Otherwise, it would be even more dangerous if so many large armies came forward.
Under the First World War, there must be some damage. Their death is doomed to this extraordinary event!
Seeing that Ying Changge’s army had slowed down their offensive, Li Shanren showed a triumphant smile.
Keeping his eyes on Ying Changge’s every move, Li Shanren immediately reprimanded, “` 〃 Just grab it!”
“You do not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, you actually came to attack my army, you are really hitting a stone with an egg!”
Li Shan(Did’s) Ren’s words were very noisy, and even had an unusual harshness, which made Ying Changge frown slightly.
Is it just a Goguryeo army that has such arrogance? That’s really funny!
No words, Ying Changge doesn’t want to talk nonsense with Li Shanren, he just wants to focus on fighting.
They stayed here in solidarity with their soldiers and horses, and soon, they began to fight back and fight.
As always, they continued to charge, and the soldiers fell into a bloody battle.
1110 Dragons without a leader!
Quickly leading the army to meet the enemy, Ying Changge was thinking of a countermeasure to stop Li Shanren’s army.
That is how to break through Li Shanren’s defense! Bunkers are indeed not easy to breach.
With the continuous attack on the inner wall of this fortress, Ying Changge’s army is already a huge worry.
The soldiers who came one after another obeyed Li Shanren’s orders and always went forward to fight as usual.
Their speed is very fast, especially when they come continuously, just to surround Ying Changge.
It is an honor to kill Ying Changge, because such a character is very important to Qin Jun.
After killing such a general, Li Shanren can gain a certain advantage in Goguryeo.
Capture the thief first, capture the king, and after Ying Changge was killed 240, who else would lead the Qin army?
The Qin army has no leader, and there are not many remaining opportunities to attack Goguryeo. There are only a few generals left.
Therefore, Li Shanren still attaches great importance to Ying Changge, even if it is dangerous, he must go all out.
Seeing that the offensive of Ying Changge’s army had slowed down, he showed a happy look.
“Continue charging!” Li Shanren yelled, his voice was very cold, “Kill without mercy!”
“As long as any enemy troops are surrounded, they will be killed and no one will be left alive.”
Li Shanren’s order is very important. Of course, every soldier obeys the military order.
Ying Changge’s army was in a stalemate here, and they could only be here because they were forced by the arrows in the bunker.
All the guys are alive and well, and the soldiers have been planning for a long time, just for today’s battle.
With a big fight and a quick attack, Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses were surrounded from far and near.
When I learned that Ying Changge’s soldiers and horsesWith nowhere to go, Li Shanren felt that his chance had come.
This is a very good opportunity, in order to eradicate them all, leaving no one left.
Continuing to send troops quickly, Li Shanren soon came to Ying Changge.
Condescending, staring at him, holding his weapon, he yelled, “Surrender!”
“In front of me, you have no way (affa) to go, you will definitely die!” Li Shanren laughed.
He was triumphant, and even more brilliant, raising his hand, ready to give the order to attack at any time.
However, it is impossible for Ying Changge to surrender! He is Ying Changge, a famous person.
What’s more, being surrounded by Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses is not a difficult situation for Ying Changge.
He just needs to make a move, and then he will be able to turn big things into small things, and everything will be saved.
The army that will win Changge will stand in a stalemate here, and Li Shanren will be able to kill them all completely.
If he had never heard of Ying Changge, he would not have attacked the enemy so cautiously.
But now, it was Ying Changge who took the initiative to attack, and their army was extremely majestic when they fought.
Such a battle is not easy to stop, not to mention that Ying Changge will continue to fight back unremittingly.
After crossing the Changbai River, on this spacious road, there are only groups of blockhouses left.
Many bunkers are very hard, not easy to break through, and the defense is very strict.
It is impossible for a few people to break through this bunker, and Li Shanren is full of confidence in this.
The troops are strong, and Ying Changge ordered them to guard the place and continue to wait patiently.
