After all.
Yin is just a young girl in the age of cardamom, without too many complicated thoughts, and because she has too little contact with the outside world, her personality is still like a little girl.
“Young master, what exactly do the Wang family want to do?”
With Yin Yin and others leaving, Meng Ying couldn’t help asking in a low voice.
If it was just an ordinary attendant, Meng Ying certainly wouldn’t dare to ask such a thing.
But the relationship between Ying Changge and Meng Ying is not just a master-servant relationship, the two have a deep friendship, there is no such thing as a master-servant, it is more like a brotherly friendship.
“Who knows, only the Wang family can know what they want to do.”
“I don’t care about these things.”
“only hope……”
“People from the Wang family don’t set themselves on fire!”
Ying Changge’s tone seemed a little indifferent.
Wang family?
After all, it is a courtier!
If it goes beyond.
Without Ying Changge’s warning, the Wang family will be destroyed!
after all.
Don’t think that what happened in Xianyang City can escape the eyes and ears of the First Emperor Yingzheng above his head.
Whenever there is any disturbance in Xianyang City…
The first emperor Yingzheng can clearly see everything clearly!
No one dares to do anything wrong in Xianyang City.
Even if Zhao Gao ordered Luo Wang to be dispatched before, the first emperor Ying Zheng would have already noticed Ying Changge’s probing behavior.
“Father, you are not a vegetarian.”
“This is an emperor through the ages!”
Ying Changge thought to himself.

After leaving the Qingxia Palace, Wang Wu escorted the Yin girl back to the palace smoothly all the way.
Wang Wu left the Yin for the time being, saying that he needed to return to the palace’s home for important matters.
After getting Yin’s consent, Wang Wu quickly returned to the palace from Xianyang Palace without stopping.
Wangfu is located in the north of Xianyang City.
It is almost the exact opposite of where the Meng Mansion is located!
It doesn’t take half an hour to return to the palace from Xianyang Palace.
After arriving at the palace, Wang Wu quickly walked into the palace under the respectful eyes of the two guards in front of the gate.
not for a while.
Wang Wu got his wish and saw his proud cousin Wang Li.
The great general Wang Li who is as famous as Meng Tian in the imperial court!
Meng Tian holds the Golden Fire Cavalry in his hand, and his prestige is prominent in the empire.
Wang Li, on the other hand, was in charge of the Hundred Battles Armor Piercing Soldier, and his fame was also widely spread in the empire.
The armies that the two are in charge of are both one of the most powerful arms in the empire.
That’s why.
Many times, people will compare Meng Tian and Wang Li.
Naturally, the more they compared, the two began to compete.
Yu Chaotang is in the same situation as fire and water, tit for tat!
Being able to face head to head with the great general of the empire Meng Tian, ​​one can imagine that Wang Li himself is also a very good general!
Although the armor-piercing soldiers in charge were not as prestigious as Meng Tian’s intimidating the Huns, they also blocked the barbarians in the south.
In general.
Both Meng Tian and Wang Li belonged to the famous generals of the empire.
Also born in Jiangmen!
The two have a great relationship.
From the grandfather’s generation to the current generation, both the Meng family and the Wang family have been loyal to the Great Qin, and they are the family members of the Great Qin Empire’s most popular generals!
When Wang Wu came in front of Wang Li, there was still a little shock left on his face.
up until now.
He couldn’t completely calm down.
“What happened? Why did you rush home from the palace?”
Wang Li was wearing silver armor and was training with a spear in the martial arts arena.
Turning his head sideways, he looked at his cousin Wang Wu with a slightly surprised expression on his face.
“Important matters need to be decided!”
Wang Wu took a deep breath, his tone unprecedentedly serious.
“What important thing?”
Wang Li continued to ask.
“This matter will seriously affect the future of the Wang family.”
Wang Wu continued.
Hearing this, Wang Li slowly put down the spear in his hand, his disapproving expressions all subsided, and his eyes became extraordinarily serious and dignified.
It involves the future of the Wang family…
That’s a whole different story!
What can affect the future of the Wang family?
Wang Li expressed puzzlement and curiosity.
“Do you need me to notify my father?”
Wang Li frowned.
His father, Wang Ben, was a well-known general in the empire!
Now, of course, it is in a semi-retired state.
Same as Wang Jian.
After Wang Jian made great contributions to the Great Qin Empire, he quickly retired, left the court, and stayed away from the many disputes in the court.
And Wang Ben, the son of Wang Jian, also imitated his father Wang Jian’s behavior.
He had made outstanding achievements for the Great Qin Empire, but he didn’t miss his official position, so he quickly withdrew from the court and stopped interfering with the affairs of the court.
From generation to generation, the royal family has devoted most of their lives to the Great Qin Empire!
In this generation, Wang Li also led the armor-piercing soldiers against the southern barbarians without exception.
“There is no need to use the reminder for now.”
“This matter is related to the seventh son.”
Wang Wu will soon complete the mattertell the truth.
not for a while.
After learning the truth of the matter, Wang Li expressed his shock.
“The seventh son, Ying Changge, is actually a top powerhouse in the innate realm? Can you still see through your hidden cultivation and realm?”
what’s going on?
That blind seventh son…
Is he actually a top powerhouse in the innate realm?
real or fake?
Wang Li was dumbfounded.
Could it be a dream?
That Seventh Young Master who has no strength to restrain a chicken…
Are you telling me that I am born strong?
This joke is too big!
“it is true!”
Wang Wu’s expression was very serious and solemn.
He could really feel it then.
There is an extremely terrifying power in Ying Changge’s body!
That power made him palpitate and panic.

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