Just as Li Shanren expected, Ying Changge would not let his archers shoot down the bunker.
The bunker cannot be shot through, so it is just a waste of one’s own troops and armaments.
Ever since, Ying Changge ordered the soldiers under his command to be quiet and not to continue to attack.
Let them all stay together and hide in the bunker, Li Shanren will let them wait patiently.
All of a sudden, the soldiers of Ying Changge and Li Shanren fell silent, and there was no sound on the battlefield.
“Fight flexibly!” Ying Changge’s order went on immediately, “Don’t cause unnecessary casualties.”
Compared with charging into battle, what he values ​​most is protecting the safety of his own army first!
As long as Li Shanren doesn’t attack first, his army can safely wait at 240.
At that time, any fight will be useless, they will only be blocked by Ying Changge’s sword.
If the enemy does not move, I will not move. After finding out Li Shanren’s movements, Ying Changge waited patiently.
It is safe in the bunker for the time being, but Ying Changge will not let his army go to the risk.
As long as you can avoid the opponent, when the time comes, you can directlyThen sneak into the deep interior of the enemy.
Going deep into the enemy’s rear and striking out, this kind of attack is very brave and powerful, which is unexpected.
Li Shanren wanted to intercept Ying Changge, but he couldn’t let (affa) him continue to approach the depths of Goguryeo.
Because judging from the current situation, Ying Changge’s army has already offended the border land.
Entering Goguryeo, the existence of the enemy army is a thorn in Li Shanren’s eyes and a thorn in his flesh.
Cautiously hiding inside the bunker, his expression was concentrated and his eyes were fixed.
This kind of offensive is useless, if the stalemate continues, Li Shanren will only lower his morale.
So, after thinking for a moment, Li Shanren ordered his soldiers to continue charging.
“Give it to me! Kill all the enemy troops, let them all die completely, and there will be no one left!”
Li Shanren was very irritable, he yelled, and rushed forward on his horse.
Since it was Ying Changge who stood still, Li Shanren couldn’t wait here at the same time.
He and his soldiers were all concentrated, charged up quickly, and fought hard.
Knowing that Ying Changge’s army is all inside the fortress, this is a great opportunity!
We can’t stand still, we must continue to fight and kill them all.
Ever since, Li Shanren united with his soldiers and charged forward as usual.
Fighting fiercely, eager to fight, the soldiers quickly approached Ying Changge’s surroundings.
They all look like dragons and tigers, and they will do everything they can to kill Ying Changge.
But even so so what? Don’t you still have to fight to the death with Ying Changge’s army!
If Ying Changge cannot be killed, Li Shanren will not fulfill his dream, which is the first to bear the brunt.
King Goguryeo’s orders have already been issued, and everyone knows to block Ying Changge.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army cannot be stopped, Goguryeo will be directly attacked by Ying Changge’s army.
This is a matter of survival, Li Shanren will not admit defeat, and is still attacking patiently.
Punching and kicking, walking recklessly, every step of Li Shanren was very cautious.
Wherever he went, there was a storm of sand, and the soldiers surrounded Ying Changge from far to near.
1116 Take down the Qin army!
Knowing that Li Shanren’s army started to attack him, Ying Changge didn’t rush, he was calm and composed.
“The whole army counterattacks, get ready.” Ying Changge drew out his sword, aggressively.
The Qin army is also ready to go, they are cautious, and they are unwilling to die recklessly.
When he saw Li Shanren’s army coming to fight, he even showed his own back plan.
Inside the bunker, Ying Changge’s archers continued to shoot arrows, piercing Li Shanren’s soldiers continuously.
The densely packed arrows shot out again, and they all hit the ground in one go.
The soldiers were seriously injured and died. Not only that, but they were shot continuously and fell to the ground one by one.
Seeing the death of his own soldiers, Li Shanren didn’t take it seriously. The sacrifice of soldiers is inevitable.
Ever since, they charged quickly, and a series of people fought hard~ came up.
This is a good opportunity to come from behind, Ying Changge wants to hit Li Shanren’s troops hard.
Under Ying Changge’s quiet command, the soldiers emerged one after another and surrounded them.
