“Could it be possible that we are going to watch Ying Changge’s army invade our land?”
………. 0
With a loud shout, Prime Minister Park patted the table, “It’s a big deal, we’ll just die together with him!”
“Such a battle is of course very important, but the time has not yet come!” The counselor whispered immediately.
Whispering a few words beside Prime Minister Park, the counselor soon came up with a plan.
“This plan is very likely to assassinate Ying Changge, maybe it will be successful!”
After hearing the counselor’s words, Prime Minister Park laughed and clapped his hands in satisfaction.
“Wonderful! Really wonderful! This is a very good strategy!” Prime Minister Park was very serious.
Henceforth, he and his group quickly went there, prepared to pack up and leave directly.
1232 Insidious and cunning!
After packing a lot of bags, Prime Minister Park hurried on his way, ready to slip away from the city.
If you don’t leave now, when will you wait? He must leave alive, Prime Minister Park is full of conspiracies and tricks.
He, who is very deep in the city, must not allow Ying Changge’s army to approach like this.
But if Ying Changge is killed, Prime Minister Park will directly stop Ying Changge’s army from entering the city.
It’s a pity that now the “380” nobles in Goguryeo have surrendered to Ying Changge, and they dare not refute Ying Changge at all.
Especially now that Ying Changge’s army is close at hand, maybe Goguryeo will be in danger!
The stubborn, vicious Prime Minister Park has already put life and death aside!
In the face of national humiliation, he will not show mercy! Prime Minister Park must do everything possible to assassinate Ying Changge.
Now that Ying Changge is already in the city, this is a rare opportunity!
However, Prime Minister Park is not a general who can kill enemies in a mountain town, he doesn’t have much ability.
Now that it has come to such a point, everything is to blame, and Prime Minister Park is already very panicked.
Taking advantage of Ying Changge’s army not approaching him, he had to leave now.
A group of people were fleeing quickly, Prime Minister Park dragged his family, all fleeing in fear.
The sinister and cunning Prime Minister Park continued to walk along the streets in order to avoid Ying Changge’s army.
Otherwise, face to face, when the time comes, Prime Minister Park and his party will kill him directly, leaving nothing behind.
If you stay here for too long, I am afraid that Prime Minister Park will not have a chance to leave. This is a very important matter.
He said that he was so upright, but in fact, Prime Minister Park was also greedy for life and afraid of death.
When he knew that Ying Changge’s army was outside the city gate, Prime Minister Park was also relieved and relieved.
Immediately, he and his servants went forward to their heart’s content, and he soon found a remote road that he could leave.
Following this deserted alley, Prime Minister Park sneaked up to a well.
Bending down and looking down at the well, he was very satisfied and poured a pack of medicine powder into it.
There is a large amount of this medicine powder, and the whole medicine powder is directly poured into the well and merged with the water.
Laughing loudly, Prime Minister Park was very proud of himself, even hilarious, “I see how Ying Changge’s army is!”
“As long as they enter the city, when the time comes, we must kill them all!”
The mind is very vicious, in order to kill Ying Changge, Prime Minister Park even spared no effort to catch all 0…
Whether it is the lives of the Qin army or the people of Goguryeo, Prime Minister Park will poison them to death.
When Ying Changge’s army entered the city, he could drink water from the well and be poisoned directly.
Let them all die one by one, maybe there is a chance to poison Ying Changge to death, this is a good strategy!
Heeding the counselor’s words, Prime Minister Park was very satisfied as he volatilized the poison.
“Okay! Let’s go!” Prime Minister Park clapped his hands with a smug look on his face.
However, at this moment, Counselor 5.0 stepped up immediately and gave some advice in a soft voice.
Looking at the counselor carefully, Prime Minister Park’s face changed, and he looked thoughtful.
“Good! It’s really good! That’s right, good deeds will be done to the end, and the Buddha will be sent to the West!” Prime Minister Park continued to walk.
Leading a group of people behind him, he quickly found another well and continued to poison.
1233 Immediately reprimand!
In the three caves of the cunning rabbit, Prime Minister Park poisoned the surrounding wells to increase the probability of poisoning.
