Holding the sword edge in his hand, he came chattering endlessly, wishing he could kill this guy Meng Tian.
As Ying Changge’s right-hand man, Meng Tian’s status must be very high, and he must have complained.
Still coming forward unscrupulously, the sword edge in his hand pierced Meng Tian’s body forcefully.
Make Kim Ki-moon’s every moveHe defended vigorously, this kind of attack is very mediocre.
Not to mention that General Jin Jiwen is aggressive, but his ultimate move may not be able to kill Meng Tian!
Full of confidence, he counterattacked calmly, and Meng Tian blocked a few of his attacks 0  …
The soldiers of the two armies did not stop at all, they showed their aura and were in a hurry.
You chased each other, soldiers fought, swords were cut off together, and blood was sprayed continuously.
On this bloody battlefield, the only thing left is the invisible army and soldiers.
Non-stop attacking, a steady stream of coming to fight, the strength in their hands is gradually decreasing.
If they can successfully stop these people, they can prevent the disaster from happening. This is the key battle.
In order to apologise, Jin Jimoon’s sword edge did not stop, and he continued to attack endlessly.
A sword was swung vigorously, the sword almost pierced his body, and he fought violently.
5.0 Jin Jiwen’s sword was blocked by Meng Tian, ​​who was riding a horse and was quickly turning his head to avoid it.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blade struck, Meng Tian pushed hard, and the sword in his hand stabbed bravely.
After easily breaking Jin Jiwen’s armor, Meng Tian continued to shoot continuously.
Shocked and sweating all over, Jin Jiwen quickly held his sword and retreated several steps towards Meng Tian.
1203 March to fight!
After these three steps, Jin Jiwen was finally safe, and he immediately regained his strength to avoid danger.
Otherwise, if he continues to attack, he will be scarred and bruised all over his body!
The armies of Jin Jiwen and Meng Tian have all attacked in this posture, almost no one can win.
Because of this, he knew that he would fall into even more embarrassing entanglements.
If Meng Tian could not be killed, then Jin Jiwen and his army would be surrounded by his army.
no! Must kill out! Not to be outdone, Jin Jiwen held up his sword and continued to move forward fiercely.
Many people were killed at the same time, their deaths were very tragic, and they were completely defeated.
If it wasn’t because he knew where Meng Tian was, Jin Jiwen wouldn’t rush forward with a lot of worries!
The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Jin Jiwen knew that he had no way to retreat.
“Continue to charge!” Jin Jiwen shouted loudly, even gathering a lot of troops to come forward.
So many cavalry responded to Jin Jiwen’s call and came to assassinate Meng Tian in chatter.
If Meng Tian’s army can be defeated, then Jin Jiwen will not be far away from killing Ying Changge.
This was the most unexpected thing. Jin Jiwen’s city is not deep, and his eyesight is mediocre.
In marching and fighting, Jin Jiwen’s ability is far inferior to that of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​and he will only suffer a crushing defeat.
Holding the sword in his hand, Jin Jiwen didn’t stop, but continued to fight and attack quickly.
Jian Feng came with teeth and claws, almost cut off Meng Tian’s head and separated his body.
Smiling calmly, Meng Tian continued to draw his sword unhurriedly, and Meng Tian easily blocked Jin Jiwen’s ultimate move.
Leading an army of 100,000 here, Jin Jiwen will continue to consume Ying Changge’s army and severely damage his strength.
Only in this way can we survive! Otherwise, there will be many dangers coming.
Without taking his eyes off, Jin Jiwen’s figure was always approaching Meng Tian quickly, and even fought fiercely.
A sword edge was swung very fiercely, and it stabbed him endlessly.
The two rode on horseback and fought against each other, in order to kill them.
Otherwise, just let them all die like this, it will only be even more embarrassing!
Such a battle was fierce, but Jin Jiwen took out a lot of his troops to fight!
Many troops followed behind him, continuing to charge forward in one go.
The two armies are killing randomly, you come and I go very fiercely, it can be said to be invincible.
In the fierce confrontation and the fierce fighting of Jianfeng, Jin Jiwen was already sweating profusely.
If it weren’t for being able to severely damage Meng Tian’s troops, it would be impossible for Jin Jiwen to lead his troops here now.
