That’s where Koguryo hid grain and grass, and it was a very important granary.
This is where the most important food and grass are. If Ying Changge burns this place down, nothing will go wrong.
Otherwise, just relying on Ying Changge’s army to charge, it may not be able to kill Goguryeo’s army.
Here are the troops of Goguryeo, they have very abundant reserves and supplies.
If you don’t cut off Goguryeo’s retreat, I’m afraid it will be difficult to weaken the opponent’s strength!
Ying Changge, who is bound to win, will not show mercy, but will continue to attack, approaching the granary.
There are so many people, but in Li Shanren’s view, there are not many useful things.
The soldiers have all experienced fighting on the battlefield, but Li Shanren felt that his soldiers did not have much blood.
Once the attack is launched, they will be completely killed, leaving no one behind.
Of course, there is a very obvious difference between Li Shanren’s soldiers and Ying Changge’s soldiers, and the disparity is huge.
The difference between the world and the world cannot be generalized. After Li Shanren experienced the First World War, he was naturally afraid of Ying Changge.
He was afraid that he would be killed by Ying (affa) Changge, and even more afraid that he would die in the hands of the enemy like this.
Form the last line of defense with his own soldiers, if Li Shanren can’t stop Ying Changge, who else?
The figure was swift, as always, and soon, Ying Changge’s army penetrated into this crucial place.
Seeing so many granaries, I believe many of them are well stocked with armaments.
Without hesitation, a sneak attack was made immediately, and Ying Changge’s army began to attack and fight head-on.
The Korean army didn’t even have any defenses, and was directly attacked by Ying Changge’s army.
Their figures were dark, and a large group of people were in groups, quickly approaching.
When the Korean army was on guard, they were suddenly caught off guard by Ying Changge’s army.
Powerless to respond, they were constantly being slaughtered, and a net was laid around the granary.
Ying Changge ordered his soldiers to charge quickly, and everything must be done without delay.
After being defeated by Ying Changge, Li Shanren was already very terrified. He was afraid that only his own army would die.
In the battle with Ying Changge, if Li Shanren’s entire army was wiped out, he would just be terrified.
The only way to survive is to fight cautiously! Li Shanren didn’t dare to fight in a hurry.
1121 Nonstop!
When Ying Changge’s army continued to charge, they couldn’t wait to attack the granary.
There are many reserves of grain and grass around here. Once they are taken, of course it will be a big harvest.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge knew that it was impossible to take away all the food and grass.
Since they can’t take them away, they have to burn all the food and grass directly, so that the Korean army will lose~ loss.
Following the order of King Goguryeo, General Li Shanren soon knew about his transfer.
He has to stop Ying Changge, otherwise, he will be destroyed!
In order to be able to stop Ying Changge and prevent his army from running out of food, he had to kill Ying Changge.
After the battle with Ying Changge, he quickly realized his own shortcomings, and he couldn’t match Ying Changge’s army.
In particular, Ying Changge’s army drove straight in, directly reaching their vital points.
In Goguryeo, the food and grass were all burned together, but the Goryeo army was still waiting persistently.
They formed a large human wall, and then blocked in front of Ying Changge’s army impenetrably.
When Ying Changge charges, he will be slaughtered, and the attack will be blocked easily.
Even so, the Koryo army, which was attacking the stone with the pebble, is still staying here unremittingly.
There are quite a few of them, and their strength is very abundant, and they intercepted them all at once.
Inside and outside the granary are soldiers and horses of the Goryeo army, and they are still waiting persistently.
The soldiers came to block the water and soil, and the Korean army must block all of Ying Changge’s offensives.
They must all be eradicated, and Ying Changge’s army cannot be allowed to penetrate further.
We all know that Ying Changge’s army is powerful, so how could the Goryeo army sit idly by!
Under such an attack, they must form their own army in a panic.
Otherwise, how much time would it take to let Li Shanren block Ying Changge!
Hearing the order of King Goguryeo, Li Shanren of course came non-stop.
He and his army were running fast, and even rushed to the place where Ying Changge was.
