Raising the dagger, Jin Shun shouted, “I’m convinced! This time, I completely surrender!”
“You didn’t really surrender, so why act in front of me!” Ying Changge was still very indifferent.
He saw through Jinshun’s insidious and cunning side, so naturally he couldn’t just let it go, he had to persevere.
There was no wavering in his heart, standing in front of Jinshun, even the sword in Ying Chang’s singer was not able to defend against it.
Because of course he still has enough vigilance against Jinshun in his heart, “Come on! Get ready!”
“If you can block my sword, you won’t be in such a mess, you are really useless!”
Ying Changge cursed mercilessly, “You bastard, you don’t know the grain, and you don’t work with your limbs!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
“Do you really want to kill me with a dagger! What a fantasy!” he scolded.
However, after hearing Ying Changge’s voice, Jin Shun immediately shook his head, “No! I still have a chance!”
“As long as I concentrate on the battle, I will definitely be able to keep you Qin army away!”
Dayi raised his sword in awe-inspiring manner, and Jinshun of course showed a menacing appearance.
… … … …
“I want to hang your head on the neck of Ying Changge openly on the gate of our Goguryeo city!”
He was very resentful, mentioning himselfThe sword, as always, rushed towards Ying Changge, full of murderous intent.
Although Jinshun has the aura of a hungry tiger rushing to eat, in fact, he is just so mediocre.
He kept pulling and swinging his sword, and every sword was swung randomly, without any rules.
Seeing his embarrassment, Jin Shun had a contemptuous smile on his face, “How is it!”
Under the deal with Jinshun, he was slowly retreating, constantly avoiding, trying to avoid a sword.
After one sword strike, there are more sword moves coming.
1227 Surrender!
Continuing to attack bravely, Jin Shun did not give Ying Changge any chance to stop, and ran rampant in one go.
Such actions were very violent, and the nobles of Goguryeo who were traveling with them saw it in their eyes and were worried.
Although it was Ying Changge who was in danger, everyone didn’t know how to stop the matter.
It is impossible to assassinate Ying Changge, and it is not what the nobles of Goguryeo want to stop Jinshun.
They just stood by and watched “367”, each of them sat here, patiently sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.
After the winner is decided, it’s not too late for these nobles to think about the next strategy.
He couldn’t wait to lift his sword, and Jin Shun used all his killing moves in one go, with a menacing aura.
Resolving all the crises, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer easily intercepted them all.
Accompanied by the situation of every charge, such fighting is useless, very useless.
Knocking, knocking, the blades staggered, and between the impacts, he knocked back his sword forcefully.
Before he had time to stand still, Jin Shun fell to the ground, very embarrassed.
Gritting his teeth, he snorted coldly, and with dark eyes, he immediately raised his arm.
The figure with the blades criss-crossed was very fierce, every sword was just blocked.
The elegant and unhurried Ying Changge always used his sword to fight Jinshun.
He always came to chase aggressively, but only Jinshun was injured, but Ying Changge was not injured.
Gritting his teeth, with a look of resentment on his face, he continued to hold the sword in his hand and refused to give up.
Clenching his fist, blood flowed from the wound, Jin Shun panicked and yelled.
This kind of thing is doomed, Jinshun will die, and Ying Changge will win, it is doomed.
Otherwise, with Jinshun’s constant beating, did he really think he could kill Ying Changge!
It’s useless to do more, always injured and bleeding, Jinshun looks very embarrassed at this moment, working very hard.
He was drenched with sweat, and his clothes were completely eaten.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, Jin Shun, who refused to give up, was still taking his own steps.
One step at a time, they kept approaching, Jin Shun’s expression was full of determination.
“You can’t kill me. It is impossible for us Goguryeo to surrender like this!”
Tired of talking nonsense with him, Ying Changge directly raised his sword and chopped off Jin Shun’s head…
The head was dripping with blood, and immediately rolled aside and fell to the ground.