When Li Shanren’s soldiers charged forward, Ying Changge’s soldiers started to fight back.
Their fighting is very important, and they are rampant in one go, constantly breaking through their own defenses.
Blood was sprayed, corpses were scattered all over the field, Li Shanren’s men died a lot, and a lot of troops were damaged.
Even so, Li Shanren still refused to give up, he must kill Ying Changge to be satisfied.
With his military power in hand, he couldn’t wait to attack, every blow he made was very hard.
Knocking, knocking, fighting quickly, the sword in his hand hit Li Shanren’s body.
Yijian’s offensive is weak, Li Shanren has no way to kill Ying Changge easily.
He first let his army charge first, so that he might have a chance to take down the Qin army.
The brave and fearless Goryeo army always came to assassinate and try to break through Ying Changge’s soldiers.
However, Ying Changge dispatched troops, and his soldiers were all brave and resourceful, and they were able to fight Li Shanren with ease.
In the bunker, such a fight was nothing special, and he couldn’t catch Ying Changge’s flaw at all.
Especially Li Shanren, he couldn’t wait to make a contribution, in order to wipe out the enemy army.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army is to continue to invade, there are not many people in Goguryeo to deal with it.
Taking advantage of being able to kill Ying Changge now, Li Shanren will go all out and annihilate their entire army.
A lot of troops were lost, and they died under the arrows of Ying Changge’s archers. The loss was heavy.
Seeing such an offensive, Li Shanren was very anxious, he didn’t know what to do.
Helplessly continuing to run around, Li Shanren, who was riding on the horse, was furious and impulsive.
“Continue! Let our army continue to play a role in preventing foreign enemies from invading.”
“This kind of power is our last hope!” Li Shanren ordered his soldiers to charge.
As long as he rushed into Ying Changge’s army, there would be no problem, and he would definitely be able to kill Ying Changge.
From the beginning to the end, Li Shanren’s goal was very simple, that is to behead Ying Changge’s head.
After killing Ying Changge, Li Shanren will be able to protect Goguryeo and fulfill the orders of King Goguryeo.
Things like this are inevitable.
1117 Constant confrontation!
After all, Li Shanren is the general of Goguryeo. He has a mission and must resist Ying Changge’s army.
Very important tasks are on his shoulders, and he is the last hope of Goguryeo.
Guarding this place and guarding the fortress, Li Shanren wants to let Ying Changge’s army never return.
After killing Ying Changge, Li Shanren will be able to make military achievements and get himself promoted.
Li Shanren was ambitious, and always quickly came to attack “Two Forty” and surrounded Ying Changge’s army.
There are so many troops inside and outside the bunker, Ying Changge and Li Shanren’s army started to confront.
Fighting as usual, impatiently approaching, Li Shanren could hardly control him.
You know, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is very powerful, and the power of his sword is really ferocious.
Fighting alone may not be able to kill Ying Changge, so Li Shanren has to use his own soldiers.
So many soldiers hurried forward, approaching the bunker from far and near.
Among the unique styles, the soldiers all showed their formidable strength and ran rampant in unity.
Many soldiers died under the arrows of Ying Changge. They were defeated and blood flowed.
The scarred soldiers were isolated, but they couldn’t easily kill Ying Changge.
The soldiers are constantly fighting, and their soldiers and horses have a murderous posture.
As usual, Li Shanren’s soldiers were inside and outside the bunker, and they seemed to have the upper hand.
However, in the face of Ying Changge’s attack, Ying Changge still looked calm and calm.
Yelang is arrogant, really think that with such a large army, he can stop himself! Ying Changge laughed it off.
With a light wave of his hand, Ying Changge ordered his army to quickly counterattack them.
The arrogant and conceited Li Shanren approached continuously, such a gesture was nothing more than a dying struggle.
Ying Changge was dispatching troops quickly, putting all his soldiers at the front in unity.
There were many loopholes in the front line of the soldiers, and Ying Changge easily broke them.
Especially when Li Shanren charged forward with all his vows, it was just a flash in the pan.
Gathering his forces, Ying Changge let them charge up quickly, blocking Li Shanren for 0…

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