one by one, it was determined that the well was the cause of the trouble, and that someone had poisoned the well, which was very scary.
It was something unexpected.
1246 The Prime Minister Poisoned!
In order to avoid other dangers, Ying Changge immediately ordered people to seal the two wells directly.
Because it is these two wells, so many people are always implicated and let them die of poison.
As long as the two wells are sealed so that the big guys don’t drink water from the wells, it will work temporarily.
Soldiers patrolled and sealed the wells, and even stationed guards in front of the wells to avoid accidents.
Immediately spread the news, Ying Changge wanted to prevent others from being poisoned by drinking water.
Spread the news completely, and Ying Changge wants the people of Goguryeo to avoid it.
At the same time, Ying Changge was still concentrating on asking to see what happened.
The well is surrounded by common people’s courtyards, there must be someone who can see this scene!
After sending out a few civilians, Ying Changge will know the ~information he wants from them.
After a brief cross-examination, Ying Changge soon got an answer, and kept guessing suspicious candidates.
Ordinary people can’t get their hands on this poison, so there are people with unusual identities at regular intervals.
Who is it! Ying Changge heard an identity, that is the prime minister of Goguryeo.
Before the prime minister left, he rested in front of the well for a while, as if he did it unintentionally.
But Ying Changge understood that this was definitely not accidental, nor was it a fluke, but the prime minister’s deliberate behavior.
He immediately launched an investigation and found that the prime minister was around the two wells.
It must be the prime minister of Goguryeo who poisoned him, he is so sinister and vicious! Ying Changge wants to be captured!
A mere guy who just surrendered was fine, but now he went to secretly throw poison into a well.
What else is there to say! It must be because the prime minister is not as good as he is, he is a snake and a scorpion, and he cares about human life.
Ying Changge, who was furious, immediately mobilized the soldiers, and must kill the prime minister to give an explanation.
Hundreds of people died under the poisoning of the prime minister. They were all innocent people who died inexplicably.
Because of this, Ying Changge was very resentful towards the prime minister of Goguryeo, damn it!
Those who do many evils will deserve death! Be sure to cut off his head.
The soldiers obeyed Ying Changge’s orders, and everyone was patiently looking for the prime minister’s whereabouts.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
A Prime Minister Park has plunged the Goguryeo city into such a big change, and his heart is vicious!
Qin Jun began to search the city unscrupulously, and he must capture Prime Minister Park and kill him.
It was because of Prime Minister Park’s poisoning that Ying Changge’s soldiers would suffer such a terrible death.
It wasn’t just Ying Changge’s soldiers who died, but also many ordinary people in Goguryeo!
… … … … …
They all died like this, and they all died indirectly in Ying Changge’s hands. It’s really pitiful!
The helpless Ying Changge immediately told the whole army about this sad thing.
Not only that, Ying Changge also told the people of Goguryeo to let them recognize these faces.
The nobles of Goguryeo are all yin and yang, and Prime Minister Park is a cruel and ruthless guy.
In order to retaliate against Ying Changge’s army, Prime Minister Park directly treated the people of Goguryeo as nothing.
They kept dying and being poisoned because they drank water from a well.
The well was sealed off, Ying Changge tracked down Prime Minister Park, and the people of Goguryeo applauded, very happy.
1247 Escape and disappear!
If Ying Changge already knew that Prime Minister Park had poisoned him, he would have to seal the well.
It was because of his carelessness that he encountered so many things and saw so many corpses.
There are so many corpses piled up like a mountain, and there are countless dead people, almost everyone.
There are people of Goguryeo and soldiers of Ying Changge. They all drank water and died of poisoning.
Finally, after a hard search for “397”, he soon found out about Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy.
This insane guy had already escaped from the city, and just ran away!
He immediately knew about this matter, and according to the reports of his subordinates, Ying Changge was not forgiving, “Keep chasing after him!”
“In any case, the whereabouts of Prime Minister Park must be clearly investigated!”
With Ying Changge’s order, of course the big guys are all serious about carrying out this task.
The military order was like a mountain, and they went to arrest Prime Minister Park, but there was no trace of him in the city.
In order to fight for these innocent people who died of poisoning, Ying Changge must give them an explanation no matter what.
Otherwise, let them all die like this, how can Ying Changge win their breath for them!
You can’t die in vain, each of these guys is a very fresh life!
Prime Minister Park must be caught! After Ying Changge’s order was issued, he searched the entire city!
To resist Ying Changge, you only need to come to Ying Changge alone! But Prime Minister Park did not.
The insidious and cunning Prime Minister Park actually chose to poison all the people, disregarding human life, leaving no one behind.
Thanks to Ying Changge who didn’t go to drink water for the time being, otherwise he would have died of poison directly and died.
I don’t want to die unexpectedly, the most important thing now is to punish Prime Minister Park.
After passing through many contacts and hearing their messages, Ying Changge caught Prime Minister Park’s whereabouts.
He already knew that Prime Minister Park and his party all left along the North City Gate and fled. It was really cowardly.
The cowardly Prime Minister Park threw himself into a well and then fled away without making a sound.
This action has already filled Ying Changge with righteous indignation, even more anger and resentment.
So, he immediately went forward with his own people, headed for the North City Gate, mobilized any clues to 0…
With Prime Minister Park’s footsteps, they can be caught easily, and Ying Changge will catch them all!
A few soldiers and horses were sent out to gather at the gate of the city quickly, and the soldiers still found some people.
Because Park Prime Minister has a lot of things, so many gold and silver treasures, Park Prime Minister wants to take them with him.

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