At that time, poisoning Ying Changge and his party to death can be regarded as dissolving the hatred in my heart!
Sitting in a difficult situation, Prime Minister Park refused to evade, but wanted to go upstream and kill Ying Changge together.
Not far away, he saw another well, and Prime Minister Park walked up it quickly.
Can’t wait to take out a medicine bag, Prime Minister Park is ready to poison the water directly to kill everyone.
Anyone who drinks the water here will die, whether it is Ying Changge soldiers or Goguryeo people.
Now, Prime Minister Park has completely ignored him, regardless of whether it is the enemy or his own 05 civilians, he will be killed.
Taking human life lightly, Prime Minister Park mercilessly took action, just to make sure that the poison was put into the water.
In the well, there are many people related to it. Once they drink the water, they will die of poison.
Such a series of poisons, once they enter the stomach, there is no cure.
Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy is unknown, he just wants to act secretly, even by unscrupulous means.This kind of poison is unbearable for most people, but there will be endless dangers.
After pouring a lot of poison into the well, Prime Minister Park was very proud and self-satisfied.
At this moment, several people came up, and they were all preparing to fetch water.
“Who are you, why are you gathered next to this well, and what do you want to do!”
The people immediately scolded, “What did you put in the well!” The people were very angry.
“This is the well water for drinking, don’t make it dirty!” Everyone was very displeased.
Prime Minister Park turned around and glanced at them calmly, “It’s just poison, don’t make a fuss!”
“What!” “Poison!” “You are really deceiving people, we are going to report to the police!”
A few commoners were bluffing, and they looked arrogant, very angry.
They turned their heads and left, ready to report aggressively and expose what Prime Minister Park had done.
The indifferent Prime Minister Park snorted coldly, “Goguryeo is about to perish! What’s the use of reporting to officials!”
Several civilians simply ignored what Prime Minister Park said, and they must expose this matter.
They left in groups, they didn’t listen to Prime Minister Park’s advice, and they still insisted on going their own way!
“Stupid guy, I don’t know what to say!” Prime Minister Park immediately chased after him, “I have no choice but to!”
“I must complete the righteousness, poison all Qin’s army to death, and let them all die!”
“So, you are not allowed to report to the officials!” Prime Minister Park shouted in a very cold voice.
How could a group of ordinary people understand these things! They just keep going to the police.
Seeing that 380 couldn’t persuade them, Prime Minister Park gave up.
Immediately, Prime Minister Park drew his sword out of its sheath, and a broken sword immediately pierced the commoner’s back.
The blood was sprayed, and the common people were very surprised. They all fled in a hurry, ready to leave.
But the matter has developed to this point, how could Prime Minister Park let them escape! Must be killed!
Otherwise, let this guy leak all his affairs, and Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy will be leaked.
He is a person who achieves great things. In order to achieve his great cause, he must use all means.
1234 Wandering on the streets!
The ruthless Prime Minister Park immediately raised his sword and continued to catch up aggressively.
Puff puff, a few swords were stabbed out quickly, and Prime Minister Park pierced several holes in the bodies of these common people.
The blood hole was blurred, blood flowed, and the villagers died like this amidst the wailing.
Hey, what a mess! Prime Minister Park shook his head helplessly, he must block Ying Changge to death.
As long as Ying Changge dies, the arrival of the bustling Qin army will be nothing special.
Putting poison in the well, I’m afraid no one will think of Park Prime Minister’s plan!
Satisfied and left, Prime Minister Park hid his achievements and fame, and then quietly avoided Ying Changge’s army.
Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses are all mighty and majestic, entrenched in the city without any action.
Because they were blocked and isolated by Goguryeo soldiers guarding the city, but refused to open the city gate.
Faced with such a scene, Ying Changge was of course very calm, and would not kill the enemy recklessly.
Many nobles in Goguryeo have already surrendered, and the current military strength is already very weak.
As long as Ying Changge starts to attack, all the people in Goguryeo can be killed and wiped out.
But now there is no need, Ying Changge stands still and waits patiently for the enemy to open the city gate.
He sprinkled the poison and left the well, and soon, Prime Minister Park sneaked out.

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