1111 The army is now!
No matter how many people charge forward, as long as they die, they will die completely.
Ying Changge’s army was still alive and well before, but now they are surrounded by direct suppression.
The outer circle is full of Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses. Ying Changge and Li Shanren have a sworn hatred.
Clenching his fist tightly, he stared at Ying Changge intently. Now Li Shanren is looking forward to it very much.
Now that he has seen Ying Changge’s stubborn expression, Li Shanren will not tolerate it anymore, he has a chance to win.
You can’t let the tiger go back to the mountain, but you must wipe out Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses in one go, leaving no one behind!
What needs to be done now is very simple, that is to order soldiers to encircle and kill them.
“Not one left!” Li Shanren simply ordered, and the army began a mighty attack.
The crowded troops were all patiently resisting, and they couldn’t wait to kill Ying Changge’s troops.
The rest of the soldiers were fighting patiently. Li Shanren’s men charged quickly amidst the shadow of swords and swords.
Riding on the horse, speeding up the horse, their people surrounded Ying Changge around.
There are so many troops in all directions, and the enemy troops are surrounded at once.
This kind of battle cannot be tolerated, and what Li Shanren needs most is Ying Changge’s head.
As long as Ying Changge’s head is cut off, he will have nothing to worry about.
At the moment of the army, many people are very fierce, and the soldiers do everything possible to fight.
Especially with Li Shanren’s order, it is impossible for them to stop, but they are deterring Ying Changge.
Even though he was caught in such a battle, he was still running rampant and fighting desperately.
Under the First World War, many people died in this way, and they showed panicked expressions.
Under such a battle, not many people can leave alive, but they will be constantly involved.
They were killed and wounded. Under such an attack, they had already suffered a crushing defeat, which was very miserable.
Li Shanren burst out laughing seeing so many of the soldiers swearing in their gestures.
“Ying Changge! You won’t live long today! You will just die, that’s all!”
He and his soldiers marched with all their strength, and quickly surrounded Ying Changge.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
In the cracks of the fortress, Ying Changge and his army are attacking step by step.
They raised the weapons in their hands, came forward to fight back with all their teeth and claws, trying to kill Ying Changge.
However, with such an offensive, how could it be possible to intercept them! It must be a dead end!
Standing up indifferently, Li Shanren, who was riding on the horse, had extraordinary strength, “Come on!”
.. . . 0
“Even if we can’t kill them now, if we continue to charge forward, they will definitely die!”
Li Shanren, who is full of confidence, feels that his offense will be seamless, without any flaws.
When the army is surrounded bravely and fearlessly, they will die, or even be defeated.
This level of troops is very strong, but they can’t kill them at all, and they are caught in a tug of war.
Leading his own army to surround and approach, Li Shanren’s eyes were full of anticipation.
His life is precious, especially the life and death of Goguryeo, which rests on Li Shanren’s shoulders.
Quickly fighting and attacking together, Ying Changge was surrounded by a lot of troops.
1112 Take it easy!
By killing Ying Changge, Li Shanren and his army will be able to control the final victory.
Otherwise, if so many guys always come chattering, they may not be able to win.
As expected of Lee Sun In! He himself admires himself very much, who else can be competent except Li Shanren?
As usual, many troops were dispatched by Li Shanren to attack Ying Changge.
Although Ying Changge’s big “240” army was trapped here, they did not fall into any crisis.It is impossible for such soldiers to stop there, because they know their strength.
Taking control of the advantage, the cavalry went first, and the archers shot arrows. For Li Shanren, it was a two-pronged approach.
Attacking left and right, many of Ying Changge’s soldiers were trapped here together, and they won a complete victory!
Complacent, he felt that he would be the last battle, because Ying Changge’s life would not be protected.
If they were eradicated and killed directly, Li Shanren would wipe out Ying Changge’s army and leave no one behind.
Looking forward to the continued charge of these armies, he does not want any shifts and changes.

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