After seeing this scene, the people around stood up one after another, expressing that they would obey Ying Changge’s words.
You must cooperate with Ying Changge, and you must completely submit to the offensive of his army.
The nobles were completely convinced, they refused to give up, they were just waiting for the opportunity to change.
Now, the last sustenance is gone, because Jinshun failed to successfully assassinate Ying Changge.
Everyone knew it at a glance, and each of them sat down immediately to express their loyalty.
They have no other choice, either surrender to 5.0, or fight to the death, this is a choice of life and death.
Most Goguryeo nobles have no backbone of their own, they are very timid.
Cowardly and cowardly, once they know about these changes, they will of course fight.
Unfortunately, Jinshun did not succeed, and the nobles of Goguryeo accepted this helpless situation.
1228 Join hands to surrender!
The nobles said they could agree with Ying Changge’s words, and they surrendered directly, not daring to fight anymore.
Seeing that most people agreed, Ying Changge was also very satisfied, “He who knows the current affairs is a hero!”
“You don’t have such a chance to do it again!” Ying Changge slapped his palm.
“If you make the most sensible choice, Goguryeo will be protected in your hands!”
He turned around very satisfied, ready to leave here, but a few nobles were still muttering.
People in twos and threes did not express their views. They seemed to be still not convinced by Ying Changge.
Ying Changge didn’t care much about this. He understood that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and it will come naturally.
As long as these guys understand how powerful they are, they will naturally beg for mercy.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for a group of people to win if they were always attacking endlessly.
The situation fell into a stalemate, and the nobles of Goguryeo kept silent, looking honest.
There is no need to continue the stalemate with them, Ying Changge’s negotiation this time has been completely over.
After leaving this place and ending the meeting, Ying Changge hoped that it would be a satisfactory result.
When Ying Changge left, the nobles of Goguryeo also breathed a sigh of relief, and they ended the disaster.
Even if there is an army of Ying Changge coming in a steady stream, it must be very dangerous.
Even if they drink Ying Changge and fight to the death, the nobles of Goguryeo have no chance of winning and tremble.
After thinking about the countermeasures, the nobles joined forces to surrender, giving Goguryeo a chance to ease.
After discussing so much with Ying Changge before, it can be regarded as quite fruitful, and the nobleman is very satisfied.
At least it’s safeIt’s the best, the nobles don’t want to continue the war.
Once Ying Changge’s army comes to attack aggressively, it will be very dangerous.
If Ying Changge’s attack cannot be stopped, then the entire army of nobles will be wiped out, leaving no one behind!
It’s better to die than to live. This is the result of their long talk all night, and they discussed this matter.
Ying Changge’s majesty shocked their hearts, making them all so terrified.
With apprehension in their hearts, the nobles will surrender in unison! This is the best choice.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army is allowed to trample on Goguryeo, everything will be completely destroyed.
After this meeting, the nobles of Goguryeo also returned home in groups.
They don’t want to continue fighting, they want to extinguish this war as much as they want, and suppress the chaos.
Ying Changge kept his word, and the aristocrats survived in the cracks. It was a good thing that they all hit it off like this.
Satisfied and left, Ying Changge mobilized his troops to start preparations. This was not a war.
But after knowing that nobles would not resist 367, Ying Changge had to quickly approach the battlefield.
It is unnecessary to continue the war. Ying Changge did not want to plunder Goguryeo’s life.
Stupid soldiers and nobles are not worth fighting for Ying Changge, Ying Changge’s goal is the country.
It is particularly important that the situation of Goguryeo must be included in the territory of Daqin.
Occupying Goguryeo’s land is more useful than killing Goguryeo’s soldiers.
Gathering your troops, Ying Changge and the King of Goguryeo, who were ready, brought their troops in together.
After entering Goguryeo, Ying Changge will completely occupy this place.
1229 Rescue!
Ying Changge had already negotiated with many nobles in Goguryeo, and attacking Goguryeo was even easier.

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