Such a sword is very brave, and it hits Ying Changge’s chest, trying to stab him to death.
Such a sword is really mediocre, it is impossible to break open Ying Changge’s internal organs.
Seeing this sword, Meng Tian beside him even planned to come to support and block the blow.
1094 Arrogance!
However, Ying Changge’s skill does not need Meng Tian’s help, he can fight alone.
When Jin Taiying’s sword was about to pierce Ying Changge, Ying Changge raised his sword.
With a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge easily blocked Jin Taiying’s murderous sword.
He smiled contemptuously at the unmoving fighting force, and immediately turned his head to fight back.
The blade of the sword swung fiercely like a tiger, and such a sword was full of the breath of Ying Changge’s sure to kill.
There was a clanging sound, and Jin Taiying took two steps back directly from the impact, his expression was very embarrassing.
Panting to control his sword, Jin Taiying’s tired body bent down.
Like an old man, Kim Tae-young is like an old man, fragile and out of shape.
Lingering calmly and calmly, Ying Changge didn’t put down the sword in his hand, and was still murderous.
“It’s ridiculous for you, a general with a lot of attack power, to want to kill me!”
“So what! You are just an ordinary general, how can you lead an army to attack me〃`!”
Goguryeo’s army is still around, and many of them are breathing their last breath.
worryStaying here bravely, Jin Taiying knew that his future was in the hands of Ying Changge.
“I must help Goguryeo conquer the land to the ends of the earth, north and south!”
Even if Jin Taiying said so, after Ying Changge heard it, he just smiled plainly.
Such arrogant and conceited words can only be said by Kim Tae-young, how ridiculous!
Holding the weapon in his hand, Ying Changge no longer hesitated, he would not let the tiger go back to the mountain.
Especially Kim Tae-young, who is always looking for his own troubles one after another, trying to ambush himself.
Thanks to Ying Changge who brought Meng Tian by his side instead of other shrimp soldiers and crab generals!
Otherwise, facing Jin Taiying’s siege today, it would not be easy for Ying Changge to break through the siege!
Seeing the resolute look on Ying Changge’s face, Jin Taiying smiled arrogantly.
“You won Changge, but it’s just a waste of fame. Your ability and mine are just equal!”
“If it weren’t for my mistake in today’s plan, you would definitely be able to die under my soldiers.”
The swearing Kim Tae-young vented the anger in his heart, he was roaring incompetently!
After hearing Jin Taiying’s words, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “Death struggle!”
“‘ 〃If you are captured now, you might be able to leave the whole body behind, that’s for sure!”
“I don’t care! Since you want to fight, I will fight. I have great ambition!” Jin Taiying was not to be outdone.
After he met Ying Changge, Jin Taiying continued to attack and fought hard.
Jianfeng attacked bravely and fought as usual, and Jin Taiying’s figure rushed forward again.
Jin Taiying moved quickly, like a tiger descending a mountain, and fell directly in front of Ying Changge.
“The frog at the bottom of the well!” Ying Changge raised his hand contemptuously, easily blocking his attack.
The lively Jin Taiying is just showing off, but he can’t kill Ying Changge at all.
He raised the edge of his sword and struck out easily, cutting through Jin Taiying’s arm.
The injured Jin Taiying was very frightened, and quickly retreated while holding his sword.
At this moment, Kim Tae-young looked back and found that the soldiers he had brought had been almost killed.
1095 Archers in the distance!
Only Kim Tae-young knew that all the guys he brought were elite soldiers.
Now, not only did Meng Tian almost kill them, he was even attacking the archers in the distance.
Seeing that the situation was wrong, those archers retreated immediately, and they quickly turned around and fled.
At this moment, Jin Taiying quickly raised his sword, fought back with all his strength, and fought together.
He understood that at this moment he could only rely on himself, and he saw that his soldiers escaped quickly.
Such a group of deserters escaped directly from Meng Tian’s hands, how could they continue to fight against Meng Tian!
Within a few hundred steps, there is no one else! Kim Tae Young is already very desperate.
How can one person win 223 fights! How to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian!