This was the fiercest battle on the battlefield, and King Goguryeo couldn’t let the army come to force him to kill him.
In Goguryeo, there are soldiers and horses of Ying Changge everywhere, and there are huge crowds of people, even coming in groups.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
The enemy’s invasion made Li Shanren feel the crisis even more. He knew that he was very anxious.
Everything is urgent, and it is impossible for Li Shanren to let his army fall behind.
If you don’t catch Ying Changge and kill Qin Jun, Goguryeo may be destroyed by then!
For Li Shanren, the ambitious Ying Changge is of course very dangerous and difficult to be hostile.
.. . . 0
Go ahead to dangers. Li Shanren must use all means to stop Ying Changge.
Knowing about Ying Changge’s armyWhen he came to burn the granary, Li Shanren would send troops to stop him.
After untold hardships, he mobilized his troops all the way, and he soon came to the rear of Ying Changge’s army.
There is no need to worry, the only thing Li Shanren has to do is to attack Ying Changge, that’s all.
When Ying Changge continued to invade, he encountered resistance from Li Shanren.
Many soldiers and horses were always moving forward quickly, blocking Ying Changge in a panic.
All of a sudden, Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses were everywhere, and everything happened as Ying Changge expected.
1122 Soldiers enter the field!
Without the order and permission of King Goguryeo, Li Shanren wanted to block all the soldiers and horses.
The approach of Ying Changge’s army is very dangerous. If it continues, King Goguryeo will cease to exist.
But he won’t just be caught without a fight, Li Shanren gritted his teeth and ordered the army to continue charging.
His own army looked like dragons and tigers, Li Shanren had to calmly dispatch them.
Many “257” troops can’t wait to surround them, which is very important to him.
In this battle, Ying Changge must be intercepted. This is all Li Shanren’s hope and hope.
With a quick attack, if Li Shanren let his troops go first, it would be to attack Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge is not afraid at all, their troops are continuing to fight back in an orderly manner.
On the battlefield, in the complete fight, in the shadow of swords and swords, it was all the collision posture of Ying Changge’s army.
The Qin army is brave and fearless, and their battles are very brave, and they still charge quickly.
There was a bang, as if the sky was falling and the ground was falling, and the fighting on the battlefield had already fallen into a more serious situation.
Under the difficult situation, almost no one can stop this kind of fighting, they are still very heroic.
During the battle, Li Shanren was still invincible, he seemed to have no fear anymore.
But Li Shanren knew in his heart that he would not face Ying Changge head-on.
Because there were few troubles, he would easily die under the invasion of Ying Changge’s army.
It was precisely because of his timidity towards Ying Changge that Li Shanren only sent his soldiers to the field.
If Li Shanren were to attack Ying Changge by himself, he would not dare to do so at all.
The army is all fiercely entangled together, they are galloping as always, fighting back and forth.
After constantly looking for Ying Changge’s figure, the Korean army was able to kill Ying Changge!
Especially after knowing that Li Shanren did not participate in the war, Ying Changge felt more at ease.
It’s just that without the figure of the chief general, how could the Goryeo army attack Ying Changge’s army?
Ying Changge and his soldiers charged quickly and penetrated into the encirclement of the enemy.
In a big fight, the blade strikes the cavalry first, and Ying Changge’s man has an unstoppable posture 0  …
In order to be able to kill all the Korean army, Ying Changge will not show mercy, but will fight back.
It would be the best thing to injure Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses so that their strength will never return.
As he approached the key point of Goguryeo, he saw a lot of troops guarding these granaries.
There must be a lot of grain and grass in each granary, which is very rich.
Even if Ying Changge burned down a granary, there are still many granaries guarded by heavy soldiers.
When Ying Changge planned to continue to attack, he was stopped by many troops.
Obeying the orders of King Goguryeo, their men and horses are always traveling one after another.
Rampage, killing enemy generals, many Korean troops died at the hands of soldiers of Ying 5.0 Changge.
The two armies started a battle, in order to destroy the retreat of the rest of the troops, leaving no one behind.
But the Goryeo army is always spreading rapidly, and they are always surrounded in all directions.

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