“Okay, so scary!”
“This Seventh Young Master…”
“not simple!”
“Simply unfathomable!”
“He is not just a blind man.”
“Even my cousin Wang Li has never brought me such a huge threat and oppression!”
Wang Wu’s back was hairy.
“How do I know?”
Ying Changge caressed the soft hair of the vagina, patted the latter’s head lightly, and said with a smile, “Your brother and I are also innate!”
The words fell.
The atmosphere became silent in vain!
There was no sound!
Yin Yin’s beautiful eyes were wide and round, and her pretty face was full of shock.
Wang Wu, who is Wang Li’s cousin, was completely dumbfounded.
what’s going on?
The seventh son, Ying Changge, turned out to be a top expert in the innate realm?
how can that be? !
Isn’t the seventh son well-known, suffering from congenital blindness?
How did it become innate?
This is impossible!
In the end what happened?
Why did the Seventh Young Master, who was rumored to be cowardly and weak in the past, suddenly become so terrifying and unfathomable?
Wang Wu’s whole mind became blank.
“Brother, are you an innate?”
Yin Yin’s eyes widened, and she subconsciously blurted out.
She obviously couldn’t believe it either.
Although she is a woman, she has also heard about the division of realms of martial arts practitioners in the outside world.
The top powerhouse in the innate realm is already considered an invincible powerhouse without one in a million!
For her.
Innately strong, that is omnipotent existence!
She never dreamed of it.
The elder brother Ying Changge who has always been unknown is actually such a powerful existence?
“Don’t believe me? Silly girl, many things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.”
Ying Changge spoke earnestly and caressed her vagina’s head.
(Get it Zhao)
Hearing this, Wang Wu felt a little frightened.
He stared blankly at Ying Changge, and the words just now lingered in his ears.
“Innate Realm?”
“Seventh Young Master, is he actually a strong man of this level?”
“This this!”
“This is not in line with common sense…”
“It has never been shown in the information that the seventh son is a born strong!”
“Isn’t the seventh son a blind son who has no power to restrain a chicken?”
“But in just a few days, he suddenly became a congenital strong?”
Wang Wu’s world view is about to collapse.
“Brother, how did you do it?”
Yin Yin was shocked and very curious.
“Occasionally, an immortal bestows a spell in a dream, and enters the heaven overnight!”
Ying Changge chuckled lightly.
“One. Innate talent overnight?!”
Wang Wu’s throat was dry, and he couldn’t help swallowing, shocked.
What kind of monster is this!
The Seventh Young Master is actually favored by immortals?
And was given the fairy magic by the fairy in the dream?
Wang Wu thinks.
He must convey the news that he learned today back to the palace intact.
Seventh Young Master, has become completely different!
Whether it is status, or strength, they are completely different.
Especially the overnight success!
This move is simply unprecedented!
An example that is hard to find throughout the ages!
Seventh Young Master is really terrifying!
The news must be truthfully transmitted back to the palace, so that everyone in the Wang family can understand deeply.
from now on.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is no longer the blind son of the past.
It is a terrifying existence that is about to rise!
Wang Fu, absolutely must not easily provoke the Seventh Young Master in the days to come.
Otherwise, it will inevitably cause a heinous disaster!
“A fairy in a dream?”
Yin’s little head was in a mess.
She can feel it.
Between the words of his elder brother Ying Changge, there was a strong sense of self-confidence revealed.
It made her realize.
Brother, it is completely different!
He is no longer the weak and cowardly elder brother of the past.
It’s a strong, domineering, mighty Seventh Prince!
“Brother, it has changed.”
Yin said softly.
“Is it getting better? Or is it getting worse?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile.
“Better! More confident than ever!”
“The elder brother in the past was not so strong and domineering at all.”
“The current elder brother is very good, Yin likes it very much.”
Yin had a pair of jade arms as white as lotus roots, tightly hugging Ying Changge’s right hand, and laughed cheerfully and joyfully from the bottom of her heart.
Chapter 65 Shocking the Wang Family! Juggernaut’s whereabouts news! 【15/15 seeking first order】
at this time.
Wang Wu was still in a state of extreme shock.
He couldn’t believe it in his dreams.
In the pastA blind boy with the power to bind a chicken has transformed into an innate strong man who can be called top-notch in the world!
It’s incredible!
According to Wang Wu’s knowledge of Ying Changge, all the news and information he got showed that.

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