Standing here helplessly, Kim Tae-young held his sword with a fierce look in his eyes, “Go to hell!”
Even if he is alone, he still has to attack seriously, this is all his strength!
Opening his teeth and claws, he rushed forward aggressively, and Jin Taiying’s sword shone with unusual brilliance.
Standing here unhurriedly, Ying Changge raised his arm to block him immediately, blocking him directly.
The pace of advancement stopped immediately, and Jin Taiying, who was panting like a cow, felt his embarrassment. (affa)
Being in a hurry, he wouldn’t just continue the stalemate like this, he knew he would end up dead!
There is no way back, Kim Tae-young needs to go forward and continue to fight back.
Walking vigorously, the murderous Jin Taiying slashed all the swords in his hands down.
If Ying Changge is not killed, he will not let it go. He has long been used to fighting alone.
Therefore, he was still concentrating on fighting the enemy, and the weapon in Jin Taiying’s hand was still stabbing him in the head.
Such an unremarkable guy really went all the way to the dark, and he didn’t care about himself.
Ying Changge, who looked calm, swung his sword deftly, and his sword skills were unpredictable.
Even Jin Taiying, who was close at hand, could not kill Ying Changge, because his sword skills were mediocre.
The mediocre Goguryeo general is about to die here today! This is a good thing!
After killing Goguryeo’s army, Ying Changge’s road to conquer the enemy’s country will be more unimpeded!
With a satisfied smile, Ying Changge raised his sword and prepared to chop off his head with ease!
Seeing Ying Changge’s Jian Feng coming in front of him, Jin Taiying was frightened and terrified.
He frantically raised his sword and hastily blocked the blow, only to save himself.
He blocked Ying Changge’s sword, but he might not be able to block the second and third moves one after another.
Confused, Kim Tae-young’s face was pale when he was persecuted, and he looked terrified.
Holding his weapon tightly, Kim Tae-young is already ready for the final battle.
Otherwise, if he is really going to be killed by Kim Tae-young, then he will have no way to retreat.
Gritting his teeth and clenching his weapon tightly, he was always chattering to attack and kill Ying Changge.
Jin Taiying’s sword moves are very dexterous, but that’s all, it’s not worth mentioning to Ying Changge.
With a click, the sword edge in Jin Taiying’s hand was easily blocked, and even split into two.
After cutting off Jin Taiying’s sword, Ying Changge raised the sword and put it on his neck.
1096 An deployment map!”How about it! Now you will be a ghost! Your death will help me a lot!”
It is a very cost-effective thing for Ying Changge to lose one enemy general!
Ever since, Ying Changge no longer hesitated, and the sword in his hand cut off Jin Taiying’s neck at once.
Blood splattered five steps, blood stained the ground, and even Ying Changge’s sword was covered with blood.
Kneeling here, Kim Tae-young was beheaded without even having time to struggle and howl.
The head fell to the ground, and the painful Kim Tae-young just trembled, and then died like this.
Seeing Jin Taiying’s corpse in front of him, he knew that some results had finally been achieved.
The general of Goguryeo died in this way. After his death, Ying Changge’s road was much more stable.
“Let’s go!” Ying Changge smiled in satisfaction, the person who wanted to kill himself died in the end.
Without Jin Taiying’s obstruction, everything will be very safe, and Ying Changge will continue to lead his own army.
Just when Ying Changge was about to leave, Meng Tian saw something fall-out.
This fell from Kim Tae-young’s armor, and it must have not been properly kept.
Ever since, Meng Tian immediately squatted down and pulled the thing out of the gap in Jin Taiying’s armor.
After looking carefully, he suddenly realized that it was a defense plan, which is very important.
Overjoyed, Meng Tian immediately handed the map to Ying Changge and explained it carefully.
After hearing the news, Ying Changge immediately reached out to take it, “This is a great gift!”
“Yes!” Meng Tian appeared beside Ying Changge, looked at it carefully, “Very detailed!”
“Any roads and defenses are recorded on this map, and we have many opportunities to break through!”
Understood! Nodding suddenly, Ying Changge smiled, “This is a great thing!”

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