The soldiers were all fighting bravely and strategically, and many of them showed a strong posture against the enemy.
It is imperative to kill Meng Tian, ​​Jin Jiwen’s target is not him, but the Ying Changge army behind Meng Tian!
This is the only great opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and Jin Jiwen will not stop easily like this.
After catching up as usual, Jin Jiwen and his cavalry immediately went to surround and kill Meng Tian.
Surrounded by so many soldiers, Meng Tian remained calm and calm.
Holding his own sword and continuing to fight fiercely and domineeringly, what he has to do is very simple.
1204 No Discrimination!
Injuring Jin Jiwen hard, making him mistakenly think that if he can kill himself, Meng Tian will be able to retreat immediately with his soldiers.
The strategy of luring the enemy to go deep needs to be done step by step, rather than confronting it with great fanfare.
Such a fight is very useless, at least it is impossible for him to win the slightest victory.
The cavalry was surrounded on the left and right, and the sound of horseshoes was deafening. They always came to fight and kill him in an endless stream.
Swords and swords, soldiers’ bodies collided together, and it was a fierce battle.
This kind of fighting is very brave, ordinary people can’t stop this kind of fighting, Meng Tian’s army is invincible.
But even so, their charging attitude was still so calm and full of confidence.
He came to fight with great fanfare, and Meng Tian chopped off the heads of several enemy soldiers.
Their figures are always fighting closely, displaying an aura of fearlessness.
The Qin army is so brave that ordinary people can’t fight against it.They could only continue to confront each other in embarrassment.
Under this kind of fighting, the armies of both sides did not stop, but continued to rampage unremittingly.
Killing Jin Jiwen is what Meng Tian hopes most, but with Ying Changge’s order, he can’t do it.
His only way is to lure the enemy to go deep first, so that the Korean army will continue to chase and kill him.
Ying Changge’s goal is the 100,000 army, and no matter what, he must make all the army surrender and take prisoners.
After all, many of them are ordinary people, and such people should not go to the battlefield.
It should not have died in his hands. The most important thing for ordinary people to do now is to survive.
Once there is any danger, they must be completely protected.
The common people of Goguryeo are also common people, and of course Ying Changge treats these common people equally.
But the most inappropriate thing today is the soldiers of Goguryeo, who are using innocent people.
Under the oppression of Goguryeo’s nobles, the common people, who had no power to restrain their chickens, entered the battlefield.
A group of them can’t wait to fight, and they are very powerful in the fight between you and me.
It is a pity that these people cannot survive, and their death is destined to become abandoned children.
Many nobles did not treat these common people as adults, but abandoned and retreated together.
As long as they were killed, Ying Changge’s strength could be severely damaged, and Jin Jiwen couldn’t get tired of it!
Riding on the horse, he was sweating profusely, worked hard and was very impatient, and his whole body was very broken.
There is no delay in killing Meng Tian. In such a situation, Jin Jiwen felt that he must continue to fight.
Otherwise, if Meng Tian’s army succeeds, he and a lot of troops will be buried here.
With all his aura, he is still aggressively attacking, wishing to kill Meng Tian.
After beheading Meng Tian’s neck, Jin Jiwen expected Ying Changge to see this scene.
Ever since, he was still running quickly, chasing (well) with his whole body, wishing he could just get his head off.
Meng Tian’s head is very important, Jin Jiwen must take it as his own, hang it on his feet and kick it around.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be useless for Jin Jiwen and his cavalry to come to this battlefield!
The two sides fought fiercely, and the soldiers were dense and rampant. It was very tragic, and many soldiers died.
Killing the enemy on the battlefield, there is no one who is not dead, so he must go and kill Meng Tian.
1205 Fight against the enemy!
With Ying Changge’s strategy of luring the enemy to go deep, Meng Tian would not continue to fight Jin Jiwen, he would stop there.
When Jin Jiwen came to attack aggressively, Meng Tian had already retreated quickly.
He and his own troops quickly retreated, Meng Tian shouted, “The wind is blowing!”
A group of people obeyed orders very well, and under Meng Tian’s mobilization, they turned their heads quickly.
Jin Jiwen watched Meng Tian’s army flee like this, and he showed a triumphant expression.
He was even proud and complacent, thinking that he broke through Meng Tian’s defense with his own strength, which is really wonderful!

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